The caves of Neptune, or Grotta di Nettuno as they are called in Italian, are located outside Alghero in Sardinia. Neptune's caves were discovered by fishermen in the 19th century and the cave system is one of the most famous on the island. A lovely boat trip took us there and it was very convenient in the summer heat. Come to the Neptune Caves in Sardinia!
Boat trip from Alghero
We visited the caves by taking a boat trip from Alghero. Since it is always nice to get out on the lake, we thought it was a good combination, with a boat trip and a cave visit in one. The trip cost us 16 euros/person for the boat trip and then 13 euros/person for the entrance fee.
If you do not want to go by boat, you can also get to the caves by driving to the high cliff Capo Caccia and then walking the 656 steps on the outside of the mountain. We were there but chose a nice boat ride in the summer weather because who wants to walk 656 steps when there is a boat?

Caves of Neptune
The cave system is amazing, with large halls of huge stalagmites and stalagtites. Walking through room after room, you can't help but say that this is an impressive cave. But you're not exactly alone in the experience... not on a Saturday in July anyway! We walked all the time with people close in front and behind us.

By motorhome in Alghero
If you want to stay in Alghero by the way, with a motorhome there are many options - both campsites and several different pitches. We parked in the harbour, where we spent the night with a bunch of other motorhomes. Close to the boat trip in the morning! In Italy, you look at where the Italians park their cars and there you stand. They are very tough and we are very careful and you take the custom where you come.

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Mr Nils-Åke Hansson says:
Impressive with these caves.
Greetings from a sunny Åland archipelago
05 July 2015 - 6:45
Mr Steve says:
656 steps. Phew!
05 July 2015 - 6:56
Frankie & Co says:
Mmmm, like caves too - the site looks nice, hope you slept well!
05 July 2015 - 8:21
Rantamor on the retina says:
What caves, no wonder you liked them, we probably would have too,
but Rantafar's weak heart couldn't handle that many steps,
so we are happy to see some pictures (preferably several) from there.
Tjingelingen from Rantamor.
05 July 2015 - 9:32
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Caves are exciting, we've visited a number of them and there are more to come. They are impressive in size and what nature has created. Have a nice trip.
05 July 2015 - 9:36
admin says:
Nils-Åke, isn't it!? Great to hear that you have a great time in Åland!
Steve, we avoided them because we kept the boat... 😉.
Rantamor, the caves are impressive! And we avoided the steps because we took the boat 😉.
Maggan and Ingemar, of course you are impressed by what nature has created? Wishing continued nice summer!
05 July 2015 - 9:53
Ama de casa says:
I would have definitely chosen to pay my way out of the stairs and take the boat trip... 🙂 .
Looked fantastic!
05 July 2015 - 10:02
Robin & Alexandra says:
Very cool :O
05 July 2015 - 12:18
Matts Torebring says:
You'll discover one thing after another that beats the previous ones you've visited. Have a good time
05 July 2015 - 13:30
Steel city anna says:
What a place! So big! Is otherwise a little afraid of caves, the ones we have here are very dark, narrow aisles, partially water-filled and often crazy guides who turn off the light if telling ghost stories suddenly ... Here it looked really nice 🙂.
05 July 2015 - 20:18
JoY says:
What a magical cave!
05 July 2015 - 21:57
admin says:
Ama de casa, sometimes it's good to be a bit lazy (especially when it's 33 degrees outside ;)).
Robin & Alexandra, there are many cool things to see when travelling! 🙂
Matts, there is a lot to see and discover! 🙂
Steel city Anna, wow, your caves definitely sound a bit spooky! Here whose large and illuminated 🙂
JoY, magical and fascinating what nature can do!
05 July 2015 - 23:02
Discovering The Planet says:
You made me laugh Helena. Yes, you are not often alone on such trips. Ants in an anthill. My way out is usually to stay at the back of the queue :)....
05 July 2015 - 23:03