The last night on the island of La Maddalena, it was free camping in Sardinia. The main reason was financial. (We have budgeted 20 euros/night during our Euopa trip and now that we are approaching the high season, most campsites cost more.) Once we stood there, watching the sun sink into the horizon from our door, we realised that there are so many more reasons to free camp!
Beautiful beaches
The beaches on La Maddalena are fabulous. As you drive along the coast, you look down on one beach after another, and every time you think you've seen the most beautiful one, an even more beautiful one appears. The sand is chalky white, the stones are round and the sea is turquoise. But best of all are these mysterious shapes. The small bays mean that there is always a little corner where you can enjoy the feeling of being alone with the sea.

Free camping in Sardinia
We were five motorhomes free camping in a small sandy car park by the beach. The sun coloured the beach rye (or whatever it was) a fiery yellow and music from some beach bar swept back and forth with the winds. Slowly the darkness descended, and we felt safe there on the beach, among the other motorhomes. If you're a bit of a fricampa coward and worried about rules, stand next to an Italian because they know or are much tougher than us.

Dinner with local fish
We cooked an unknown fish from one of the fishmongers in La Maddalena and drank bubbly white wine from LG Market for €18 a bottle. Then the silence, darkness and gentle winds that rocked our campervan goodnight. We'll definitely be fricamping again - and not just for the financial benefits!

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Ditte says:
If you can fricamp like this, absolutely! It is also nice to avoid a lot of people around you if the parking spaces are small.
In addition to saving some money, it's a special feeling to have the sea as a fund.
Great pictures and the fish must have been angry to be on your plate.
23 June 2015 - 15:14
Deciree says:
What a lovely place to camp :) Can't get better than that. Keep up the good work and enjoy:)
23 June 2015 - 15:46
steel city anna says:
Super sleazy fish! Wondering if anyone knows what kind it is? Hard to wake up with those views, over the beach anyway, not the fish 🙂 .
23 June 2015 - 16:30
Mr Steve says:
Made for free camping. It was a particularly 'ugly fish'.
23 June 2015 - 17:05
admin says:
Ditte, when you have the opportunity to stand by the sea in this way it is at its best! 🙂
Deciree, can only agree, this is camping at its best!
Steel city Anna, we have no idea what variety it is, but maybe someone else knows? It was good with solid fine meat! By the way, I found your comment that was in the spam, don't know why but I have approved it now!
Steve, the fish was ugly, but good! 🙂
23 June 2015 - 20:32
BP says:
A dream situation! I mean, if there are more motorhomes that fricampar, you have a certain security. For one night you can put up with not having internet;-)
23 June 2015 - 20:33
admin says:
BP, real dream location! In addition, the only open campsite at La Maddalena lacked internet... So we still had to drive down to the tourist office to blog 😉.
23 June 2015 - 20:49
JoY says:
You don't need campsites all the time, we also free camp from time to time, as long as you feel that the place is ok to stay. And with that situation, I would have stayed there too.
24 June 2015 - 0:44
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Yes, but that is one of the reasons why we prefer free be able to find these wonderful places, peaceful and quiet. Campsites are also needed ... for electricity, laundry and when the weather is bad 🙂 we get internet cards in each country, it feels good not to be dependent on the campsites' wifi which is usually weak and slow. Those islands seem exciting, but none you like to visit in the winter, I guess. Have a good time!
24 June 2015 - 10:38
Ama de casa says:
Looks absolutely marvellously lovely!
I would also be angry if I had ended up on a plate... 😉.
24 June 2015 - 11:20
Marina says:
It looks really nice! How is it, is free camping generally allowed in Europe?
24 June 2015 - 15:50
admin says:
JoY, absolutely true, it's just about finding places that feel ok. This time it felt great!
Maggan and Ingemar, we are also trying to get an internet card, but we didn't have time in Italy before we went to the island of La Maddalena. Then we still want wifi sometimes - to be able to use unlimited megabytes 😉 Corsica is a great island and Sardinia seems promising. I don't know exactly how the weather is here in the winter....
Ama de casa, haha, me too... 😉.
Marina, the rules are slightly different in different countries and often difficult to know. Often you are not allowed to "camp", but many times there is no ban on "sleeping in the car". So what is the difference? Well, you might be camping if you unfold the awning, take out outdoor furniture, etc... In the first instance, you have to follow the signs. In France, they carefully put up prohibition signs if they don't want to see motorhomes...
24 June 2015 - 16:41
Matts Torebring says:
Freecamping is often the best way to sleep over and stay over, if you dare. However, we have become much more cautious.
24 June 2015 - 17:08
Veiken says:
I totally understand why you're freaking out, but there's a little ugly guy sitting on my shoulder whispering. "Is it safe to stand alone like that?"
25 June 2015 - 19:49