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Destinations and hotels of the future


In the future, we will be travelling in space and underwater. And when we check into a hotel room, it doesn't matter if we've forgotten our toothpaste - there's a 3D printer that allows us to print new ones. Yesterday we attended a press event where Skyscanner presented the latest instalment of their report on the future of travel.


Technology and experiences

This part was about destinations and hotels. So where do we travel in the future and how do we stay on holiday? Below you can read about the travel phenomena of the future. Does this appeal to you?

  1. High-tech hotel rooms - In the hotel rooms of the future, you can vitamin C-enrich the shower water and choose colour therapy lighting. There may even be 3D printers so you can print toothpaste or soap ...
  2. Space travel - As early as 2016, World View Enterprises will take passengers into space for the low price of $75 000. By 2024, tourists will be able to travel around the Earth in the inner orbit.
  3. Underwater adventures - Entire hotel facilities will be placed under water. There are already hotels with underwater rooms, such as the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai.
  4. Dinner clubs - In the future, we want personalised and genuine travel experiences, which is why there will be an increase in dinner clubs, where local foodies organise dinner parties in their own homes.
  5. New countries - We want to be unique and visit destinations where few others have travelled. That's why places like Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea appeal to us. Other rising destinations include Botswana, Angola and Lebanon.
  6. Endangered animals - We not only want to be the first to experience something, but also the last. That's why we want to see endangered animals like the black rhino or the orangutan. Fortunately, it doesn't have to mean exploitation, but can help support these species.
The future of travel

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