Now we have come to Roquetas de Mar, located on the Spanish coast just west of Almería. Here we have, thanks to Lena and Jan's blog (, found a nice big campsite by the sea.
Lena and Jan are spending the winter at this campsite in their Concorde camper van (with a Smart car inside!). The campsite was quite full when we arrived, but funnily enough we found a spot right next to Lena and Jan!
Table of contents
Fantastic "summer day"
We have received an absolutely fantastic welcome from Lena and Jan, and have, among other things, hung out with them on their camping site and bubbled about this and that. It has been around 20 degrees and brilliant sun all day - like a fantastically nice summer day!
What a nice life you can have if you plan your life as many of our pensioners have done. I think they feel better for longer just because they are in warmth when we have winter in Sweden. Winter takes its toll on the body.

Guided tours in Roquetas de Mar
Lena and Jan showed us around the immediate surroundings by car (lent by another kind camping neighbour!). We saw, among other things, the bullring and walked along the beach. Then it was tapas at their favourite place - very good and nice - and even more nice hanging out on their camping site.

Camping in Roquetas de Mar
This campsite in Roquetas de Mar, where we are at the moment, is a large and beautiful campsite near the sea. This way, in the low season, you get two campsites next to each other for the price of one, which means that the pitches are very big!
Med ACSI discount we pay 16 euro/day in the low season. The campsite is fresh and the service is good, but if you want WiFi (and you do!) you have to pay extra for it.

Marinan in Aguadulce
A short drive from Roquetas de Mar (approximately 9 kilometres) is the beautiful the marina in Aguadulce. Here you can experience a really charming environment with boats, fish restaurants, small shops and people on holiday.

Tapas: a flavourful journey through Spain
Guest Writer: Miss Lopez Spain, a country associated with sun, sand and a passionate way of...
Tough journey to Barcelona - and on board the Freedom of the Seas!
After Robin's party, we didn't sleep for many hours, and then it was time to go...
At the camping shop during siesta times in Spain
Today we checked out of the campsite in Granada and looked for a camping shop we had been told about. We...
Parade through Valencia - Spain
The Las Fallas festival continues here in Valencia, and every day something new happens! Today it was...
Boquerones - Spanish-style anchovies
We have tried to cook boquerones, anchovies or sardines the Spanish way. As you may know...
10 things to do in Benidorm - from cava to permobile
Here are 10 things to do in Benidorm, on the Costa Blanca in Spain....
El puerto de Santa Maria - on the Spanish coastline
Today we left Seville and rolled towards El puerto de Santa Maria, just north of Cadiz....
The marina of Aguadulce in southern Spain
Not far from Roquetas de Mar is Aguadulce, with its beautiful marina. We took a trip...
Tuesday meeting with Swedes in Benidorm
Every Tuesday evening, Norwegians and Swedes meet in Benidorm at the El Raco campsite, in the campsite's restaurant. We live...
Exciting trips to Madrid: a family connection to the Matador costumes
Guest writer: Miss Lopez Did you know that I always go to Madrid several times a year regardless of...
Tarragona - among history and charming neighbourhoods
We will soon tell you about the Easter celebrations here in Tarragona, Spain, but first we need to tell you...
Costa del Sol - and what do we do all day?
Now we have reached the Costa del Sol, the Spanish sunshine coast! We feel like standing...
A trip to Nerja in winter: sun, adventure and magical views?
Guest writer: Miss Lopez Hello dear travellers! I want to share with you my amazing winter trip to...
Spain vs Portugal - what is it like to go on holiday?
Now we've spent about a month in Portugal and about a month and a half in...
Exploring Spanish culture: a trip you'll never forget
Today we present a guest article Travelling is something that most people enjoy doing....
Spain's most beautiful beach - and 6 more beaches
Of all the beaches we've seen in Spain so far, this has to be Spain's most beautiful beach. It...
Catalan food - we've tested and cooked it
Last night we were invited to a gourmet experience by the Tourist Board of Catalonia. This kind of press conference...
Desert landscape in Spain
Today we drove through a desert landscape in Spain. It's barren and mountainous and barely...
Peniscola, Spain - for the holiday worshipper
Finally there was enough of a break in the rain that we could go outside the motorhome and...
Best destinations in Madrid
Today we present a guest article During the winter months, many Swedes want to head south....
Camping in Tarragona - on a Spanish sandy beach
Today we have found a campsite in Tarragona in Spain. The campsite is really nice and is ...
Mancor de la Vall in Mallorca - holidays in a rented house
Guest writer: Pernilla Mallorca is an island that many people have visited and that I have returned to several times....
RV park in Valencia, Spain
We are now at a site in Valencia here in Spain, the Valencia Camper Park. We...
Guest of the Week: Annika Elwing, expatriate in Spain
During a Spanish course in Spain, Annika Elwing fell in love with music teacher Jesús. Annika stayed in Spain...
Quick visit to Torrevieja - Scandinavia's Spain
We had actually intended to make a slightly longer stop in Torrevieja, and perhaps meet both bloggers...
Inner peace in the Sierra de Madrid - Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Mataelpino
Guest Writer: Miss Lopez Sierra de Madrid, a peaceful and beautiful place that welcomes the Kadampa Buddhist Centre in...
The plastic sea in Almería - Spain's vegetable farms
From Granada we went back down to the coast and drove east towards Almería. In this...
What to do in Barcelona - 13 tips for experiences
Looking for tips on things to do in Barcelona on holiday? Then you've found...
Football trip to Barcelona - and a city weekend in one
In collaboration with Have you considered a football trip to Barcelona? The lively...
Palma for Foodies - hot food destination in Mallorca
Guest writer: Mia Ulin The hottest food destination you can travel to right now is Palma de Mallorca....

BP says:
Looks great! What luck you have had!
Question: Can you post the photos in a larger format? It's always nice to see details. But your photos can't really be enlarged.
27 February 2015 - 21:57
Annika/Res Friday says:
So cool to have blog friends all over the world!
27 February 2015 - 22:11
solveig rhann says:
Now you are in the heat again. That's great. Did you get the privacy screen sorted out? Good tip with the sheets. I'm doing water jogging in the pool here at Arena Blanca in Benidorm. Old charter resort that Lasse wanted to see today. Brrrrrr...but good camping.
27 February 2015 - 23:30
Ditte says:
How nice it sounds; good camping, blog friends, sun and other nice things.
Let's hope the good weather continues.
Today we have had brilliant sunshine and +24. Very pleasant.
27 February 2015 - 23:51
Marina says:
How wonderful! I've said it before but it's worth saying again; I think you are doing so heavenly right to do this trip and so much fun with all the people you meet on your way!
28 February 2015 - 4:10
Marie says:
It certainly sounds like you are being looked after wherever you end up - lovely!
28 February 2015 - 6:16
admin says:
BP, really lucky! And thanks for the question! I'll think about it with the images. I have thought that there are advantages to a smaller format (less heavy web page to open, easier to upload images regardless of internet quality, etc.) but if more people think like you, I may have to think again!
Annika, absolutely fantastic!
Solveig, we haven't solved the privacy protection yet, but we have some ideas on different tents etc. Today is a public holiday, but later we will look around in shops. We also intend to check out Benidorm later. Have a good time!
Ditte, fantastic weather! First night that we (voluntarily) slept without any heat in the car!
Marina, so fantastic with all the wonderful people we meet! Some people thought that we would be very lonely during the trip, but it does not feel that way at all ...
Marie, we have met so many amazing people! Unbelievable!!!
28 February 2015 - 8:58
Mr Steve says:
So nice to be taken care of by blog friends. I wouldn't mind hanging out at that tapas bar.
28 February 2015 - 9:45
Nilla says:
How wonderful! What a journey you are making
I would really like to do that too, but how do you do it? A little curious 😉 do you have leave from your job or do you work remotely? 😀
Have a continued wonderful journey! So fun to follow and get tips!
28 February 2015 - 9:58
Lots of other stuff and some concrete says:
Twenty degrees and sun sounds so nice! Here it is three degrees and grey weather today too. But spring is on its way!
It looks so lovely at the tapas bar on the waterfront. Glad you're meeting friends while travelling.
Enjoy the heat!
28 February 2015 - 10:13
admin says:
Steve, nice view from the tapas bar! And good concept, when you buy a drink, you get a tapas of your choice. Good prices.
Nilla, how nice that you are following our blog and travelling! I am on leave from my job and Peter has put his one-man business on hold. We rent out our accommodation at home. We have removed all monthly expenses that are possible (paused phone subscription, internet subscription, etc.) and of course saved some before.
Agneta, hope spring comes to you soon! Meeting new and old friends is one of the best things about travelling!
28 February 2015 - 11:05
Snows says:
Blogs generate a lot! Have a good time there in the heat 🙂 ðŸ™'
28 February 2015 - 13:52
Lena in Wales says:
I have been to Roquetas a lot, but it was a long time ago now. The town is nice, but the plastic tents around are less nice, as you say. From a distance you think you are looking at the water of the sea. For someone who has not seen the area, it probably sounds incredible with so many tents, but it is true.
28 February 2015 - 14:25
BP says:
Answer: Don't know if you work in PS, but you can always enlarge the photos to 800 px and save them in web format, then they won't take up any space at all. Uploading high-resolution photos (over 2000px) is heavier and not a good idea.
Read Peter's comments about Alhambra on Instagram. Of course I think you should be critical. I mean as a reader I appreciate both positive and negative tips. It should be honest, just like Peter wrote.
After all, we are all different and perceive things individually. So, absolutely, keep on giving praise and criticism. That's the point of a (travel) blog!
28 February 2015 - 16:27
JoY says:
Nice that you met blog friends hihi
28 February 2015 - 19:52
admin says:
Znogge, can only agree!
Lena in Wales agrees. On the campsite and in town you don't notice the tents, and it's nice here! But it's crazy how many tents there are!
BP, thanks for the answer! What is PS? I will check a little in the computer how I do (sitting at the iPhone now) and answer your blog later.
JoY, great fun! One of the best things about blogging!
28 February 2015 - 21:46