Both yesterday and today we have travelled around the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. The Bay of Kotor is a bay with several bays in the northern part of the west coast. There are car roads around the entire bay, usually right next to the water, and it is fantastically beautiful to drive here. The mountains are dizzyingly high, the countryside is lushly green and the houses are small and picturesque. The landscape is a bit like Norway actually, but with a warmer climate.
Amazingly beautiful
This whole area, around the Bay of Kotor, easily qualifies for our top 10 list from the whole trip. It was a bit overcast when we drove which makes the pictures a bit dull, but don't be fooled, it's crazy beautiful here. The mountains are high, the houses are charmingly situated along the winding roads and the water shimmers in green. People sunbathe on piers here and there, boats chug by, and life feels remarkably simple.

Around the Bay of Kotor
The stretch up to Kotor (if you come from the south) is really narrow and it is really impossible to meet, but everyone still solves the meetings both cheerfully and habitually by backing into someone's property, then waving and honking at each other and driving on!
A given stop during the trip around the Bay of Kotor is the city of Kotor, which we will write a separate post about soon. Then we can also recommend a visit to Naluka camping, where we are standing now. This is a nice and personal campsite by a small river, but a short walk to the beach.

Maggan and Ingemar says:
Funny that you liked the Bay of Kotor. We drove the opposite way to you, as we were heading south 🙂 it is beautiful!
The next place you should not miss (unfortunately we did) is Dubrovnik and the old town. We have been told afterwards that we should have gone there, but it will be on the next trip 🙂.
12 September 2015 - 19:11
anita wag agrimanaki says:
oh, how lovely it looks!
12 September 2015 - 19:28
BP says:
I can see why that bay is on the top 10 list. It is fabulously beautiful there. Reminds me a bit of Turkey too - with about the same temperature;-) So you always get a little extra excitement on the purchase during the days when you move;-)
12 September 2015 - 19:59
admin says:
Maggan and Ingemar, it's hard not to like this! Super nice really! And thanks for the tips, we will try to get Dubrovnik!
Anita, it's really beautiful here!
BP, interesting that you say it reminds you of Turkey! We have never been there.
12 September 2015 - 21:34
Mr Steve says:
Like Norway, but with a warmer climate sounds undeniably appealing.
13 September 2015 - 6:09
spindle gills says:
Are you coming to Croatia? We are here now for a few more days! ☺
13 September 2015 - 8:46
admin says:
Steve, it's really nice here! 🙂
Spider girl, yes we are coming to Croatia, maybe already tomorrow. Where in Croatia are you?
13 September 2015 - 9:19
Ama de casa says:
So very beautiful! But those meetings... Not fun! 😉
PS: I'm actually starting to get used to it and I'm not nearly as close to crying when I'm stuck on narrow roads and in narrow alleys. But on the other hand, we still only have a small car... ðŸ™'
13 September 2015 - 10:02
admin says:
Ama de casa, sounds great! Peter usually starts laughing instead when it looks slightly impossible, hehe 😉.
13 September 2015 - 12:51
Steel city anna says:
Absolutely beautiful!
18 September 2015 - 13:13