Museum on water, Bay of the bones is located on Lake Ohrid in North Macedonia. Here they've done what we've wished for in many historical sites we've visited - they've recreated what it might have actually looked like in the past! In this case, we're talking about prehistoric settlements. on the waters of Lake Ohrid.
Settlements on piles
Museum on water vid Lake Ohrid is an authentic reconstruction of some of the settlements on stilts that existed here between about 1200 and 700 BC. At that time, the settlements covered an area of 8500 square metres.
Museum on Water museum
Underwater archaeological excavations have been going on since 1997 and have uncovered 6000 piles as well as pots, vessels and tools made of stone, bronze and bone that tell the story of this period. Some of these finds are now on display in a small museum above the water village.

Visit a home from 1000 years before Christ
Each house has a bed, a small fireplace and some animal skins. Otherwise, you'll come across a variety of furnishings: perhaps a cot or an ancient loom. The museum is a fairly quick walk through, but if you're in the neighbourhood, it's definitely worth a visit. Admission is also just £15 per person (2015). says:
WOW super exciting and wild that they have made such a reconstruction. It must have been a good experience to see it 🙂.
26 August 2015 - 9:00
Mr Steve says:
Fantastic! It's an extra dimension to see how people actually lived thousands of years ago.
26 August 2015 - 9:47
Frankie & Co says:
Oh, I appreciate that too ☺.
26 August 2015 - 10:29
admin says:
Ontripdk, it's a different experience when you build it that way! Always hard to imagine if you only get to look at pots in glass cases 😉.
Steve, yes it was a bit fascinating to walk around the small houses and think about what it might have been like a few thousand years ago! 🙂
Frankie & Co, we have said to each other several times that we have missed things like this next to old ruins and the like, then it becomes easier to imagine 🙂 ).
26 August 2015 - 11:29
Lena & Jan says:
UNIQUE! never seen, it would have been something for the Birka excavation, maybe!?
26 August 2015 - 13:32
Travelmania says:
26 August 2015 - 19:13
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Very interesting, I want to go there too 🙂
We like that kind of sights.
26 August 2015 - 20:30
Matts Torebring says:
Incomparable you could say. Certainly a good accommodation after all and close to the water.
26 August 2015 - 20:52
BP says:
Very nice! The first thing I thought was actually that if you make these huts a little more "contemporary à la 2015", you could actually rent them out to tourists.
26 August 2015 - 21:28
admin says:
Lena & Jan, yes or not? Many historical sites would be more fun to visit if they were organised like this!
Maggan and Ingemar, if you are passing by, it is worth a visit!
Matts Torebring, for being a few thousand years old it still seemed reasonably comfortable 😉.
BP, haha, maybe you should build a few more and rent them out! 😉
26 August 2015 - 23:43
Elisabeth says:
How exciting! Oh, there's so much to look at. How are you going to find the time?
28 August 2015 - 21:35
admin says:
Elisabeth, that's right... it's impossible to see everything! Some things you may experience through each other's blogs instead 😉 But we highly recommend a visit to Macedonia!
04 September 2015 - 7:15