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Starting training after a long break


If you're going on holiday for two or three weeks, keeping up with your exercise and drinking wine every day may not matter much. It's worse when you're travelling for a whole year... Travelling in a motorhome also involves definitely an increased risk of sedentary behaviour: first you drive and sit in the driver's seat, then you park and sit in the outdoor furniture... Finally, you really have to find a way to move!


Intensive training - and then a break

Some of you may remember that we trained hard when we were parked in Cap d'Agde in France in April. We actually did two (!) sessions Tapout XT per day. We continued to train (more sporadically) during May and early June, but then the heat came and we gave up! When we started training again yesterday, it was after a four-month break ...

Exercise pain

How did it feel today? You could say that we never felt so old and stiff and weak as today, haha. Talk about training pain! When we drop something on the floor, we look at each other in despair and wonder "Eeeeh, should you or I try to pick that up?". Today we did yoga and stretching instead of the programme we were supposed to do. But at least we are up and running again! How is the autumn exercise going for you? Any good tips to share?

Starting training after a long break is tough...

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