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Caring for a steel hull

The houseboat was on land in 2012, when the previous owner had the hull blasted and painted. In other words, the board the hull should be fine, but it doesn't seem to be. We brought in an expert yesterday who went around the boat and measured the thickness of the paint with different technical devices, which we have never seen before.


The colour is too thin

The paint should apparently be at least 250 micrometres thick. Otherwise the water can penetrate the paint and access the steel hull. According to the measuring equipment, the paint layer was significantly thinner than 250 almost everywhere below the waterline ... What exactly were they doing in 2012, one might wonder?

Caring for a steel hull

So we have to look at the hull! We have started sanding it a little lightly now, in order to be able to paint it again. The plan is to do two coats of two-component paint. We also plan to get new zinc anodes, that is, those little "blocks" you see at the bottom of the hull. They're there to protect the boat's metal from corrosion, and should apparently be replaced from time to time. In other words, we are very busy ... Good thing the weather is so nice to work in!


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