Birthday celebration in Sardinia. First a BIG THANK YOU for all the nice congratulations that came in on Peter's 55th birthday yesterday! We celebrated the big day at the small cosy beach restaurant here at S'abba Druche, just north of Bosa. And it was even more pleasant than perhaps expected, both good food and nice meetings!
Birthday celebrations in Sardinia
The last time we ate in a restaurant in Sardinia, we ordered the following Antipasto (appetiser) + Segundo piatto (second course). This time we ordered instead Primo piatto (first course) + Desert (dessert). It was a tastier and more affordable option!
We had a really good seafood spaghetti with two kinds of mussels, prawns, crab and squid. For dessert we tried "Seadas" - a savoury pastry containing cheese and served with ice cream (also available with sugar, honey or cream).

New acquaintances
We also met a lot of nice people yesterday! Firstly, we met a super nice Swedish couple from Örebro when we were on our way to the restaurant. We got stuck in conversation outside their motorhome and in honour of the day, they each offered a nubbe on Faroese (!) liquor.
After dinner, we got into conversation with our friendly table neighbours at the restaurant - a British couple living in Sardinia and their German neighbour and a German family with a camper van. We moved our tables together and didn't finish the evening until the restaurant owner shooed us out because he wanted to go home ...

After many hours of pleasant company, drinks and many laughs, our new friends asked if we would like to come to their house the next day. Have you heard (Peter) say no, well not many times in life. What a lovely surprise and of course we went.

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BP says:
That's the spaghetti I could die for! So glad you had a really nice birthday evening. Oh since you already posted a post, you don't seem to have too much of a headache; -)
07 July 2015 - 12:56
Henny says:
Congratulations in retrospect to your partner and travelling companion. It sounds like you had a really memorable birthday dinner.
07 July 2015 - 12:59
Ninni, Henrik and the Knasen motorhome says:
Hello and congratulations in retrospect!!! Keep up the good work. It's overcast, grey and rainy here and work has started again.
07 July 2015 - 14:12
Mr Steve says:
You know how to celebrate birthdays.
07 July 2015 - 14:45
Bosse and Gerd says:
We had a similar pasta dish with lots of seafood once in Venice many years ago and we still dream about it. Your portion looks at least as good - it is, to say the least, a great joy to order pasta dishes in Italy as you are rarely disappointed!
07 July 2015 - 16:49
Ditte says:
What a lovely day, evening and night! And so good with these seafood pasta dishes, a clear favourite of mine too. Good that you celebrated well!
07 July 2015 - 18:32
Annalena says:
Oh, how I enjoy reading your posts! 🙂 Gets so eager to go away but there are a few weeks left for holidays... Congratulations to you both in retrospect! Hugs from an overcast (the rain hangs in the air) Norrland 🙂.
07 July 2015 - 19:17
admin says:
BP, it was actually quite slow in the morning (and for much of the day) - but what's not to like about the blog? 😉
Henny, Peter greets and thanks! It was a really nice day and evening! 🙂
Ninni and Henrik, thank you so much! Hope you get the nice summer weather back soon!
Steve, yes there has been a lot of celebration - but now it's a year until the next time 😉.
Bosse and Gerd, you should probably order pasta here! That's what they are good at! 😉
Ditte, camping neighbours and table neighbours made it even more of a celebration - nice! 🙂
Annalena, thank you very much! Where will the holiday be enjoyed? Hope you get better weather soon!
08 July 2015 - 7:03
Marie says:
Congratulations in retrospect!
08 July 2015 - 9:24
Ama de casa says:
What a perfect evening and wonderful birthday celebration!
08 July 2015 - 9:56
snort says:
Lovely and you should celebrate with class 🙂 Even if the day after is a bit slow ...
08 July 2015 - 15:14
Madelene Fryklind says:
How fun that sounds! Always fun to make new travelling friends! And you understand why pasta and pizza are so popular in expensive Italy... it's both affordable and super tasty!
08 July 2015 - 16:56