Last autumn a journalist came to our home in the houseboat and interviewed us about houseboat life, and especially about motorhome life and travel! We didn't know if there would be a report, but a few days ago I was told that the report was out. That's great!
Crazy lifestyle?
Now I have got hold of a pdf, which I have made pictures of. Unfortunately, it's probably not possible to read it and I don't know if the issue is still available in the shops anymore (the magazine came out on 4 June, but there seems to be an issue every week?). In any case, it was nice that Hemmets Journal wanted to draw attention to our (slightly crazy?) lifestyle with houseboats and motorhomes!

Matts Torebring says:
How nice, you are worthy of attention for all your adventures. We also had a "Home with us" feature during the winter. We are waiting for it soon. Enjoy yourselves
12 June 2015 - 18:40
admin says:
Matts, interesting! You can tell me when the report comes!
12 June 2015 - 20:03
Ruth in Virginia says:
It was great fun for you - and for the readers! Your life is worth reading,
that is clear.
No name is more beautiful than one's own, when it is
nice things are written about you. 🙂
12 June 2015 - 20:48
Annika/Res Friday says:
What fun! The worst celebrities!
12 June 2015 - 21:01
Rolleo Carina says:
Good for you, you are real "Globetrotters" 🙂 .
Take care.....Kram
12 June 2015 - 21:09
BP says:
I completely agree with Ruth! You have really profiled yourself well in various magazines. Really fun I think! If you are so far from an ordinary Svensson life, it is only good that it is recognised in the press.
Oh that little village in the previous post is soooooo charming!
12 June 2015 - 21:11
Anja says:
Imagine... my mum could have read about you. It was one of her favourite magazines, but she was 83 and died in 2012.
12 June 2015 - 22:47
admin says:
Ruth, haha that was a funny way to put it! Yes, it is in any case much nicer as long as it is written in positive terms! 🙂
Annika, haha, well... but some newspapers have been pretty good at picking up on our adventure! 🙂
Rolle o Carina, and the more we travel the more stuck in this lifestyle we become! 😉
BP, we have not been looking for newspapers, but they have been good at finding us! And it feels great! Propriano is a very cosy place!
Anja, I'm sorry that your mum is no longer alive. My aunt subscribes to the magazine and that's how I found out about the story being out!
13 June 2015 - 6:47
Mr Steve says:
Good for you that you are being recognised and that more people have the opportunity to read about your eventful life "non-Svensson life".
The HJ is not a magazine on the go, so to speak. They should have notified you when the magazine went to press and maybe even sent you some copies of the magazine. It would have been a fun twist to the story if you had been able to pick up the magazine at a predetermined location somewhere in Europe. But of course, I'm not going to interfere with how the newspaper world works.
13 June 2015 - 7:59
Stina says:
13 June 2015 - 9:05
Ama de casa says:
What fun with all the attention you get 🙂 .
13 June 2015 - 11:10
admin says:
Steve, we've noticed that this is often the case... Most newspapers have been bad at announcing when something goes to press. This time it was a freelance journalist. He sent the pdf and offered a free copy, but only after I emailed and asked...
Ama de casa, it's nice that the journalists and newspapers are interested and look for us 🙂 .
13 June 2015 - 11:28
Bosse and Gerd says:
Guess we were surprised when I (Gerd) bought the newspaper the other day and read the report...!
Very nice report !
PS. We were also featured in a large report in Tidningen Ångermanland last winter - a journalist from the newspaper sent us an email and told us that by pure coincidence she had found our blog online and read one of our posts about the town of Sollefteå and its famous sports profiles that Bosse has known for many years.
She wanted us to email her a number of pictures from Benidorm and it resulted in a 2 page report about our wintering in Spain - fun we thought!
13 June 2015 - 11:51
Renate's travels says:
How fun that you are in the magazine! 😀 Congratulations! Was not so easy to read, no, but managed to decipher a bit anyway! Nice pictures!
13 June 2015 - 13:20
admin says:
Bosse and Gerd, but what fun that you got to see the report! 🙂 Funny that you were also included in a report on winter travel - it can certainly inspire many others to make similar trips!
Renate, it was great that they wanted to do a report! Yes, unfortunately it was too small/poor quality to be read...
13 June 2015 - 18:25
Ditte says:
Very funny and enjoyable reading! I enlarged the text on the computer so it was easy to read.
Can hopefully give others inspiration!
14 June 2015 - 11:31
Anonymous says:
Nice home-from-home in the boat. Always fun to read about you...I think family magazines are pretty ok when it comes to alternative accommodation and travelling. We have been to our first motorhome meeting (27 years of touring) and it was fun. The magazine Normadliv was the organiser. 60 motorhomes in Kristinehamn, max what they could receive. Will apparently become a tradition, next year the last weekend in May.
15 June 2015 - 11:22
admin says:
Ditte, glad you managed to enlarge and read! 🙂
Anonymous, glad you liked the report! Funny also to hear about the motorhome meeting and that it was Nomadliv that arranged - a magazine we like even though we cannot possibly subscribe to anything at all right now! 😉
15 June 2015 - 20:20
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
Nice report! Interesting read! Have fun 🙂
17 June 2015 - 18:13