When we were in New Zealand, we tested soringwhere you roll down a hill inside a big unlocked ball. Crazy, but fun! Just recently, another crazy activity involving large inflated balls was brought to our attention, namely Bumper ball. We saw a clip that someone shared on Facebook and it actually looked really funny!
Bumper Ball
Bumper ball is played just like regular football, with the small exception that all participants are inside their own giant bubble. I'm completely useless at football, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to take part in a game of Bumper Ball... or maybe watch one! Had you heard of Bumper ball before? Would you like to try it?

Deciree says:
I would definitely not dare to try that...with my whiplash neck and bad back. But you might land softly:)))
16 October 2014 - 16:43
BP says:
Never heard of it. As an old football player, I probably prefer size 5 on a football;-)
Bumper balls are similar to the balls that bounce on the water, but they contain children who, by "walking" inside the ball, make it roll around.
16 October 2014 - 17:03
Mr Steve says:
Never heard of this, which I think I can say about a lot of things nowadays. But, I'm not as busy as I used to be.
Looks like fun, but I won't do it as I'd probably be floored pretty soon.
16 October 2014 - 17:52
Marie says:
Oh my God, it's absolutely crazy. I saw a group doing it last summer in Tantolunden. I had to stand for quite a while just to realise what they were doing and boy did we laugh. It really does not look wise anywhere!
16 October 2014 - 18:45
FANTASYDINING-A blog about themed restaurants and travel says:
Haha... sounds completely crazy! Of course you would like to test!
16 October 2014 - 20:10
Rkuth in Virginia says:
Veiken showed Bumper Ball quite a while ago.
Looks really fun.
16 October 2014 - 20:27
Mrs Christine says:
Last summer I saw several people playing Bunper Ball on Gärdet and it looked like a lot of fun! So then decided that I had to try it! But it has not yet been possible so hope for next summer! 🙂
16 October 2014 - 22:21
admin says:
Deciree, then perhaps it is daring to try... but you do seem to land quite softly.
BP, but you, as a former footballer, might be great at this sport!
Steve, we hadn't heard about this either... people are innovative, you might say...!
Marie, how nice that you have seen it!!! Must look like a lot of fun! I saw on Youtube that some people have done it in Tantolunden.
Ruth in Virgina, she's got her eye on things, she's got Veiken!
Christine, I'm glad you saw it in real life! I only saw it on YouTube this week....
17 October 2014 - 7:27
Inga M says:
No, not for me! But I would consider looking at others.
18 October 2014 - 10:24
admin says:
No M, it's probably just as fun to watch!
18 October 2014 - 10:37