Then we have moved back into the houseboat, after ten weeks in the motorhome. There were 12 (!) moving boxes from the motorhome. Completely incomprehensible considering that we don't even move household goods with us ...
Back in the houseboat
Now we are trying to get used to life on the houseboat again. It feels sooo big after living ten weeks in a motorhome. And it feels incredibly luxurious - both the space and the view!
Ditte says:
How nice! Understand that it feels luxurious with all the space and most of it completely new. Lovely view! And as I think your houseboat is the finest. The aqua villas may be large, but in my opinion spoil the view somewhat. And how nice everything is!
31 August 2014 - 21:32
Ulla & Torgny says:
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
Moving fish instead of moving porridge.......what kind of fish is it?
31 August 2014 - 22:12
BP says:
Absolutely marvellous! At last! Oh soooo incredibly nice it has become! Am soooo impressed with you and your expertise in construction!
Grilled seabream - which, by the way, is a sea bass that Marit googled - is so delicious! Have made this dish three times this summer and it was a success every time. Have even blogged about the seabream:-)
PS. Have you also got a computer corner or do you share the one that exists? DS.
31 August 2014 - 23:07
Aila says:
How does it feel? Looks so nice...
01 September 2014 - 7:10
Deciree says:
Ohhh so fun for you:) I would love the view there too:-) ...but on land:-)) Very nice. Super congratulations to you.
01 September 2014 - 7:14
admin says:
Ditte, thank you for the nice praise!
Ulla & Torgny, haha, yes fish is better than porridge! Seabream or gold sparid is called it in the fish counter, some kind of sea bass apparently. Super good!
BP, thank you for your kind words!!! I like my laptop in the kitchen... Peter wants to do music and have a lot of speakers and stuff, so he needs a permanent place.
Aila, it feels fantastic! And sooo big... compared to the motorhome. Just getting used to the rocking now...
Deciree, thank you! The view is super!
01 September 2014 - 7:25
Lennart says:
Must feel good after a lot of effort and trouble!!!
01 September 2014 - 7:57
Helga says:
You have been amazing! Congratulations on the move back!
I'm glad you liked the houseboat picture in my blog!
01 September 2014 - 12:32
Inga M says:
How nice it has become! Congratulations on a great job and good results!
02 September 2014 - 8:07
joy says:
I have missed this post! Lovely light with new windows, looks so much bigger.
Congratulations to you.
05 September 2014 - 10:52
admin says:
Lennart, thank you! Yes, it feels great!
Helga, thank you! Yes, it was fun and unexpected with a different houseboat!
Inga M, thank you very much!
JoY, I'm glad you think so. It IS bigger, but it's also brighter and has bigger windows.
05 September 2014 - 20:02