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Major cities and motorways in Albania

Today we have experienced both big cities and motorways in Albania. We have travelled from Albania's south-west coast and north-east to Lake Ohrid. We have driven through four major Albanian cities and we have driven several stretches on the motorway. The journey has also taken us through much of the countryside and over some more mountains. This has certainly been an interesting day!


Fruit sales on motorways in Albania

Today we have for the first time tried to drive on motorways in Albania. The quality of the roads is actually ok, but it is still not possible to drive as you are used to on a motorway. Maybe this motorway concept is a bit too new and inappropriate for the Albanians?

They don't really care what kind of road it is. They do what they do! That means driving around with tractors and mops, running across the road, and selling melons, apples, onions and figs along the roadside ...

Det är lätt kaotiskt att köra i Albanien ibland
Driving on motorways in Albania can be chaotic at times.
Försäljare vid den albanska motorvägen
Vendors are everywhere - and of course there are people who want to stop and shop!

Shopping for food - not like at home

We not only drove on motorways in Albania today, but also through four big cities: Vlora, Fier, Lushnje and Elbasan. In Elbasan we stopped for lunch and food shopping. You may remember that we have not yet found a big supermarket? Now we finally found one that was a bit bigger. But travelling in Albania is also travelling back in time, to a time when there was not much to choose from.

The store is bigger, but that really just means that the rows of available foods are longer. There are still only dry goods, tinned goods, wine and other drinks, some dairy products, feta cheese, sausages, eggs and some frozen meat. We can buy vegetables at the market outside.

Next interesting experience: We go into the pharmacy and ask for "Aspirina" (headache tablets). The clerk opens the packet and breaks it open. and tablet. "Eeeh ... I was going to buy the whole pack of ten tablets." "What?" It is obvious that here you usually only buy one tablet at a time, just when you have a headache. And I realise (again) that we're very rich in Sweden ...

Peter provar oliver på marknaden i Elbasan
Peter tries olives at the market in Elbasan... the lightest ones were the best and got to go home!

Towards Lake Ohrid

After Elbasan we continued eastwards towards Lake Ohrid, through one small village after another. If anything, this is time travel! Here you meet horses with carts, old uncles riding donkeys and shops selling mixtures of bath rings, scrap metal and bicycles. And then we arrive at the lake. Wow! We'll be back soon!

Albanien och vägar
Drive carefully because there are animals that do what they want to do
Man vet aldrig vad man möter på vägarna i Albanien
When driving in Albania, be prepared to encounter horses, donkeys, carts, mops, sheep, goats, cows, dogs, bicycles, hayrides ... and all sorts of other things.
Karta över vägen vi kört i Albanien - den sista pilen visar vägen vi kört idag
Map of the road we drove in Albania - the last arrow shows the road we drove today.

Read more

We spent a total of about three weeks in Albania, travelling around by motorhome. We drove into the country from the south, from Greece, and then continued north along the coast. You can read more here:

There are not only motorways in Albania but also beautiful mountain roads.
All our top tips for Albania. Click on the image!

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