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The future of travelling - almost here

In the future, we will be able to hear and feel the destination from the comfort of our sofa, and a digital travelling companion in our wristband will help us book the trip. This is revealed in Skyscanner's new report. And perhaps the future is not so far away...


Digital travel buddies and semantic search sites

The Future of Travel 2024 states that we will all have digital travelling companionson our phones or jewellery, suggesting trips based on individual preferences. We will also be able to "try out" different destinations with virtual tools. For example, we will be able to go up the Eiffel Tower even before we get there. Travel planning will be done with the help of semantic search siteswhich knows what the customer wants by interpreting their online behaviour.

Sweden's first digital travel agency

Well, that will come in the future, I thought. Then I saw that the site Resfeber is launching "Sweden's first digital travel agency". They write that the site is unique and differs from other travel sites by taking into account the customer's online behaviour. Ok, it has already started, I think... What do you think? Are you looking forward to the new technology or are you sighing tiredly and thinking "it was better before"?

Boracay - värme i vinter

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