When you start a huge project like rebuilding an old houseboat, the road ahead is not straightforward. Every time we take a few steps forward, there are also a few steps back...
We are constantly trying to find solutions to the problems that arise, but sometimes you get tired. Here are some of the problems we are currently facing.
Problems and solutions
- problemThe plastering company does not come to install the roof, and we do not have time to search for new companies and wait for them to come. Solution: We build the roof ourselves, but it will be cardboard instead of sheet metal.
- problem: After the last thunderstorm, there is no electricity where the boat is parked, and we cannot use any machines. Solution: Plastering and painting for now... and keep nagging the marina to fix the electricity.
- problem: I have pain in one leg, which makes it difficult for me to stand/sit down, and sometimes difficult to sleep. Solution: Have been to the Emergency Department, done an ultrasound and been told that it is a harmless "baker's cyst" (fluid accumulation) in the knee fold....
- problem: Some idiot has driven into the footstep of the campervan, breaking it, and then drove off... Solution: Put your foot down, put your head in the sand, and pretend it didn't happen...

JoY says:
You are good at finding solutions when things go wrong.
Damn bad luck with your knee, hope it gets better soon. And the person who broke their footstep, just say Grrrrrrr.
Hugs Yvonné
06 August 2014 - 9:49
Ditte says:
Unfortunately, it is true that an accident rarely comes alone. Very sad with setbacks and especially those that could be sorted out if someone got going. Boring with the footstep! Grrr...
Maybe it's time to rest your knee in shape? Just a thought!
Thinking of you! And soon it will turn around.
06 August 2014 - 9:53
Lennart says:
You have had many setbacks during the "Houseboat Journey" and solved them all!
You will come out of this stronger and have so many memories to share!
06 August 2014 - 9:57
Aniika says:
Go, go, go! I'm burying my head in the sand most of the time right now, hoping for brighter times ahead.
06 August 2014 - 12:28
Ann-Mari says:
As long as there is a solution to the problem, there is hope - but I imagine it must be frustrating....
Can wine help your mood ;)?
06 August 2014 - 13:29
Frankie & Co says:
Sigh - but I believe in you! It will be fixed in one way or the other because that way you have luck/inventiveness in the bad luck with all the j-ness! Keep it up!!!
06 August 2014 - 16:30
admin says:
Yes, we try, but sometimes it feels tricky... The footstep, I just say!
Ditte, it's true... I don't really know what's going on with my knee. In fact, I get the most pain when I lie still and sleep... hmmm. I will wait and see if it goes away, otherwise I will have to check it again. At least I know that it is not dangerous.
Lennart, I'm sure it will be...
Aniika, sometimes you have to do it...!
Ann-Mari, yes, a glass of wine is good sometimes... but if it's too much, it just gets harder to deal with things later...
Frankie & Co, nice to have someone who believes in us!!!
06 August 2014 - 22:20
Mr Lars Permelin says:
The idea of being dependent on tradesmen who don't come and do the job on time is a familiar one.
I think you have enough to worry about and should not have to deal with a hit-and-run driver.
06 August 2014 - 23:02
Ama de casa says:
It's good to find solutions, and you seem to be good at it!
Sticking your head in the sand is always a way to...
07 August 2014 - 10:58
Cat's Considerations says:
You do get tired! I understand exactly... Sorry about the roofing company, hope your infection in the leg heals and that you get your strength back. Fixing the electricity shouldn't be a huge problem, one might think. right?
we have also had a number of setbacks, e.g. there was no reinforcement in the cast floors under a 300 l ground source heat pump, it was the old galvanised pipes in the house that held everything together. So when old pipes were pulled out, it started to crack in two other rooms... But, but now we have new cast floors and are a few weeks behind schedule, but it's still OK. Good luck with the continuation.
08 August 2014 - 7:41
admin says:
Lars Permelin, I guess we're not alone in having that kind of problem with craftsmen. But we are a bit unaccustomed to bringing in craftsmen, as we usually do most things ourselves ...
Ama de casa, sometimes burying your head in the sand feels like the right thing to do...
Katta, you are absolutely right, the electricity was only a temporary problem, which has already been solved. I hear that you have also encountered setbacks. Maybe that's what happens when you start a project like this... you have to keep going and not lose your appetite!
08 August 2014 - 21:58
Deciree says:
I had missed this post. But I really feel sorry for you. What a mess. And there are plenty of idiots ... when they hit the motorhome and just leave. A little annoyed you can get. I really hope that you start to feel better. And that everything will be finished and fine with the boat too. But you are really so good:)
09 August 2014 - 22:33