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Parade through Valencia - Spain


The Las Fallas festival continues here in Valencia, and every day something new happens! Today it was time for the parade through Valencia, as each regional association (those who also compete with the different statues) join the train heading to Plaza de la Virgen, to offer flowers to Valencia's patron saint Our Lady of the Forsaken.


Flowers for the patron saint

There is a lot going on during the festival Las Fallas in Valencia. We've already seen huge statues and heard daily fireworks, the "mascleta". Today it was time for the flower parade!

The parade in Valencia starts in the afternoon and continues well into the evening. Everyone brings flowers to be sacrificed, and the sacrificed flowers are then hung on a 15 metre high scaffold to form a mantle for the patron saint, Our Lady of the Forsaken.

Blomsterparad Spanien

Impressive parade through Valencia

The parade was impressive! Everyone takes part in traditional clothing, and each regional organisation has its own standard bearer and its own band. The parade really took never end! Association after association marched past, and there were women and men, children and young people, adults and elderly people. As if just all was there.

Blomsterparad Valencia
Parad las fallas
Las fallas
Parad genom Valencia

Our Lady of the Forsaken

We watched the parade for an hour and a half, before giving up and heading back to the campervan on the the car park in Valencia. But the parade continued long after that ...

Before we went back, we at least went past the end of the parade, that is, Plaza de la Virgen where the saint Our Lady of the Forsaken was being dressed with all the flowers. This was very fantastic for us to experience and we would love to do it again, but it is completely wrong time for Swedish holidays. No matter how long we walked, there were people waiting to go in the parade and it would be like 8-10 hours more. Absolutely crazy big and a folk festival without equal.

Lady of the Forsaken
The Saint Lady of the Forsaken is being dressed with flowers
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