Today it was finally time for the final inspection of the houseboat. It has been hard work to rebuild the boat, but it has actually been tough with all the paperwork too!
We applied for a building permit almost a year before we started building, and it was a huge number of papers to be submitted: inspection plan, timetable, demolition plan, moisture protection description, energy requirement calculation ... you name it!
Even more paper
Even though we were in good time, we got the building permit at the very last second before the start of construction ... And then, when the construction was finished, we had to send in the least as many papers again.
Today both our KA (control manager) and the building inspector from Solna municipality were here for the final inspection. The municipality wants two more papers, but otherwise everything was green and they thought everything was very good. Phew ...

Aila says:
I just don't get it. Of course they thought the boat was nice...
21 October 2014 - 18:50
BP says:
Congratulations! After all the hard work you've put into Freedom, there's nothing else to do.
21 October 2014 - 20:16
Ditte says:
Congratulations! What a job you have done with all the practicalities and paperwork! Nice that you are now in principle "in harbour".
21 October 2014 - 23:49
Ulla & Torgny says:
Congratulations, you've done a great job....just thought they wouldn't approve the job....01
Hugs to you both!
22 October 2014 - 0:40
admin says:
Aila, you were a bit nervous... they are quite fussy. But everything went well!
BP, please! Yes, there has been work...
Ditte, thank you! Yes, now we can feel that this building is finished!
Ulla & Torgny, they are careful with rules about ventilation and fire protection and such, but we have tried to follow all the rules ... so it went well!
22 October 2014 - 7:45
Henny says:
Wow, I think it's deep in the water (I don't like deep water) but it's nice and looks very homely. Simple and "clean" - not really Peter's usual style, right 😉 .
22 October 2014 - 15:27
admin says:
Henny, it's ginger 2cm below the waterline, so it's in the right place. Dont worry
And haha, you might be right about the style! We thought that stucco or blingbling wouldn't fit on a boat....
22 October 2014 - 16:33
Inga M says:
I can only congratulate you on getting through the bureaucratic eye of the needle with a nice houseboat! There will be a lot of paperwork, but I can imagine that they also fulfil a function for checking safety and the environment.
23 October 2014 - 8:57
admin says:
Inga M, I absolutely agree that it is good that there is a control function, it is important for safety and the environment! But sometimes it feels like the guidelines for what to submit are adapted for very large projects (hospitals etc...). I think the information could be adapted a bit for private individuals...? In other words, control is great, but maybe it could be a bit simpler...?
23 October 2014 - 9:01