Do you celebrate Christmas abroad or at home - and which do you prefer? We are celebrating Christmas in Sweden this year, for the first time in a very long time. It will be really cosy! At the same time, we have searched the archives and remember some exciting Christmas adventures from the past...
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Our previous Christmas adventures
You probably can't talk much about Christmas traditions for us. I've taken a look at the blog's archives and found that our most obvious tradition is... being on an adventure abroad somewhere. This is what our Christmas has looked like since the blog started in 2009:
2014: Spain
In 2014 we celebrated with mulled wine and a three-course dinner in our motorhome in Picos de Europa in northern Spain. We were heading south on our Europe trip and were incredibly excited, but the gas was almost gone and there were only 6 amps in the poles, so it was cold in the car ...
2013: Philippines
In 2013 we backpacked around the Philippines. We stayed in a small cosy hotel in Puerto Galera on the island of Mindoroand what happened? The owner and his wife invited us home for a Christmas lunch of prawns, chicken and sticky rice in banana leaves.
2012: Malaysia
In 2012 we were mostly on aeroplanes! We flew Stockholm-Amsterdam (2 hours), Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur (12 hours) and finally Kuala Lumpur-Langkawi (1 hour). In the end we arrived at the lovely holiday island. Langkawi in Malaysia.
2011: Kiev
In 2011 we were actually at home in Sundbyberg for Christmas, but shortly afterwards we went to Kiev in Ukraine, where we partied at Club Avalon "among walls adorned with gold, peacock chairs, cylindrical toilets with cobalt blue walls, fountains and small fires".
2010: Morocco
In 2010, we spent Christmas visiting Berber villages in the Atlas Mountains, quad biking in the semi-desert, petting dromedaries and hanging out in Djema el Fna Square in Paris. Marrakech in Morocco.
2009: Kiev
In 2009 we celebrated by shopping for fur and glitter in Metrograd's underground shops, dine in golden restaurants and visit Orthodox churches and cave monasteries in Kiev, Ukraine.

Christmas abroad - or at home?
We like to travel, so perhaps our favourite thing is to spend Christmas abroad. This year, however, we're looking forward to a cosy Christmas in our houseboat with family and friends. Where are you celebrating Christmas this year and how do you prefer to celebrate - at home or abroad?

Ninni, Henrik and the Knasen motorhome says:
Hi, there! So far we have always celebrated Christmas at home. We have been travelling just before and just after, but at Christmas we have been at home. Ninni's father has always been a "Christmassy" person and thought it was important that we all meet and celebrate this and that without it being like a "must" anyway, but we have had fun. We have also celebrated two Christmas Eves with ninni's family and then with Henrik's brother's family and parents as his brother lives in Sweden and celebrates with his partner's family on "real" Christmas. But this year my parents have surprisingly gone down to Spain and celebrate Christmas there so this year it will be a different constellation. But it will be good. Our one daughter is also one who loves traditions and Christmas so she would probably be a little disappointed if we travelled away over Christmas but it's just as I think 🙂 Maybe she would think it was ok too? May test one year 😉
23 December 2015 - 9:26
Ama de casa says:
Here it will be a combination. We celebrate at home, but in a way it is also abroad 🙂 .
Have celebrated all Christmases (except one) down here since the apartment was completed in 2003. We also like to travel (even if you can't believe it... 😉 ), but have the advantage of being able to travel at other times is just around Christmas, when it is usually the most expensive.
23 December 2015 - 10:34
Lennart says:
We are facing our third Christmas abroad, first in Portugal!
It feels good!
23 December 2015 - 11:01
admin says:
Ninni, that's interesting, you can think that certain traditions are super important to someone, but then it can suddenly change. Wishing you a really nice Christmas!
Ama de casa, I understand you! You have a great place to celebrate Christmas, and since you can travel at any time of the year, it's better to choose other times when it's cheaper!
Lennart, we wish you a great Christmas in Portugal!
23 December 2015 - 11:44
Anja says:
Oh! Love the last picture from Kiev! Fantastic - thanks for that Helena! .... and happy (green) Christmas (this year)!
23 December 2015 - 11:52
Bosse and Gerd says:
3rd Christmas in a row for us in Benidorm !
23 December 2015 - 12:42
Krisztina says:
It would have been fun to celebrate Christmas abroad and it may be sometime in the future, but it is also very nice and cosy to be at home, especially if you have small children. Have a nice and nice Christmas holiday! Merry Christmas! ?
23 December 2015 - 12:49
Lena & Jan says:
GOOD HOLIDAYS to you also in the marina and the boat! Lena & Jan
23 December 2015 - 13:00
Anna in Dubai says:
Away, at home, away from home....don't know what's what anymore... But this year it will be Christmas in Lebanon, outside Beirut. Have been to Lebanon several times but this will be the first Christmas. Will be fun!
23 December 2015 - 13:09
Ulla & Torgny says:
Hey, hey, hey, hey,
We are celebrating our sixth Christmas abroad, including one in Thailand - and enjoying it so far.....
23 December 2015 - 12:39
Mr Steve says:
It's great to see so many different experiences of Christmas as you have.
As you probably understand, it's Christmas at Getingstorp for me/us.
There's no need to pull out your Kiev hat this year.
23 December 2015 - 12:45
BP says:
For us it is also the first time in five years that we celebrate a green (thank you) Christmas here at home. We are not as adventurous as you but have been in Spain every year. Since it's sunny and relatively warm outside, we don't mind being at home this year. But in general we like to escape Sweden this time of year.
23 December 2015 - 13:26
Monet says:
Our eighth Christmas here in Provence. But it is also "home" for us for the same number of years. We have all the Swedish Christmas traditions such as Advent candlesticks, Swedish Christmas table with ingredients from Ikea Food, Nobel festivities and Lucia celebrations via SvtPlay and some Swedish Santa Claus and Christmas flowers that the French do not have. And then we celebrate a quiet Christmas Eve on the 24th and don't eat birds or oysters but sneak in some foie gras among the meatballs instead. Mixing the best of worlds and enjoying light and snow-free. Merry Christmas to you and many thanks for an exciting travel adventure we have followed this year!
23 December 2015 - 15:36
Annika says:
I am one of those people who only wants to celebrate at home 🙂 .
Not looking for sun and warmth at all at Christmas.
So it will be at home in DC or occasionally in Stockholm with the family there.
This year will be a green and record mild Christmas here in DC. Not much fun, but you have to make the best of it.
You have really been out a lot at Christmas. Understand that it will be very cosy too.
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!!!
23 December 2015 - 15:56
Ruth in Virginia says:
"When the candles are lit at home,
in the dream I am always there ...."
sang Bertil Boo.
My first Christmas here, in 1951, I celebrated with Swedes who had emigrated.
in the 1920s. When they left Sweden, they knew that they were probably
would not be able to travel home again. The old song was sung. Me
felt homesickness hanging in the air. In the end they sang
"Say hello to them at home, say hello to father and mother ...".
How different it was for those who travelled to America at that time!
Our family has usually celebrated Christmas at home. One year we rented a cottage
in the Sierra Nevada with another family; another year it was
in San Luis Obispo, south of San Francisco, with the same family.
Travelling by plane, bus and train around Christmas these days is a circus.
Likes to be at home with the usual stuff.
Take care and enjoy your "midsummer" Christmas!
23 December 2015 - 16:51
Alexandra says:
I have celebrated a Christmas in Australia and a Christmas in Sharm el Sheikh otherwise all Christmases have been in Sweden. However, I would love to celebrate Christmas abroad every year, but it is so damn expensive to travel at that time, and then I get a little stingy 😉.
23 December 2015 - 16:57
Ladies Abroad says:
Abroad, no doubt. This year the Philippines, last year Vietnam/Cambodia and the year before New York/Miami.
23 December 2015 - 17:50
Steel city anna says:
Abroad is home for me so it doesn't really count. Celebrated Christmas in the Czech Republic and in a small cottage in the countryside. Most of all I like to be at home, just me and my husband, and just do what we like. It has become a small tradition that I invite an English friend to a small mini Christmas table on one of the Christmas days, it is very fun! Merry Christmas!
23 December 2015 - 18:06
Maria says:
I've always celebrated Christmas at home (or with a relative, but in Finland) - I really think it's the only right thing to do... 😉 But I might have to accept celebrating Christmas in another country after this one (or at least some of the Christmases, depending on where I will live and what I will work with in the future, if I have the opportunity to go home for Christmas or not. Next to Finland, however, I would very much like to celebrate Christmas with my boyfriend's family in Italy, I have a rather romantic image of Christmas in Italy 😀 But Christmas in Thailand feels as anti-Christmas as you can get almost 😀.
23 December 2015 - 18:26
admin says:
Anja, I'm glad you like the picture and thank you! Wishing you a great Christmas!
Ulla & Torgny, wonderful! We wish you a very merry Christmas!
Steve, at least we don't need any hats right now. Wishing you a very merry Christmas!
Krisztina, Christmas can be cosy at home. Wishing you a very merry Christmas!
Lena & Jan, thank you very much! Merry Christmas!
Anna in Dubai, Lebanon sounds exciting. What are you going to do there? Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
BP, it is so hot here that you can almost pretend you are in Spain 😉 Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Monet, that sounds like a lovely Christmas celebration in Provence! The best of both worlds really! Wish you a really nice Christmas and very fun that you "hung out" on our trip around Europe! 🙂
Annika, Christmas in Stockholm will also be mild, but you can't control that. Wishing you a nice Christmas!
Ruth in Virginia, what a big step to travel in those days, when you might not be able to return. Very different from today! Wishing you a great Christmas!
Alexandra, yes usually it is extra expensive to travel around Christmas unfortunately. Wishing you a nice Christmas at home!
Ladies Abroad, wonderful! Wishing you a great Christmas in the Philippines!
Steel city Anna, it sounds like a cosy tradition with the mini Christmas table! Wishing you a great Christmas!
Maria, maybe there will be a Christmas in Italy in the future, it can certainly be cosy! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
23 December 2015 - 20:11
Elisabeth says:
It's nice to travel and be away during Christmas, but it's also great to celebrate with children and grandchildren, as we will do this year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
ELisabeth and Lennart
23 December 2015 - 20:14
Matts Torebring says:
For us, it would not be the same and probably feel strange not to celebrate Christmas at home with our children and grandchildren. Merry Christmas
23 December 2015 - 20:45
Åsa says:
At home - Abroad! In Bortugal! 🙂 Merry Christmas! /Åsa
23 December 2015 - 21:20
Mr Jan Svensson says:
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
23 December 2015 - 21:22
Across the board says:
It will be at home, but still a bit new since it is the first year in Småland 🙂 .
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
23 December 2015 - 21:57
Staffan says:
Now in Portugal in Algarve Motorhome park with "Christmas ham" from IKEA in Jerez! Not like home, but does it matter???
23 December 2015 - 22:21
Ditte says:
This year we are at home and so were we in 2014, but before that there have been Christmas celebrations in Thailand some years, in Tenerife, in Gran Canaria, on cruise ships in the Atlantic, in the Swedish mountains, in the Alps (Austria, Italy and France) ....
This year it's good to be at home and see my grandchildren and daughters, but I'm happy to be abroad as well.
Everything has its advantages...
23 December 2015 - 23:29
JoY says:
We always celebrate Christmas in Sweden.
I did celebrate Christmas in India and Africa when I lived there. I remember that I found it a little difficult to get the Christmas feeling when it was so hot.
Merry Christmas to you
Hugs JoY
24 December 2015 - 0:57
Marie says:
In fact, if you like to travel and have a husband with a permanent job (who does not value Christmas very much), it is happy to travel away at Christmas, a few free holiday days on the purchase. 🙂
24 December 2015 - 2:47
Casa Annika says:
Spain this year. My bitterness towards Spanish Christmas has begun to fade, and I am beginning to appreciate Spanish Christmas more and more. There will also be a small Swedish Christmas table! (Thanks Ikea!)
Merry Christmas, both of you!
24 December 2015 - 3:11
Anki says:
Lovely look back at your Christmas in different places... we celebrate at home, or at least almost. We eat Christmas dinner and meet Santa Claus together with children and grandchildren at the oldest son's house.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
24 December 2015 - 7:38
Role o Carina says:
Most often it's at home actually!
But even a year in Florida?
Merry Christmas
24 December 2015 - 9:41
Marina says:
No matter where and how, I wish you a very merry Christmas!
24 December 2015 - 9:58
Ama de casa says:
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve!
Hugs and Merry Christmas! 🙂
24 December 2015 - 10:19
admin says:
Elisabeth, wishing you and Lennart a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Matts, wishing you a wonderful Christmas at home with your children and grandchildren!
Åsa, wishing the whole family a Merry Christmas!
Jan Svensson, thank you very much and wish you the same! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kors och Tvärs, wishing you a nice Christmas in Småland!
Staffan, the most important thing is that you are satisfied and happy! Sounds wonderful to me! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Ditte, there have been Christmas celebrations in various places, I hear! Wishing you a nice Christmas holiday in Sweden now!
JoY, we associate Christmas with winter weather so I understand what you mean, but this year it's not much of a winter... Wishing you a Merry Christmas regardless of the weather!
Marie, under those conditions, travelling during Christmas might be a good idea. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Casa Annika, it sounds nice that you can appreciate the Spanish Christmas, and perfect with a little Swedish Christmas table too! Wishing you a great Christmas!
Anki, it sounds like a cosy Christmas celebration! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Rolle and Carina, we have never been to Florida, but a colleague is celebrating Christmas there this year. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Marina, you too! Merry Christmas!
Ama de casa, thank you very much! Merry Christmas!
24 December 2015 - 11:16
Ninny says:
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope you have a nice and cosy Christmas here in Sweden this year. We have always been home for Christmas. We have a large family with children, grandchildren, parents, siblings and nieces and nephews with whom we have always celebrated Christmas as a tradition. Cosy, nice, wonderful!
...(but also messy and chaotic at times...)!
24 December 2015 - 11:38
admin says:
Ninnie, it sounds like a wonderful Christmas with the extended family! Wishing you a great Christmas this year!
24 December 2015 - 18:34
Mrs Anne-Marie says:
You are truly world travellers. Impressive travel list. 🙂
I'm back in Weed, taking it easy after my long visit to Sweden.
Have a great Christmas. Merry Christmas to you both!
24 December 2015 - 23:52
admin says:
Anne-Marie, we are not used to being at home, but after a whole year on the road, it's not bad. Wishing you a great Christmas!
25 December 2015 - 10:00
Carita Liljendahl says:
I have been to Thailand and Copenhagen over Christmas, Israel over New Year and many other places on both shorter and longer trips.
For me, it doesn't really matter whether I'm at home or away on Christmas. When I was married, and my husband was a teacher, we "escaped" a bit this holiday. As a journalist, I also found it more peaceful to be completely away from the online world at home.
This year I celebrated at home in a small circle with my mum and sister's family.
Happy Christmas Day!
25 December 2015 - 14:38
admin says:
Carita Liljendahl, what a variety of destinations over Christmas! Wishing you a continued nice Christmas holiday!
25 December 2015 - 15:19