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Preparing for a long journey

As you know, we're preparing for the long journey with the motorhome. But how do you actually do that? Well, we don't really know, but so far the preparations have mainly been about everything that needs to be fixed at home. Here you can see a small list of things we are doing. Feel free to tell us what else we should think about!


Things to prepare for the long journey

  • Closing tasks - I have taken a leave of absence and since most of my tasks are in project form, there is a lot to be finalised or handed over.
  • Letting the accommodation at home - In order to travel, we have to rent out our home. All the practicalities of this need to be sorted out and the renter might also need some kind of... manual?
  • Cleaning and clearing - As we are going to rent out, we have to empty the house of clothes and other personal items. We have a storage room, but it's not very big. So it's time for a big clean!
  • Arranging insurance - We need insurance for our home, motorhome and ourselves. It's a big job to find out which ones cover what and which ones have the lowest price...
  • Reducing expenditure - When you get rid of income, you also have to get rid of expenses. We go through all the bills and remove anything we don't need (or can't afford), such as phones and the internet.
  • Redirect mail - We would prefer to have mail delivered not to the letterbox but to the e-mail, and there are many companies that need to be informed about this. At the same time, we have some e-mail addresses that will disappear, so those e-mails must also be redirected.
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