The best thing about living in a houseboat in Stockholm is being able to live on the water and still be in the centre of the city. At least that's how we experience it. The houseboat life may not suit everyone, but it suits us! We went for a walk on Sunday and I took some pictures, while thinking about what I like about houseboat life ...
Living on the water ...
In many ways, living on the water is living close to nature. We have the water around us everywhere and we are always aware of the weather. If it rains, it slaps the roof, the deck and all our windows.
If it's windy, it sways and you have to parry when going up and down the stairs. If the sun is shining, it shines right through all our big windows and almost blinds us. Sometimes a few ducks swim past and other times you can see a pair of swans. Yesterday morning I saw the heron that usually lands outside our kitchen window - for the first time since we came home from our European trip.

... but still in the centre of the city
At the same time, we are only a few metres away from the city centre. Stockholm. It only takes a few minutes to walk over to Hornsberg beach and then we are on Kungsholmen, just a stone's throw from Fridhemsplan.
So it's not so far to Stadshagen's metro station, but it's even closer to the Västra Skogens metro in Solna. And of course there are buses and commuter trains in Karlberg. Living in the city suits me, who doesn't have a driving licence, very well... How do you live, in the city or in the country, and how do you like it?

Nilla says:
Really cool! Really fun to see what it looks like ?? and thanks for yesterday's post, looking forward to more!
Wishing you a very happy new year ?
29 December 2015 - 9:19
Dryden says:
In the city but still outside. Central yet quiet and peaceful with no disturbing traffic. Lake view and a twenty-minute walk to work and the city centre. In that sense, Östersund is a really good place to live. And the boat harbour is only half a stone's throw away from the balcony. 😉
29 December 2015 - 9:30
Dryden says:
Next time I jog around Kungsholmen on a work trip, I'll just have to jog past you. The round I usually run is the footpath along the beach around the island. Really beautiful in its special Stockholm way.
29 December 2015 - 9:32
Marina says:
It seems very nice to live as you do, but the part about my home rocking every time the wind blows is probably the detail that would matter to me. We live right in the centre of town, both in Sweden and in Singapore. Now Karlstad is not so big, so there it will be quite calm anyway, then we have our little "place in the woods" ... so a bit of a weekend guarantee it is probably ....
29 December 2015 - 10:29
Ann-Sofie says:
We have taken boating one step further by choosing a sailboat to live on. Whether we end up close or far away depends on where the marina or anchorage is.
An accommodation that suits us perfectly. If you get tired of the surroundings, you move away.
29 December 2015 - 10:32
Ama de casa says:
We live in the centre of Torrevieja and it is basically walking distance to "everything". Suits me perfectly. Lived in Sollentuna before, and long-suffering as I am, I never forgot the "commuter train journey" in the mid-80s... 😉.
Now we take the car out and rest it maybe once every 14 days or so. When we go shopping. Then it can sometimes go on small trips around Spain as well 🙂 .
29 December 2015 - 10:42
Comsi Comsa says:
I live in the city and am close to everything, water, nature, restaurants and shops.
Stockholm is a fantastic city and someone said that it was one of the most beautiful capitals in the world... 🙂.
I think it looks like an excellent place to have your houseboat, the location is not completely shameful either. 🙂
29 December 2015 - 10:57
admin says:
Nilla, they will be more lists - we have so much with us from our 1-year European trip so it is suitable for lots of lists 🙂 Wishing you also a Happy New Year!
Dryden, it sounds like a perfect location in Östersund! And of course you are welcome to jog by and visit! 🙂 Just take the bridge over from Hornsberg's beach and you will soon be in Pampa's marina!
Marina, you get used to the rocking, but it may not be suitable for everyone! It sounds like you live well both in Karlstad and Singapore - and then you get part of both a larger and a smaller city 😉.
Ann-Sofie, I can understand that you like it! It reminds me a bit of how it is to be out with the motorhome, and we enjoyed it for a whole year. Continue to have a good time in the boat! 🙂
Ama de casa, oh now I found out that you lived in Sollentuna. Yes, Torrevieja probably feels more fun! 🙂 You have it perfect there, also a good starting point for travelling around on shorter trips in Europe! 🙂
Comsi Comsa, that sounds perfect. Yes, Stockholm is a great city! And yes, we think the location is great 😉.
29 December 2015 - 11:09
Lennart says:
Living on water in the city, surely cool!
I like to walk and watch the boats at Strandvägen and Söder Mälarstrand.
Had an acquaintance who lived permanently on Strandvägen.
29 December 2015 - 11:28
Ditte says:
Great pictures!
You live well, don't you? Perfect! And the Freedom boat also looks like a boat, a houseboat. It's worse with the in my opinion boring and ugly aqua villas that I can't reconcile with. A small high villa on the water. If they were nice, they might get my appreciation, but I don't think they fit in. I don't like high leisure boats that look like houses either... A boat is a boat.
We don't live on the water but on the quay and have five metres from the gate to the water. But it doesn't swing.
Otherwise it's probably the same as yours, but perhaps a little more space. Since we are south-facing, it is very bright.
We also have the view and the proximity to all the boats that pass by all year round. There is bird life and right now I am grateful that the number of seagulls has decreased. But our owl on the balcony discourages them from visiting. We are close to all services and to restaurants, cafés and nature.
I have lived in Solna for a long time, just above you, and have often walked past the Pampas marina and I remember when it was created. And if I don't live here on the quay, I can imagine Solna with a view of the water.
29 December 2015 - 12:28
Across the board says:
Living near water is wonderful - and you can't get any closer 🙂 .
We ourselves live a 10-minute walk from the centre of Tranås, which is located by the river Sommen, and the river Svartån winds its way through the town. The main street is lined with restaurants and shops and the town centre is really cosy despite being so small.
29 December 2015 - 12:31
BP says:
You live in a fantastic place! Close to everything and with the best view in the world. And you have a restaurant as a neighbour.
Täby is the town in the countryside, you could say. Close to the centre and only a quarter of an hour to the city. Quite ok, if it wasn't for the lack of fun restaurants...
29 December 2015 - 11:58
admin says:
Lennart, yes, there are houseboats in several places in Stockholm, including where you describe.
BP, we think we live fantastically! My mom lives in Täby so we go there sometimes, but not so often to Täby centre iofs. Are there any good/fun restaurants there?
Ditte, I like the aqua villas too, although I myself would prefer a boat 😉 You have a super nice location, as well as we both the water and close to the city. Hmmm, remember when Pampas marina came into being? When was it then and how did it happen?
Cross and dot, it sounds like you live in a cosy place! I don't think I've ever been to Tranås ...
29 December 2015 - 13:19
Role o Carina says:
Living on water certainly has its charms all year round!
We live in a villa about 3 km outside the city, perfect 🙂 .
If we go away, we take the motorhome, otherwise the plane 🙂 .
Take care and keep up the good work......
29 December 2015 - 13:45
Anita Malta says:
Wow!!! What a fantastic accommodation you have! In the middle of the city, close to everything at the same time as the nice feeling of boating, lapping water and an absolutely incomparable view 🙂 Understand that you have been out with the boat around Europe and will look back in your exciting blog and read about your adventures.
I lived in the south of Stockholm for ten years before my husband and I decided in 2000 to leave Sweden and start a new life here in Malta.
I have never for one second regretted taking the step. We have our little company, the climate is pleasant, the Mediterranean Sea is only a few hundred metres away and it feels safe to live here on "our" little island with just under half a million inhabitants.
I don't miss city life at all and when I come "home" to Stockholm for a visit I get the feeling that the climate has become so much colder, and I don't just mean from a weather point of view. You rarely see beggars here and crime is low....
Haha... seems like I can suddenly write as much as I want, but I'll end here and wish you a Happy New Year in the very beautiful capital Stockholm 🙂.
P.S Thank you for looking me up so I could find you 😉.
29 December 2015 - 13:55
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Living in a houseboat must be quite similar to living in a motorhome, even if you have more space in the houseboat. And the water always has an attraction for us. I'm a landlubber, but I still like being close to the sea and the lake. We live by a lake, close to the city centre and with a view of the city. Big cities don't really appeal to us, but it's a good thing we're different. Water has a soothing effect on us humans.
You have a really nice houseboat.
29 December 2015 - 16:24
Deciree says:
Many boat owners trade the boat for the motorhome...but you have kept both:) Super nice to live so close to everything. I would not be able to live in a boat that rocks. My balance is not so good. Motion sickness you know
29 December 2015 - 16:36
Yank says:
What an exciting and nice blog you have! I will definitely come back here 🙂
Greetings Ami
29 December 2015 - 16:57
admin says:
Rolle and Carina, the motorhome is always perfect when you want to get away for a while! 🙂
Anita Malta, how nice that you look in here! Yes, we think we live fantastically 🙂 We can't actually drive our houseboat, but we have travelled around Europe in a motorhome! 🙂 How wonderful it sounds with the accommodation in Malta! How nice that you are so happy with the decision. It does not sound really stupid at all! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Maggan and Ingemar, yes there are similarities with motorhome accommodation, although it is larger. When we travelled in Europe, we weren't looking for big cities, on the contrary. But now that we're home and you have to be able to work and stuff, I think it's nice not to be isolated. Thanks for the nice words about the boat!
Deciree, we swapped the apartment instead 😉.
Ami, how nice! You are so welcome 🙂
29 December 2015 - 17:04
Elisabeth says:
Nice combination with the countryside in the city centre. We live right in the centre, but we have the motorhome to stay in when we want to experience the countryside.
29 December 2015 - 20:10
admin says:
Elisabeth, the motorhome is not stupid! 😉
29 December 2015 - 20:31
Maggan says:
Nice boat! It must be great to live like that. On your own, but still close to everything.
Lovely to live on a houseboat - in many ways. Have tried the houseboat life a few nights on Dal Lake in Srinagar, Kashmir Valley in India. Fantastic...
Anyway, I like to live near the sea. As we did in Bodö in Norway. the views, the "freedom", the space, the weather variations......
A little quieter where we live now on the outskirts of Boden. Good thing too. Human beings are adaptable. But we have the opportunity to vary - we travel a lot and live in different places, but usually near the sea.
29 December 2015 - 20:50
Solan says:
Water, just plain water, but oh what a feeling. Living on water must be something very special. We lived 30 years on Hagagatan near Odenplan, but moved to Bromma (near Sumpan) four years ago. On the contrary, we think it's fun here. A bit more mixed population compared to Vasastaden...
29 December 2015 - 23:35
admin says:
Maggan, thank you so much! Yes we love living like this! What fun with houseboat life in India, it sounds really exciting 🙂 Like you, we like to be close to the water. Even when we're travelling with the campervan, being close to water is often appealing.
Solan, we move in the same areas... I lived in St Eriksplan before I met Peter. Then we moved to Sumpan, then to Solna...
29 December 2015 - 23:39
Helena says:
I live in the city, but still a bit more on the outskirts. Motala is not that big so it doesn't matter, I'm close to most things. However, I would like to move out more to the countryside actually.
30 December 2015 - 0:07
Mr Steve says:
It's certainly a privilege to be able to choose the accommodation you want most.
30 December 2015 - 0:03
Alexandra says:
Yes, I'm quite impressed with your accommodation, it's definitely cool and different! But I really like my own accommodation, an apartment in Märsta on the ground floor with a large patio, facing the courtyard. But my real dream home is clearly in a warmer country and by a beach! One beautiful day so. 😉
30 December 2015 - 1:07
Susjos says:
What a luxury to live like that in the centre of the city on the water! Looks fantastic! I wish I could live a little closer to the city. I live in Sollentuna, on the border with Upplands-Väsby, a bit from the commuter train...
30 December 2015 - 1:18
BP says:
Answer: Now that the old Tegelbruket has reopened (after six months of renovation and "relocation" within the centre), things are looking a bit brighter on the food front. But the place is far too dark in winter for an AW. Let's see how it is during the summer. Food prices are like in the city during the evening so ....
Where does your mum live in Täby? Would almost laugh if she lives where I/we live;-)
30 December 2015 - 1:13
Ruth in Virginia says:
I am a suburbanite through and through. I live in a small enclave with two dead-end streets,
No through traffic. Like to have neighbours; like to have neighbours'
kids come by; like to be able to sit on my little patio at my front door and watch what's going on; like that we all help each other if needed but no one is nosy or snoopy. When it snows, there is always a neighbour taking care of my driveway. I participate in local politics; I know the chief of police; I am part of the small suburb where I live. Have lived here since 1974.
Regarding proximity to restaurants, museums, shops, etc. - no importance
at all for me, as long as I can drive a car.
Living on a boat - I would feel cut off from society. But this is
life. We are all different, and that makes everything interesting. Just think, if you and
Peter had decided to live in a suburb, then we readers wouldn't have had a lot of time to read.
chance to see all the places you visited with your motorhome. Thank goodness!
30 December 2015 - 2:22
admin says:
Steve, yes you really have your dream home! For us, it was very much a coincidence that we found the houseboat when we were looking for an apartment.
Helena, many people dream of the country and I can understand the charm! Since I do not have a driving licence, I would feel isolated though... 😉.
Alexandra, great that you like it! I have not been in Märsta much actually. Can understand the dream of living in a warmer country. We have also talked about it sometimes, but it does not feel relevant right now for our part. Hope you can realise the dream someday!
BP, yes my brother (who works in Täby) told me that Tegelbruket has reopened, but that it has a new name. My mum lives in a villa, not too far from Ella park I think it's called.
Susjos, yes we do think it's luxurious! Only now can we enjoy it seriously. The first year consisted almost only of round-the-clock work to rebuild the boat 😉 Living more centrally is what many people want, but not always easy. Good communications are important if you live a bit away!
Ruth in Virginia, how charmingly you describe suburban life, where people know and help each other. We probably experience more of that now than ever in any apartment. We have 40 year-round boats that are close together, so we are always talking to our neighbours, staying on the dock, helping each other look after the boats, etc. We certainly don't feel cut off from society!
30 December 2015 - 8:37
Christina says:
Living on the water sounds exciting! The sea is somehow soothing, so I can imagine it's cosy to listen to the sound of the waves....
We live in a classic villa neighbourhood in a smaller community, but within easy commuting distance to nearby big cities.
Have fun!
30 December 2015 - 9:14
admin says:
Christina, we also find the water soothing. Somehow it always attracts... Not bad to live in a smaller community, but still have access to bigger cities when you want.
30 December 2015 - 9:48
The Tower Blog says:
What cool accommodation you have by the water. I can see that you enjoy it!
I myself live in an apartment in central Uppsala just a few hundred metres from the Fyrisån river. There are several houseboats where people live all year round.
We alternate our accommodation with also living centrally in Torrevieja, close to everything and only a few hundred metres from the sea which I love. Quality of life!
Happy New Year!
P.S. Thank you for visiting me.
30 December 2015 - 14:09
admin says:
Torrebloggen, it does not sound at all stupid with accommodation in both Uppsala and Torrevieja! Also fun to hear about the houseboats in Fyrisån. I actually did not know that there were houseboats there. Happy New Year!
30 December 2015 - 15:26