When we met the blogger Annika In Seville, we were offered delicious little mussels - coquinas. We asked how to cook them, and then it wasn't long before we bought them ourselves. The mussels are highly recommended, and here is the recipe.
How to cook Coquinas
Start by rinsing the mussels. This step is important because they are sandy! Put them in cold salted water. Then the mussels will think they are back in the sea and open up. Rinse thoroughly! (We weren't careful enough, so there was a bit of a crunch...)
Finely chop the garlic and fry it in olive oil. Add the mussels and let them fry until they die and open. Salt and squeeze lemon over them. Then just eat, with your hands straight from the shells. Serve with bread that you dip in the olive oil. Soooo good!

BP says:
Drool, drool. Love these clams and understand that you are blessed:-)
11 February 2015 - 18:07
Åsa says:
Deliciously good! If you want a little à portugues, you can add coriander, and maybe piri-piri and vinho verde!
11 February 2015 - 18:37
Casa Annika says:
Glad you cooked it yourself!
11 February 2015 - 19:29
Bosse and Gerd says:
The gateway to heaven is close..., when you eat Coquinas in Spain or Conquilhas in Portugal (the same kind of mussel = kilmussla in Swedish).
In Lisbon near the Rossio square (absolute centre of the city) there is a restaurant that serves only food:
Conquilhas in garlic sauce,
Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato - steamed mussels with garlic, olive oil, white wine and chopped coriander leaves,
Tonight we will dream of these mussels...!!!!
11 February 2015 - 19:55
Ditte says:
Thank you for great recipes. There are plenty of these "coquinas" here, but I have not made them. Now it will happen. Have been satisfied with mussels so far. But fun to vary.
11 February 2015 - 21:19
Marina says:
I love mussels, but I'm not particularly fond of these. In fact, I've only ever eaten them without sauce, and they don't taste very good if you ask me. However, there is a variant here called "lalas" which is something similar and is served in a very strong and tasty chilli sauce - so good!!!
12 February 2015 - 8:38
admin says:
Åsa, ah interesting to hear how the Portuguese do with the mussels! Thank you very much!
Annika, thanks for introducing us to them! Super tasty and fun to try yourself!
Bosse and Gerd, interesting to know what it is called in Swedish! Sounds like a great restaurant...Mmm!
Ditte, try it! It was pretty easy! But as said, important to rinse them bogs!
Marina, we think these are great, but tastes vary. And yes, the olive oil, garlic and lemon add to the flavour! Do those lalas exist here in Spain?
12 February 2015 - 10:32
Mr Steve says:
Always fun with a new dish. Thanks for the recipe.
12 February 2015 - 10:54
Ama de casa says:
They're really very good, those
12 February 2015 - 11:15
solveig rhann says:
Mussels are yummy...but doesn't it take almost the entire water tank to rinse the sand away???
Now my question: If I want to put a picture on your blog, how do I do it? I have a Mac...
We plan to go to Fortuna (Murcia) to an Acsicamping. There is a spa there that attracts...36+ in the water!
Have a good time where you are...
12 February 2015 - 11:55
admin says:
Solan, haha, we didn't take too much water. But maybe we should have...?? Then I don't really understand what you mean? Where do you want to post the picture? Together with your comment...? I don't think that's possible. And on the blog itself, it's only me who posts pictures...? Explain what you mean or email the picture and say what you think! By the way, where are you now?
12 February 2015 - 12:03
solveig rhann says:
Yes, only in connection with comments. For example, a picture from our campsite outside Cartagena in the rain. But now I know how a blog works. We do laundry all day, extremely slow machines. Tomorrow we take the train to Murcia and then it will be a spa in Fortuna.
12 February 2015 - 12:38
admin says:
Solan, it would have been nice with pictures like that, but no it is not possible. We also have rain and washing today! Ok, have checked on the map where you are staying!
12 February 2015 - 13:01
Marina says:
"Lalas" are what is called "clams" in English (I don't know if there is another Swedish word for them or if we call everything "mussels") and are served with a wonderful sauce of ginger, onion and chilli. If you find something similar, you have to try it!
13 February 2015 - 3:50
admin says:
Marina, thanks for the tip! We will keep our eyes open!
13 February 2015 - 9:52
Across the board says:
What a delicious alternative to Moules Frites 🙂 Thanks for the tip.
13 February 2015 - 21:13
Mary of Rövarhamn says:
I have always wondered what those clams called coquinas in Spain are called in Swedish. Does anyone know? They were found on the beaches of the Chagos. The children sat in the sand during the day and dug up dinner for the evening. /Linda
11 February 2016 - 9:10