It's almost time! At the beginning of June, the houseboat will go ashore for five weeks of renovation. The schedule is tight. Already on the first day, scaffolding will be placed around the entire boat.
Booked entrepreneurs
Several different contractors (plumbers, blacksmiths, sheet metal workers) are booked in different weeks, as well as Peter's brother, son and nephew who will come and help. Some materials (windows and doors) have already been ordered. Others need to be ordered, and preferably show up on time. So a lot of logistics!
Preparing for the lift
What have we done today? Peter has mainly been counting and planning, while I have started packing glasses and crockery into moving boxes. I've never been involved in lifting a boat before, but I guess it's good if there's no crockery rattling in the cupboards ... We've also made a little trip with the metro to Hornbach in Hallonbergen, Sundbyberg, to order materials. This is going to be very exciting ...!

BP says:
It's probably lucky that you like to work and tinker and build and...
Today was at least the right weather for packing glass and crockery, although as a layman I don't understand why you can't lash down everything on a houseboat....
No, I stay here at home in our apartment that cannot be taken on land and only undergoes a (failed) trunk replacement every 40 years, which is also paid for by HSB;-).
This comment was made by one (or rather two) with the thumb in the middle of the hand and not even visited Hornbach, but we have checked Bauhaus;-).
30 May 2014 - 23:11
Ditte says:
The logistics are important! But it should go well. And of course it will be exciting to lift the "home" and see what is hiding underneath...
Understand that you have a lot of work ahead of you, but what an exciting, varied and creative life it will be.
I will follow your great work and will once again express admiration for all the energy and commitment you have. But it will also be beautiful!
30 May 2014 - 23:24
Yvonné says:
I used to lift up the boat every year when I had one, but I've never lifted up my home. It's exciting to see what the hull looks like and it will go well with the logistics.
31 May 2014 - 0:19
admin says:
BP, some things can be secured, but I don't know how to secure wine glasses in a kitchen cabinet...? Replacing the trunk is a bit of a hassle, but... unsuccessful? What has happened?
Ditte, thanks for the encouragement! It will be incredibly exciting indeed!
Yvonne, yes, smaller boats are lifted, of course... The difference here is that it's our home, and the interior is not built to be at sea... but to lie still at the quay...
31 May 2014 - 8:10
Mr Steve says:
It all sounds very exciting. I hope the contractors stay on schedule. Good luck!
31 May 2014 - 9:57
ActiveDays says:
Following the process with excitement 🙂
31 May 2014 - 10:38
Ama de casa says:
Really exciting! And that thing about picking out glasses and crockery is probably a smart thing...
31 May 2014 - 11:06
Towis - Come fly with me says:
I am also excited - my first boat lift 🙂 .
31 May 2014 - 21:12
Joanna says:
I really look forward to following this! So exciting 🙂 but will go well! Peter seems more than prepared and thoughtful! 🙂
01 June 2014 - 10:49
JOhanna says:
What a huge project! But smart that you can lift up the home like that :). Just want to greet and say congratulations until it is soon time for the dissertation as well. Hugs from Uppsala!
04 June 2014 - 21:03
admin says:
Johanna, how nice to hear from you! Following your interesting activities with podcasts and books and other things on FB and the blog. Sooo fun with the book!
04 June 2014 - 21:33