We got some really nice and cheap tuna fillets in Spain (2 euros per portion), which have been in the freezer for a few days. Yesterday we had tuna for dinner. Peter marinated the fillets and fried them briefly on each side. We served them with jacket potatoes and apple guacamole. Really good!
Tuna with apple guacamole
We started by preparing the apple guacamole, freely based on various recipes we found online. We scooped out the avocado flesh and mashed it with a fork together with finely chopped onion, finely chopped red chilli, a little lime juice, some yellow raisins and chopped apple.
Then it was time for the tuna! Peter marinated the fillets with oil, lemon, garlic and sambal oelek. This time we fried the tuna fillets, but you can also grill them! The important thing when cooking tuna is that it is very quick, just one minute on each side on the grill or in a hot frying pan. The tuna should still be red inside when finished, otherwise it will be dry!
More tuna recipes
It's really great to eat tuna fillets here in Southern Europe, as they are so much cheaper than in Sweden. I am thinking of more ways to serve fried/grilled tuna. Do you cook tuna and how do you usually do it? Any tips on side dishes and sauces?

Mr Steve says:
Thanks for a new recipe for grilled tuna that we like. It sounds and looks delicious. I've saved it in my recipe folder and given it to D for the barbecue and greenhouse season.
Here are three other recipes with grilled tuna and other accessories:
Tasty meal!
08 April 2015 - 10:32
Rkuth in Virginia says:
Tuna is very expensive here in the US - not buying, unfortunately.
08 April 2015 - 12:25
BP says:
Yummy! Oh, and I've just had lunch.
I like tuna best raw on sushi actually. Alternatively canned (yes, I know) as a pasta salad.
08 April 2015 - 12:38
Lena in Wales says:
We often eat fresh tuna when we are in Spain. So good!
Cooked quickly on high heat so it is slightly pink inside,
I usually make a yoghurt sauce from Greek yoghurt, shredded leek, shredded red pepper, some garlic, various other spices depending on what is available, maybe some finely shredded cucumber. Often served with una barra (baguette) which can also be dipped in the sauce. Try it!
08 April 2015 - 13:30
Anja says:
Glad you are so interested in food! So are we... :-)!
Et bienveune en France! Have you seen any French people hunting frogs yet? Gnef gnef...
Does it count as the Riviera where you are now? It looked very calm and nice unlike the summer where you have to lie like in a sardine can on the beach (and look for beaches that are not private and where you do not have to pay entry - the same with the Italian Riviera - triiiist).
08 April 2015 - 14:23
Annika says:
I don't usually do it myself. I've never dared. BUT, I like to order it when I go out. THEN it should be so perfect, i.e. raw. Makes me want to try your recipe. MUMS!!!
08 April 2015 - 15:20
admin says:
Steve, oh thanks for the tips! Perfect!
Ruth in Virginia, really? Yes, it's usually expensive in Sweden too!
BP, isn't tuna good on sushi? Canned tuna is also perfectly fine.
Lena in Wales, the yoghurt sauce sounds good! Thanks for the tips!
Anja, food is good!!! No, the French Riviera starts further north. We'll get there in time... And yes, during July and August it will probably be packed everywhere!
Annika, it's really not difficult to make yourself. The only hard part is removing it from the pan/grill quickly enough so it doesn't get dry!
08 April 2015 - 17:02
Role o Carina says:
Mmmmm, how good it looks on the table!
Have a great time......:-)
08 April 2015 - 18:14
FANTASYDINING-A blog about themed restaurants and travel says:
Oh how delicious! I haven't eaten tuna so many times but in Japan it's really good raw.
08 April 2015 - 18:38
Ditte says:
Tuna is good and we buy it from time to time in Spain and prepare it much like you do, sometimes without marinade but with a lot of spices. It is important to fry or grill them for a very short time so that the centre is still raw. I like to order it from time to time at restaurants in Sweden, but have quite rarely bought it here in the fish counter. Fun with recipes you got from Steve. Will look there.
08 April 2015 - 19:24
Marie says:
09 April 2015 - 0:03
Renate's travels says:
That sounds delicious! I think it is a bit difficult to get tuna that is fresh here at home? I've never noticed it in the fish counter. A little strange in fact. But it's good then!
09 April 2015 - 5:52
admin says:
FantasyDining, I can imagine that tuna is good raw in Japan! Even when you fry it, it should be a bit raw in the centre.
Ditte, we also sometimes eat in restaurants. Especially at the restaurant Grodhavet near Pampas, they grill good tuna!
Renate, in Sweden there is usually fresh tuna in the fish counter, but it is usually expensive!
09 April 2015 - 9:40
Mr Lars Andersson says:
Thanks for the recipe, it looks very tasty, will be extra tasty.
With the environment you have around you, you have to try and fix it.
At home
Lars and Inger
09 April 2015 - 11:47
admin says:
Lars and Inger, it's probably good at home too! However, it is unfortunately more expensive at home...
09 April 2015 - 15:24