Yesterday we visited the brand new (12 November 2015) and crazy big shopping centre Mall of Scandinavia in Solna, where we live. We have heard a lot about this mall and since it is also located in our municipality, it felt like we should make a visit ...
What is in the Mall of Scandinavia?
Actually, perhaps the question should be: What is not in the huge Mall of Scandinavia shopping centre? On three floors and an area larger than NK, Åhléns, Gallerian and Sturegallerian together you will find about 224 shops and restaurants.

There is also a huge cinema with 11 screens, the largest of which is an IMAX cinema with just over 400 seats. In the Mall of Scandinavia you will of course find many of the usual well-known shops, but also some new ones. As many as 14 international brands that have never been in Sweden before have found their way here.
The ceilings are high, the walls and floors are glossy, there's a big fountain you can walk right through, and on the eve of Christmas there's glitter everywhere. It was actually a bit of an experience to come here! But is there really a need for another mall and how will the competition for all the other malls be?
Well, that remains to be seen, of course. According to an article in DN, there will be fierce competition for Christmas shopping, but since the inhabitants of Stockholm County are increasing their consumption by six billion a year (!), the cake may be enough for several malls ...

Shopping just before Christmas
Going to a huge, brand new mall just before Christmas can be a pretty hysterical project. We were a bit curious about the mall, while I have a need to replace some of the 28 pieces of clothing that were destroyed when we got a new one. water damage in our warehouse.
We haven't yet heard from the insurance company about compensation, but it was mainly shirts and trousers (which I usually wear at work!) that were damaged, so I almost... must buy something new. It was a pair of trousers from River Island and a knitted jumper from Superdry.
What was it like shopping just before Christmas? We think there were lots of people in the mall, but it also swallows a lot of people so it wasn't too crowded. But, of course, you still get very tired from running around in such a big mall... Have you been to the Mall of Scandinavia? What do you think? Are you done shopping for Christmas?

Ama de casa says:
Gosh... Shopping is not my favourite thing, really. But I'm done with the Christmas shopping without even starting 😉.
Well, yes. Will buy some shrimp on Wednesday. It feels affordable 🙂
21 December 2015 - 9:54
Åsa says:
I have bought clothes from River Island in England. It's nice if there is something new and not just the same standard stuff in all shopping centres. I get tired of shopping centres very quickly and try to avoid them, but now before Christmas we had to take a turn to get some things that the girls wanted. I thought it was nice that I did not see anything I needed or wanted, but the other day we were going to buy a new refrigerator and were just going to swing by the big sports store DECATHLON to buy new sunglasses for Sverker and happened to buy two new bikes! /Åsa
21 December 2015 - 10:02
admin says:
Steve, haha, it can be a bit exhausting to visit big malls actually 😉.
Ama de casa, shrimp shopping certainly sounds affordable, even at Christmas time 😉.
Åsa, haha, talk about impulse shopping - bikes! But sometimes you unexpectedly find just the right stuff! 🙂
21 December 2015 - 10:32
Mr Steve says:
Huvaligen! I'm glad I don't have to visit a shopping centre.
21 December 2015 - 9:39
Anna in Dubai says:
Wow! Looks really big! I like big department stores as long as I don't have to stay too long and if it's just me dubai mall on Friday mornings.
You must try IMAX if you haven't done so. See Star wars in Imax if you can. Really cool effects even if you are not a super fan of the film.
21 December 2015 - 10:45
Ditte says:
In fact, it is a gigantic shopping centre by Swedish standards, maybe even European ones. I was there a couple of days after they opened but there was a queue, so I didn't feel like standing there. But in January it will of course be a visit again.
Fun with stores that are not otherwise available in Sweden, because the regular department stores' range is not so fun (yes, NK and Åhléns City have a greater variety).
Christmas shopping? Oh dear! Should you do that too? There will be some Christmas presents for the grandchildren and a little something for the daughters ...
Otherwise, I like to give and receive gifts all year round....
21 December 2015 - 12:21
Alexandra says:
I think I will wait a few months before I make a visit there, so maybe the worst heat has settled down haha. I have finished the Christmas shopping, there was no excessive amount of shopping here though 🙂 The daughter has received three packages, the rest of those we celebrate with have received one thing each.
21 December 2015 - 12:23
admin says:
Anna in Dubai, yes it's big. But I guess they have even bigger malls in Dubai...? 😉 Ok, then we will consider Starwars there! I like the films, but haven't had time to think about it yet... 😉.
Ditte, yes, I suppose there are much larger shopping centres in the US and Asia, but here it feels big! We don't buy a lot of Christmas presents either, it's mostly the nephews who get something ...
Alexandra, after Christmas it will certainly be calmer! It's nice not to have to buy too much. The consumerism before Christmas is way too much.
21 December 2015 - 13:06
BP says:
Then Täby Centrum has finally found its "superman". The funny thing is that Tävy C and Mall of Scandinavia have the same owner Unibail Rodamco. The company's business concept is to invest in new brands that are not available in Sweden - hence the slogan "Unexpected shopping" that both malls share.
We don't do any Christmas shopping, but think it's great fun (yes, I know I'm being mean) to sit down in a café and check out the crowds of people stressing themselves out.
We haven't been there yet, we're waiting until after the Christmas and Boxing Day break.
21 December 2015 - 13:47
Annika says:
Going to one of the biggest shopping malls on the east coast today. Tysons Corner Centre. It is not far from where I live, the same municipality, just a short drive away. It's a huge mall, of course (bigger than MofS). But I can find my way around it like in my own street. I've worked there too. I know exactly what I need. AND now before Christmas the opening hours are more than generous, or what to say...(poor clerks)....
But I go there now early in the morning and thus avoid the crowds. Good thing.
I can visit the Mall of Scandinavia this summer, it can be a bit of fun.
USCH for having so many garments destroyed. So sad.
Nope, against Tysons Corner!!:-)
Have a nice Christmas week!!!
21 December 2015 - 15:33
Catherine says:
Ugh. I almost get a little allergic rash and want to hide in the forest when I see this scarf. Do not know why. Has come in an anti everything phase. Brr.
21 December 2015 - 18:09
admin says:
BP, is it the same owner? I did not know that. I like the fact that there are some new brands! I can find it hard to go to big malls, but if I do, I like to find a little more than the "standard shops". After Christmas and the holidays, it will probably be much quieter!
Annika, I understand that you have bigger malls! Guess you can find larger malls both in the US and in Asia above all. But to be in Sweden (and maybe Europe?) it is big 😉 Nice that you find in your giant mall! I am hopeless, I never find in malls, no matter how small they are 😉.
Katarina, haha, good thing you weren't forced to go there then 😉.
21 December 2015 - 18:14
Lennart says:
That would be something for Irene!
21 December 2015 - 19:14
Matts Torebring says:
I've read about it in Market magazine and I understand that it's crazy big. If I remember correctly, there are 26 restaurants. For those of us who have everything we need and walk out of IKEA with a packet of napkins, it's probably not for us. Possibly to check out the restaurants' offerings. If I have a choice, I'd rather take a mile in the woods. Merry Christmas
21 December 2015 - 20:23
admin says:
Lennart, I guess she likes shopping 😉.
Matts, there are lots of restaurants and many looked both interesting and inviting. But the forest does not sound stupid either 🙂
21 December 2015 - 21:01
Ruth in Virginia says:
I get all stiff, like a salt shaker, at the mere thought of being in there.
Annika, who wrote above, doesn't live far from me, so I know of the
Tysons Corner. Haven't been there in years. Like my little (and
cheap) business home.
The US economy would collapse if everyone was like me. 🙂
22 December 2015 - 0:26
Ulla & Torgny says:
I'm not really a fan of big shopping centres, they look big. One wonders if there is enough space for all the shops, but we will find out eventually.
Nothing further with the water leak and all the clothes that were destroyed...
Merry Christmas to you both from both of us!
22 December 2015 - 9:17
admin says:
Ruth in Virginia, haha, it's true, it's good for the economy that people shop. On the other hand, one wonders what will happen to our planet in the future...?
Ulla & Torgny, yes of course you wonder if the base is enough or if any mall is knocked out (maybe not this one in that case). But as I said, it turns out. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
22 December 2015 - 9:23
s p i n d e l t j e j e n says:
I was there the day they officially opened. Absolutely crazy with people then 🙂
22 December 2015 - 16:13
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
The way my life looked a few years ago, I probably would have thought it was a dream to go there... Now it seems more like a nightmare... 🙂 ...
23 December 2015 - 8:10
admin says:
Spider tea, I saw it in the papers. Phew, I'm probably glad I wasn't there that day... 😉.
Active Days Camilla, I understand what you mean and I can agree that consumption is crazy. It's good for the economy in the short term... but in the long term? That's probably the big problem with humans, we have a hard time thinking long term...
23 December 2015 - 8:54