Today we braved the heat (36 degrees and scorching sun) and left the quiet holiday resort of Porto Pino in Sardinia for the more hectic city of Cagliari. Why? Well, we need cook things. We need to fix the motorhome (engine light and spanner icon on), we need to fix my computer (battery and charging problems) and we need to fix ourselves (knee pain and headache problems).
Visit to a workshop
We started by locating an Iveco workshop just outside the city centre. Cagliari. The mechanic (who didn't know a word of English) confirmed that we need to change the oil and oil filter - but apparently we couldn't do that there, for some reason?
The mechanics made some calls, but could not find a place where we could go. Instead, he waved for us to jump into the camper van, while he himself got behind the wheel, and then it was off (at breakneck speed!) to a mechanic friend at another workshop.
The mechanic's mate fixed and tinkered a bit so that the tool icon stopped glowing (think he just disconnected the light?) and then they waved happily that we could move on. We did not have to pay anything, but we still have to look for a workshop to change the oil and oil filter...

Motorhome parking in Cagliari
We have now arrived in Cagliari and checked in at Cagliari Parking, which is within walking distance of the centre. This is a large (and very well guarded!) car park on asphalt. It's not exactly charming, but for 20 euros/day the car is guarded and we have electricity and access to toilets, showers and the possibility to fill/empty tanks.
Computer problems and health problems
We have had a short walk in Cagliari, but will return when we have seen more! We also need to address the computer problem and the problem with Peter's knee, but not much gets done per day in the intense heat.
Peter has had problems with a meniscus before and now (since a week) his knee is swollen and he is limping around... not good! We will look for a Pharmacy tomorrow to see if anti-inflammatory medicine helps - hope, hope!

Ditte says:
Just as well to take care of what needs to be organised in a practical way, but in the heat it doesn't feel good. And I assume that you don't have an AC in your motorhome, so it gets hot at night even though you may have an electric fan.
As for Peter's knee, there should be a health centre and there you can get good necessary help/care within the EU with the European Health Insurance Card. I have used it abroad and it has worked very well (because he should not have to have pain and it is difficult to take tablets if the problem is not diagnosed).
I hope that you will also get help with the other "repairs" in Cagliari.
I am so happy with +20 in Stockholm right now....
20 July 2015 - 23:01
Mr Lars Permelin says:
In that heat, anyone can get a sore knee when the joint fluid becomes super thin from the heat. When it is that hot, there is a risk that most things will break down or at least indicate that it is too hot. A funny way for a car repairer to solve the problem by disconnecting the warning function. Feel free to send some heat home to us up here in the north.
20 July 2015 - 23:26
BP says:
Outch! It hurts, really hurts. Not only the problems with the car but also Peter's knee. Can't be fun to drive a car with it either. The poor things - and all in 36 degree heat. No, I don't envy you, I really don't... But if you send up about 10 degrees here, I promise to express-send 20 degrees to you - minus degrees, that is.
Just disconnecting the problem of glowing lights is something I've done myself in a Citroën - and it worked. So there's nothing to worry about.
Peter's knee worries me more. Have you tried the "banal" trick of buying a kilo of ice, putting it around Peter's knee with a goose down or whatever and cooling it down. Yes, I know it doesn't help with 36 degrees, but still. Maybe you can do more "ice cures" in a row with the leg in a high position. Have had the same problem as Peter (in Los Angeles where it was 42 degrees!) and did so. When the knee was down to normal size (almost) I wrapped it tightly. So it went away after a couple of days.
Hugs to you both and good luck!
20 July 2015 - 23:53
admin says:
Ditte, that's exactly right, we have a fan but no AC. If the knee does not get better, we should of course visit a medical centre! But it usually takes a little persuasion on my part 😉 Understand that you think it is comfortable with 20 degrees now! 🙂
Lars, yes, the heat probably affects everything. Both technology and us humans! We are happy to send up some heat in exchange for getting some coolness! 🙂
BP, thank you for your thoughtful comment! We would LOVE to send up some heat in exchange for some cold!!! 😉 Interesting that you were also in favour of the solution of disconnecting the lights! We will have to settle for that for now, although I guess we should do something more "real" later! 😉 Thanks for the tip about the knee! I'll check with Peter what he thinks.
21 July 2015 - 8:50
Ama de casa says:
Ouch... A sore knee does not sound nice. I think that BP's tricks sound good... I understand that it will take a lot of persuasion to get Peter to a health centre (through yourself you know others... "it will pass"...).
Perfect to find a pitch so close to the city. 🙂
21 July 2015 - 9:58
whole says:
But poor you how hard and stressful it is. When you are travelling, everything should just flow on. Hope everything works out soon!
21 July 2015 - 10:05
snort says:
Some things you just have to deal with even if you are travelling. I hope you find some effective medicine because aching knees are no fun at all 🙁.
21 July 2015 - 11:01
Mr Steve says:
It's not just luxury life, those everyday problems don't take a holiday just because you have it. I hope everything works out for you quickly.
21 July 2015 - 11:02
Åsa says:
Good luck with fixing everything! I don't know about any of those things, but the headache might be related to the heat. Dehydration? Drink lots! Every other wine, every other water! (;
21 July 2015 - 11:14
admin says:
Ama de casa, we start with the Pharmacy. If that's not enough, we'll start with Operation Persuasion 😉.
Helga, when you're travelling for a whole year, as we are, you have to expect a few problems to be solved after all... 😉.
Znogge, we bought medicine today. Hope it helps!
Steve, that's exactly how it is! It's luxurious to travel like this, but it's not the same as living a hassle-free luxury life... 😉.
Åsa, the heat is tough when you are prone to headaches. I try to drink a lot...! 😉
21 July 2015 - 15:21
Matts Torebring says:
You have probably had too much of the good heat by now. If I had been as long as you, in such high heat, I would certainly have a headache too. It may not affect you, but for me it is too much. We had +38 in inland Spain at one point, and I felt really bad and couldn't do anything. The heat may also have broken the computer. Cars also suffer from too much heat. No, no, no, no, now I sound like a "pundit". Hope you get medical help and find the right service centres. Get well soon.
21 July 2015 - 20:46