When we were in the Philippines last winter, we got to know the super nice couple Anders and Anita. We got acquainted at the airport in Manila and went on a snowmobile trip together on the island of Mindoro. Now it was time to meet them on their home turf in Gothenburg!
We not only travelled around the island of Mindoro together. Anders and Anita also took us to a completely different place. crazy restaurant in Manila, which was truly an experience - with waitresses dancing and chefs juggling ladles.
Mölnlycke in Gothenburg
Anders and Anita live in Mölnlycke in Gothenburg, so yesterday we went there for a visit. It was a fantastic dinner, a lot of talk and laughter and some nice walks in the surroundings. Only today, Sunday afternoon, we roll on towards Helsingborg and Elsinore. A whole year in Europe lies ahead of us. It can hardly be imagined. Join the journey!

Ditte says:
Nice to hurry away slowly towards the continent. And friends, food and drink are always nice. And "Freedom" seems to be enjoying herself.
30 November 2014 - 17:23
BP says:
Imagine meeting in the Philippines and then keeping in touch. Absolutely brilliant!
30 November 2014 - 18:51
admin says:
Ditte, it has been a very nice start! Even if we don't realise what we're doing yet...
BP, Facebook is good sometimes!
30 November 2014 - 19:01
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Welcome to Europe 🙂 In Greece today +21 gr semi-clear, but what does it matter when you have the heat. The weather in December can really vary. Keep the speed and good mood and everything works, haha.
30 November 2014 - 19:25
Ladies Abroad says:
So glad you're on your way! Have a great trip
30 November 2014 - 20:52
Role o Carina says:
Sounds like a good start to your long journey!
Take care......
30 November 2014 - 23:02
Deciree says:
Nice to have friends along the way when you're on the road 🙂 .
30 November 2014 - 22:11
Marina says:
It's great when you manage to keep in touch with people you meet everywhere in the world!
01 December 2014 - 4:24
Ama de casa says:
Well, you've probably left Sweden "for a while" by now...
01 December 2014 - 10:17
Annika says:
SO fun, your great adventure has begun!!!
Nice to follow you!
AND great with good friends lining the road!
01 December 2014 - 16:40
Scottish Moments says:
How wonderful to be able to take time and visit friends in Sweden first and then roll on out into the wide world.... 🙂
01 December 2014 - 21:47
Katarina Wohlfart says:
I'm already jealous and you've only come to Gothenburg. haha.
02 December 2014 - 0:12
Snows says:
What a great start to your adventure! But by now you're probably a bit south...
Have the best!
02 December 2014 - 7:46
Anna and Per-Åke says:
Hello there,
Thank you so much for your help with bringing in the mail and watering the flowers. We are very grateful:-)
Now you are going on a fantastic journey and it will be exciting to follow your adventures via the blog.
Take care and let us know if you need anything.
Hugs Anna & Per-Åke the neighbours
02 December 2014 - 9:12
Helena says:
What fun that you met so far from home and still keep in touch! 🙂
It will be great fun to "follow" you now on the journey! 🙂 Drive carefully!
02 December 2014 - 11:50
admin says:
THANK YOU for all the comments! So much fun to read your greetings!
Maggan and Ingemar, thank you! What heat you have! Not quite so hot in France...
Anna and Per-Åke, you're welcome! Hope you had a great trip! We hear you!
Helena, thank you and glad you want to follow us!
02 December 2014 - 14:13