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Cost of 1 year motorhome holiday - some clarifications


Yesterday, we presented our cost for 1 year of motorhome travel around Europe, in an blog posts. We decided to write about this because we received many questions, and because we think it might help others. We received a lot of feedback - both here on the blog and on Facebook - and we thank you for that!


We received comments that were thankful, curious, surprised or not surprised and sometimes wondering. We also received many comments about other motorhome owners' costs for holiday trips or wintering. We are very happy for all the feedback, and feel the need to answer some concerns and perhaps clarify some points.

Yes, it is cheaper if you stay in the same place for a long time.

Some overwinterers (people who spend the winter in a motorhome down in Europe) have commented that they live cheaper per month than the costs we have presented. We are grateful for these comments, and it is also valuable information for others who are planning future winterisations!

Yes, it is often cheaper if you stay in one place for a long time. Bear in mind that the costs we presented are for an adventure trip around almost all of Europe, but long distances and lots of ferry connections - not for wintering in a few places. We never got any "long term discounts" on campsites or internet as we were constantly moving. So yes, wintering in one or two countries can certainly be much cheaper per month!

Vi förflyttade oss ofta och åkte många färjor, både mellan länder och till olika öar
We moved around a lot and travelled on many ferries, both between countries and to different islands.

Internet became expensive - here is the explanation

Many people have commented that the internet became expensive during our trip. This is true! In fact, the Internet is the only item that directly exceeded our estimate and budget. So why was it so expensive? Many readers write that they found good and cheap internet solutions down in Europe. Yes, that is certainly true. Our internet consumption was expensive for two reasons:

  1. We moved all the time and changed countries and campsites frequently. Many campsites have good deals on the internet, but they only apply if you stay at least a week. We rarely did that ... Sometimes we found cheap sim cards with internet, but sometimes we changed countries before we even used it up. Because we changed countries often, it also sometimes took time to learn and find the best deal...
  2. We use many GIGs. Not only do we surf, but we upload large images, films and manage websites. So we consumed more GIGs than most people might. We also prioritised internet over most other things, so we often chose to buy internet even when it was expensive.
I Italien köpte vi ett prisvärt internet-simkort med 20 GIG - sedan tog vi färjan till Grekland innan vi hunnit använda klart våra GIG...
In Italy, we bought a cheap internet sim card with 20 GIGs - then we took the ferry to Greece before we could finish using our GIGs...

It costs to live - we have included EVERYTHING

Some people have compared our monthly budget with monthly holidays. Some (especially people travelling without a motorhome) have commented that the trip seems quite cheap, while others (especially people travelling with a motorhome) have commented that it seems a bit expensive. Yes, it's cheaper to travel by motorhome and cook your own food than to stay in a hotel! But why was it still more expensive per month than some readers' motorhome holidays?

We believe this is because we have included EXACTLY ALL the costs we have incurred during the year. We haven't just included diesel, camping, food and entertainment. We've also included insurance, doctors' visits, medication, repairs and maintenance, clothes we've had to buy for a whole year, books we've wanted to read, new stuff we've had to buy for the motorhome, etc.

So we have included all these items in the costs, which you might not do if you are travelling on a month-long holiday. Thank you again for your valuable comments and we hope we have answered some of your questions!

När vi var i Kroatien gick vår husbilstoalett sönder - alla reparationer och allt underhåll har vi inkluderat i vår kostnad för 1 års husbilsresa
When we were in Croatia, our motorhome toilet broke - all repairs and maintenance have been included in the cost of our 1-year motorhome trip.

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