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Motorhome in other languages

Talking about motorhomes in other languages is quite difficult, especially in English. Here, we've made an attempt to clarify the concepts, but it's not easy, so we welcome your input on this, as well as any corrections! What words do you use and how do you understand them?


Motorhome in English

Let's start by finding out what motorhome means in English. It should be simple, you might think, but it's not quite that simple. When we rented a motorhome in New Zealand, it was "motorhome". Here in Europe, many times "camper" seems to work. But there are actually even more words. Here's a little summary of words and terms we've come across:

  • Recreational Vehicle (RV) = Umbrella term for all types of motorhomes (USA)
  • Motorhome = slightly larger and more comfortable motorhome with 2-6 beds (UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand)
  • Campervan = slightly smaller motorhome with 2-3 beds
  • Winnebago = A brand of motorhome, but sometimes it feels like the word is used a bit more generally...? (USA)
  • Camper = Seems to refer primarily to pickup trucks with bodywork, but also other (smaller?) motorhomes, especially in Europe.
  • Camping car = Motorhome... seems to be the French word, but you can see it here and there...?
Den här husbilen reste vi runt med i Nya Zeeland vintern 2006-2007 - där kallades den "motorhome"
This motorhome we travelled around New Zealand in the winter of 2006-2007 - there it was called "motorhome".

Caravan in English

While we're at it, we might as well find out what a caravan is called in English. "Caravan" is probably the quick answer to this question, but there are also a few other words and terms that might be useful to know. Here is a summary:

  • Caravan = Caravan
  • Travel trailer/Trailer = Caravan (USA)
  • Fifth wheel trailer = A caravan attached to the top of a pick-up truck instead of the back (USA)
  • Mobile home = Mobile home or larger caravan, parked on a site permanently
Green Acres Caravan and Camping Park
Caravans on an Irish campsite

Motorhome in other languages

What about motorhomes in other languages? We look at motorhomes in a few more languages that are commonly encountered when travelling by motorhome:

  • Danish = Motorhome
  • Norwegian = Motorhome
  • German = camper van
  • French = Camping car
  • Italian = Camper
  • Spanish = Autocaravana
Motorhome camping on Lake Garda

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