I've realised that I have a (big) car and (perhaps one of Sweden's biggest) car blogs ... but no driving licence. It's not that I don't want a driving licence in principle, on the contrary! When we travel far with the motorhome, it would be smart if we both had a driving licence. What if Peter gets sick, for example ...
Why don't I have a driving licence?
So why don't I have a driving licence then? Well, the actual driving was well received at the time when I actually half-heartedly tried. Then I haven't had any great need for it. I've always lived in a central location and the public transport connections in Stockholm are very good.
Today, getting a driving licence is not an option because it would take time and cost money, and I would also have to learn to drive a very large car. Of course, it would be practical and convenient if we both had a licence!
However, I have no feminist perspective whatsoever on this ... which I have discovered that some others have. When they discover that I am "dependent" on my husband, they get upset and try to support me to get a driving licence to become "independent"...?
How do you think?
I don't see it this way at all, but I'm interested in your thoughts? And what is the situation in your home - who has a driving licence?

Role o Carina says:
Yes we both have a driving licence, I (Rolle) have the whole alphabet in my!!!
But it is usually me who drives the most anyway!!!
The wife sometimes drives too, which is fortunate!
Have a nice weekend/Kram
07 March 2014 - 20:11
Alexandra says:
We both have a driving licence. I got mine as soon as I turned 18, I've known since I was a kid that I wanted a licence as soon as I turned 18. I love driving and having a car and the freedom to go wherever I want whenever I want. We probably drive as much and often. 🙂
07 March 2014 - 21:00
BP says:
We also both have a driving licence. Took mine when I was 18, husband took his 10 years later - nothing feminine here either;-)
I would like to turn the tables: getting a driving licence to become "independent" is a ridiculous way of looking at it. However, I would not want to be dependent on my husband in all situations where the car is needed/used.
PS. In our house I do most of the driving because I think it's fun. My husband is more of a motorbike person. DS
07 March 2014 - 21:44
Ditte says:
We both have a driving licence and I've had mine for a long time. I think the car has given me a lot of freedom. And when the children were small and in their teens and the preschool was not within walking distance, it made it easier to have both a car and a driving licence. In addition, we then lived in Upplands Väsby, which is a vast municipality.
One daughter swam competitively and played football, so it was nice to be able to drive to and from competitions from time to time....
Today we don't use the car much, as we live in the city centre, but having the possibility to use it is important to me.
If you don't want to spend a lot of money on a licence, you can practice driving with someone, learn the theory yourself and take some driving lessons before the test. I wouldn't pay to go to driving school alone. I didn't do it when I was young and I wouldn't do it now.
Maybe it will be a driving licence for you too...
07 March 2014 - 22:45
Eva in Athens says:
I got my licence when I was 19 or 20, but never really drove. When we lived in Crete I didn't think I needed to drive either, most things were within walking distance. When we moved to Athens 7 years ago I started driving because I really needed to and now I love driving! And it's lucky that I'm single since six months ago.
I have added your nice blog to my blog list and hope to be on your list of foreign blogs...:)
Have a great weekend! ☼
07 March 2014 - 23:21
admin says:
Rolle, it's good that both have even if one drives more, that's how I sometimes think...
Alexandra, it's probably easiest if you get your driving licence straight away! Feels more difficult to make it happen later in life ...
BP, in everyday life I don't feel the least bit dependent, everything works with public transport. But on holiday in the camper van, it's clear that we are dependent on Peter's driving licence...
Ditte, I understand that the car can provide freedom and that it is very good for taking children here and there! Peter uses the car at work, and then it is good sometimes when you have to transport things... not as easy on the subway, I must admit... haha.
Eva in Athens, good thing you had your driving licence then! Thanks for the link! I will immediately add your blog!
08 March 2014 - 8:48
Henny says:
In Norrbotten we do not have any public transport to boast about. The buses operate on school children's terms when it comes to times. The trains are for taking goods south, to put it bluntly, so we've both had driving licences since the age of 18. Of course, there is no subway or commuter train at all.
I dare to drive the motorhome on major roads, it's a bit difficult to judge how wide we are, so in the cities it's the husband who sits behind the wheel. I drive sometimes, mostly to dare if the regular driver would be bad or so. Try to get a driving licence, it's safe to have.
08 March 2014 - 9:51
Mr Steve says:
We both have a driving licence but I don't drive anymore. I simply have no desire to drive anymore and don't feel comfortable behind the wheel. Stopped driving 3 years ago when we switched to D's favourite car, a Jeep Patriot. Then chose not to adapt it to my needs.
It was different when I had my stroke in 2001. Then it was very important for me to be able to drive a car again. I had to get a new driving licence, which became a kind of proof that I was still able to do the things I had done before. Today I no longer have any need to prove anything. What I can do is enough for me and what I can't do I've come to terms with.
When I need to go somewhere, D gives me a lift. A bit luxurious actually.
08 March 2014 - 10:10
Anders and Birgitta says:
We both have driving licences, so it feels safe that both of us can drive if something should happen, one of us gets sick or something like that. Anders, who was a professional driver when he worked, naturally takes the lead, but I know I can do it too.
08 March 2014 - 10:26
Anna Granström says:
I don't have a driving licence either! Typical Stockholm syndrome. I own half a car... I had a driving licence when I got pregnant, I'm going to do it again...
08 March 2014 - 10:39
Lena & Jan says:
My first job after getting my driving licence was as a traffic instructor (as it was called in those days) in 1962. The higher licence now lasts until I'm 80 years old, but I don't think I'll be driving around in the Concord by then. My husband has all the necessary licences as he has been a professional driver.
My advice is; get a driving licence, you will have EVEN more fun!
08 March 2014 - 10:41
Lena Dyche says:
Good luck to you! I took my card many, many years ago and have almost always lived in the countryside, so almost a must!
08 March 2014 - 11:22
Pumita says:
Well, I don't have a driving licence and to be honest it doesn't feel like a handicap when there is almost always someone else who wants to drive. And does it better than I would, with poor co-ordination etc. Good riddance!
08 March 2014 - 12:07
admin says:
Henny, I understand that a driving licence is even more important if you live in Norrland or other places in the country. In Stockholm, you can go a long way on public transport ...
Steve, it's nice not to feel like you have to prove anything. I also like being driven! And Peter likes to drive...
Anders and Birgitta, that's how I think sometimes. Peter would do most of the driving anyway, but it's good to have in case...
Anna Granström, I also think it's a typical Stockholm syndrome! You can manage so well without it here ...
Lena & Jan, you really do have a good driving licence! and the Concord is not so small either...
Lena Dyche, I understand that it is a must if you live in the countryside! I don't know if it will happen for me, but I think about it sometimes.
Pumita, I don't have good co-ordination skills either... I also find it hard to think clearly when I'm stressed. Maybe not so good in traffic perhaps...
08 March 2014 - 15:24
Scottish Moments says:
I have a driving licence, took it in Sweden, but since I moved to Scotland I have hardly driven at all. My husband drives and I've become comfortable. But now things are going to change, it is intended. We'll see how it goes. Left-hand traffic feels a bit scary ...
Anyway, if you're hungry for tea, feel free to check in with me because I'm giving away Scottish tea again on the blog this weekend:)
08 March 2014 - 17:18
cia says:
We both have a driving licence, but as long as I am in the car, it is always me (Cia) who drives. I love to drive and the old man loves to sleep ;).
12 March 2014 - 16:59