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Summer 2015 leftovers


Swedes' holiday travel is increasing again this year, by 7 per cent. Sun and bathing are the most attractive, but it is city breaks and cruises that are growing fastest. This summer's four travel trends are summarised in the Resia Barometer, a trend report from Resia in collaboration with TNS-Sifo.What do you think of these four travel trends? Will you be travelling this summer, and if so, where and how?


5 travel trends this summer

  1. Going on a cruise - Swedes are increasingly interested in going on a cruise, and this summer the Mediterranean is the main destination, with Rome, Venice and Barcelona.
  2. Travelling sustainably - Many want to travel so that locals and local businesses can share in the profits. 'Peer-to-peer dining' - booking dinner at someone's home through an intermediary - is an attractive option.
  3. Holidaying in big cities - Metropolitan travel is increasing, while charters remain at the same level. The most attractive cities are New York, London and San Francisco.
  4. Visiting Italy - This summer's rising star is Italy! Trendsetters who have grown tired of Spain, Greece and Turkey are travelling here, and renting a house for the family is an attractive option, as is eating out.

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