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New kitchen window

Today we have been busy replacing our kitchen window with a new one. All the windows in the houseboat will be replaced. We want triple-glazed windows everywhere and in several places there will be much larger windows than today. We have also bought windows where the wood is protected by aluminium, so that they are more resistant to the weather.


Window replacement in the houseboat

Some of the windows will not be changed until we take the boat ashore, but we will change some before that. Of course, any work that can be done before the boat is brought ashore makes things easier. At least the first window is now changed!

Arbete pågår och Peter funderar över hur han ska gå vidare
Work in progress and Peter is thinking about how to proceed
Fönsterbyte husbåt
The neighbour came by and thought it looked like a hot dog stand ...
Det nya fönstret är på plats - och vi fick en helt ny utsikt!
The new window is in place - and we got a whole new view!

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