It is wonderful to fricamp in Sardinia! It's now five days since we filled and emptied the tanks in the car and charged electricity from a pole. The water in the tank is probably almost gone, the electricity in the car is ticking down and the car is full of things that need to be emptied: rubbish, waste water, toilet. Nevertheless, we decide to hitchhike one more night!
Alone on a beach in July
We are almost alone on this headland of Bruncu Teula, on a mile-wide sandy beach - in the middle of July. Who knows when we'll get the chance to sunbathe and swim naked again? And if there is a crisis, we have plenty of bottled water and we can charge electricity with our generator.
It's amazing to be alone on a beach like this on the Mediterranean in the middle of July. It is poorly cleaned along the beach - nobody picks up the rubbish that drifts in from the sea and the local visitors seem to be throwing stuff around - but anyway. The beach is long, the water is clear and the bottom is fine-grained soft sand.

We sunbathe and swim, and enjoy delicious dinners outside the motorhome. In addition we pick clams! In the shallow water on the inside of the headland there are lots of vongole mussels (or cockles maybe they are called) that you can easily pick with your hands. Tastes great with pasta, and is a good replenishment of food now that we do not have access to a shop!

By the way, we are not completely alone. Apart from the occasional mussel picker in the morning and a small group of kite surfers in the afternoon, we have the company of flamingos, cicadas, lizards, frogs, butterflies, wasps, brambles and mosquitoes ... (possibly a bit too much of the latter to be honest).

Free campsite in Bruncu Teula
After finding a tiny little road that we took a chance on, and after scratching the whole car for ten minutes, barely getting around the curves and not having a meeting, we were there. This was just too good and we were almost alone for ten days, in the middle of July in Sardinia. We had stocked up on food and water luckily but the rest was in the sea. What an unspoilt place we managed to find and what happiness!

What is involved in free camping in Sardinia?
Free camping is allowed on private land if the landowner has given permission. Camping on public land is generally not allowed, but we understand that you can stay overnight in a motorhome parked on a road, street or car park if necessary.
In sparsely populated areas where you don't disturb anyone, there is a good chance that free camping is possible in Sardinia. However, you should not camp if you see the sign 'Camping vietato is in tutto il territorio'.

No post found!

Mrs Anne-Marie says:
It sounds absolutely fantastic that you are pretty much alone on this beach. I would probably stay there for a while.
But I guess you want to move on and see new places.
Never seen wild flamingos but here we have wild pelicans.
14 July 2015 - 17:29
admin says:
Anne-Marie, we're in the middle of nature and there aren't even rubbish bins here... Our supply of water and electricity is finite, so sooner or later we'll have to move. But this will be the third night here so we are quite happy anyway! 🙂
14 July 2015 - 18:01
Lennart says:
Seems peaceful but we have a fear of mosquitoes!?!??!?
14 July 2015 - 18:26
Matts Torebring says:
What a "flow" you have. I also like textile-free in a more or less self-organised way. I think it is so nice and naturally wonderful. Feel good
14 July 2015 - 18:44
admin says:
Lennart, there are not so many mosquitoes. Just like a normal summer evening in southern/middle Sweden 😉.
Matts, we like to go textile-free from time to time if it is such an organised place or if we are alone.
14 July 2015 - 19:19
BP says:
You are doing the right thing! You only leave such a paradise when you absolutely have to, right? I like your company in addition to wasps, brakes and mosquitoes. I can tell you that there are not so many mosquitoes in Greater Stockholm right now. But cones and brakes are leaving their traces like never before. A colleague who lives south of the city confirmed my "experience" this year. Few bites, but the ones you get sting for three weeks, become red and "disgusting". But the Watch Bite pen is the best invention against itchy bites in a very long time.
Keep on enjoying!
PS. So the word nude bath has now been replaced with textile-free. Imagine what you learn;-) DS.
14 July 2015 - 21:00
Role o Carina says:
Lovely worse o get to be alone on such a nice beach!
Swimming last week in a nice lake, textile-free 🙂 .
Did they only have underwear too, they went off too, Ha Ha Ha 🙂 .
Fortunately, we were all alone there .....
Take care.....
14 July 2015 - 21:30
admin says:
BP, of course, we don't like wasps, hornets and mosquitoes either. At night we pull the mosquito nets. Watch bite pen, what is it?
Rolle and Carina, when you're alone you can do whatever you want 😉.
14 July 2015 - 21:54
Marina says:
How wonderful!!! Enjoy everything you can, it sounds absolutely fantastic!
14 July 2015 - 22:22
Mr Steve says:
I understand that you choose to free camp as much as possible. It must be a very special feeling to experience this Robinson Crouse-like existence. He didn't have a motorhome, of course, but still.
15 July 2015 - 7:03
admin says:
Marina, this is life! 🙂
Steve, it feels a bit Robinson Crusoe-esque at times, although we're probably a bit more comfortable in our campervan 😉.
15 July 2015 - 7:35
Ama de casa says:
Looks fantastically lovely! Understand that you don't like to leave that place 🙂 .
15 July 2015 - 10:09
snort says:
What lovely views and so nice with flamingos there in the water...
15 July 2015 - 11:08
Lena in Wales says:
Looks so lovely!
Love your flamingo picture!
15 July 2015 - 11:18
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
Sounds absolutely wonderful! Being able to freecamp more is really something I look forward to. Campsites are not really my thing... But I love the mobile life....
15 July 2015 - 18:10
Stina says:
Looks absolutely amazing! Glad I found your blog!
15 July 2015 - 22:11
Steel city anna says:
Wow the flamingo picture! How cool!
15 July 2015 - 23:24
admin says:
Camilla, we love free camping! You have to be careful that you follow the rules and don't disturb anyone, but when you can fricamp in nature it's fantastic!
Stina, how nice that you found your way here!
Stel city Anna, flamingos are cool! They are supposed to be here and there on the west coast, but we only saw them now.
16 July 2015 - 7:50
Elisabeth says:
How wonderful to find lonely beaches in the middle of the high season! Fun to experience birds and small animals, although I can spare the insects that get too close.
16 July 2015 - 21:59
admin says:
Elisabeth, I'd love to spare the insects too, but maybe that was the price you had to pay to find a lonely beach! 😉
17 July 2015 - 8:13
Ann-Charlotte says:
Flamingos in real life, so cool?
19 July 2015 - 14:12