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Church of the skull in Otranto - 800 skulls in an Italian church

The Cathedral of Otranto in southern Italy is sometimes referred to as the Church of the Skulls of Otranto, and there's a very good reason for that. A total of 800 skulls adorn the walls of this church, and they are called the martyrs of Otranto. This area of Puglia offers beautiful beaches, azure sea and good food, but also a violent history.


Otranto in southern Italy

Otranto is a town in the province of Lecce in the region of Puglia, in south-eastern Italy. The town is located on the Strait of Otranto and is known, among other things, for horse breeding. In ancient times it was known as Hydruntum.

The violent history of Otranto

On 14 August 1480, the Turks conquered from the Ottoman Empire the town of Otranto. All men over 50 were killed and the women and children were either enslaved or killed as well. The remaining 800 men were given a choice: convert to Islam or die. The men chose death, and in memory of their sacrifice, their skulls are now displayed behind glass in the martyrs' chapel, behind the altar of the church.

Opening hours in Italy

When we arrived, we imagined a rather short visit to the church, and then further travelling. This was not the case! Driving and parking here during high season is associated with a lot of congestion, waiting and honking and when we finally arrived at the church it was 12:15.

We didn't expect the church to be closed between 12:00 and 15:00, but luckily the town is a nice holiday town with bathing cliffs, restaurants and shops. Killing a few hours here is not too difficult!

Badplats i södra Italien
Beautiful and very unspoilt
Många solar och badar vid klipporna mitt inne i Otranto
Many people sunbathe and swim at the cliffs in the centre of the city.

Cattedrale di Otranto

The Cattedrale di Otranto is worth a visit if you're passing through. The collection of human skulls, bones and bones is a bit macabre, but tells an interesting story. The church also has a beautiful mosaic floor that depicts various scenes from biblical history.

Cattedrale di Otranto - besökarna väntar på att portarna ska öppnas 15:00
Cattedrale di Otranto - visitors wait for the gates to open at 15:00.
Döskallekyrkan i Otranto
Skeletal parts are kept behind glass

Motorhome parking in Otranto

When we visited Otranto and the Cathedral Church, we stayed at a car park that is centrally located in the town. The site is a 24-hour car park for both cars and camper vans, with security and the possibility to fill up with water. We paid 6 euros for a day and the address is Via Renis.

Ställplats i Otranto

Another skeleton church

If you find churches with unusual and slightly macabre interiors fascinating, we can also recommend a visit to The skeleton church in Sedlec in Kutna Hora, which we wrote about when we visited the Czech Republic in 2009.

Skelettkyrkan i Sedlec, i Tjeckien, är dekorerad med ben från 40 000 människor
The skeleton church in Sedlec, Czech Republic, is decorated with the bones of 40,000 people.
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