Today you are welcome to take a tour of our houseboat - or at least a virtual tour here on the blog. So ... welcome in!
Table of contents
Hallway and bathroom
As soon as you step on board the boat, you enter our tiny hallway. You do not fit many at the same time here not ... If you go straight ahead you enter the kitchen and if you take the door to the left you enter the bathroom. It's not big either, I must say!
We have an extra-short toilet seat, a small sink with a bathroom cabinet and a shower with a curtain - there's no room for a shower cubicle. But the view is amazing! We've covered the window with a film so it's hard to see in, but when it's dark outside we have to supplement the privacy by closing the shower curtain...

Our kitchen is also not very big, but we have a table for four people (six people if we unfold the pull-out table) and everything you need including a dishwasher. By the way, we have municipal water and sewage - the pipes go under and along the piers - so everything related to water and sewage works just like in a normal apartment.
There are not so many kitchen cabinets though, so we had to get rid of almost half of our kitchen equipment before we moved here. But that's fine too, and here the view is even more fantastic because we have large windows in both directions, both towards the marina and towards Lake Ulvsunda.

Lower deck: bedroom, exercise room, walk-in closet and laundry room
Why don't we start by taking the narrow staircase down to the lower deck? Down there we actually have plenty of space. In the large open room we have our bed, a large area covered with exercise mats (our exercise room) and a large open walk-in closet.
To go into the old engine room you have to squat (at least if you are taller than 160 cm). All the machines for running the boat are gone and today we have a laundry room there with washing machine/dryer and Nibe boiler, water heater, automatic sewage pump and so on.
Some people ask if the boat is cold, but it's definitely not! We have underfloor heating, radiators and an air source heat pump, so it's warm and cosy.

Upper deck: living room
Instead, if we go upstairs from the kitchen, we end up in our living room. This is the room that we completely rebuilt when the boat was up on land last summer. The previous upper floor was much smaller, uninsulated and unsealed.
Now we have a large insulated living room with big windows, a sofa group, a study area for Peter (I usually sit at the kitchen table with my computer), a fireplace and a patio door to the patio.We have an unusually large number of windows in this room (11!) because we wanted views in all directions.

Patio on deck
Last but not least, we have our patio on deck! Here we have a table and chairs for six people and a barbecue. By summer, it will be great to sit here and have meals outside. Right now, both the outdoor furniture and barbecue are tightly lashed to withstand sudden storms...

Mr Frank Olsen says:
Fantastic houseboat !
Is there an engine in the boat so that you can go out with it?
How is the stability? I think it looks "heavy", with a lot of superstructure.....
18 December 2015 - 13:30
Untangling says:
It looks absolutely marvellous. Must be nice to live with such a view. There is everything you need and what a wonderful outdoor place you have 🙂 Thank you for taking us inside your home 🙂 .
18 December 2015 - 13:38
admin says:
Frank Olsen, thank you, glad you like our houseboat! There is no longer an engine, so you can't drive the boat. The boat weighs 32 tonnes and is quite high. It rocks quite easily, but can still withstand a lot. We have had a company here that has done a stability test, and we have had it assessed as stable and safe to live in. But it is primarily a "floating villa" - it is not built to drive around with 😉.
Ontripdk, the view is fantastic and we enjoy it every day! It feels like we have nature close by even though we live near the city and it's wonderful! 🙂
18 December 2015 - 13:38
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
Great! Fun to follow along on a tour! And good with a little "compact living" so you don't have to drag a lot of unnecessary possessions through life 🙂.
18 December 2015 - 13:43
admin says:
Camilla, we ended up clearing out a lot when we settled here - nice. It's easy to acquire far too much stuff unnecessarily!
Steve, yes we think we have everything we need! Not so much unnecessary these days either, there was a lot of clearing when we moved and then maybe even more when we were going to rent out (and had to store all our belongings in a storage room).
18 December 2015 - 14:02
Lisa & life on the bright side says:
It really is so extremely cosy!
18 December 2015 - 14:45
Mr Steve says:
Thanks for watching. You have everything you need. It is quite nice to sort out all the "unnecessary". Things that are just for public viewing and take up space or belong to the category "may be good to have sometime".
I can imagine that the longing for summer is quite strong.
18 December 2015 - 13:52
Krisztina says:
Very nice and cosy, tastefully decorated, nice floor. You have good taste.
18 December 2015 - 15:33
Åsa says:
Very nice and cosy! I was just going to ask if you would show us around the boat. I was curious!
18 December 2015 - 16:48
Jeanette says:
Oh how cosy you have it there on the boat! 🙂
18 December 2015 - 17:29
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
So nice, thanks for the peek! Fun to see how you have it in the houseboat ðŸ™'
18 December 2015 - 18:11
BP says:
How incredibly nice you have done! Love all your solutions, and the slate in the bathroom is so delicious!
Living in a small space has its advantages. You don't accumulate unnecessary stuff that you hardly ever use. Then I laughed out loud at your shoe shelves (which you strangely didn't even mention;-) ) - they probably take up the most space in relation to the rest of your interior design;-) Oh no, I'm definitely not going to ask where Peter's shoes are "allowed" to be placed;-)
18 December 2015 - 17:19
admin says:
Lisa, glad you like it and thanks for visiting! 🙂
Krisztina, thank you! Glad you like it! In the kitchen we still have the floor from the previous owner. On the new floor we put in a rather dark floor which we liked!
Åsa, but so good that we got the idea to show around then! 🙂
BP, how fun that you like the slate in the bathroom! It was a bit of an emergency solution because we did not want to redo the entire bathroom (enough work anyway!) but got several ugly surfaces that we needed to do something about... 😉 And haha, funny that you comment on my shoes! Yes, there have probably been a few pairs... 😉 Peter's shoes are at the bottom, under my ...
Jeanette, glad you like it! We think we have very cosy! 🙂
Marianne, thank you for stopping by! 🙂
18 December 2015 - 18:42
Mr Lars Permelin says:
Thanks for watching. Can easily conclude that houseboats are not my thing.
18 December 2015 - 18:52
Rantamor on the retina says:
Thank you for the tour of the houseboat, or bobboat, as I always talk about the motorhome with warmth.
Such wonderful spaces.
I was reading on a Finnish-Swedish blog just now, where I smiled, when she wrote that she had bought a new lamp for the hallway.
It's been so long since I've called a hallway a tambourine, but we said old-fashioned back then.
Christmas hugs to you and thanks for all the campervan trips!!!
Tjingelingen from Rantamor.
18 December 2015 - 20:42
admin says:
Lars Permelin, not everything suits everyone 😉.
Rantamor, bobboat sounds cosy! 🙂 Interesting what you write about the drum, a word that you understand but very rarely use today! Wishing a really nice Christmas!!!
18 December 2015 - 20:51
Lennart says:
Looks like you have more space than we have in the motorhome :)(:)!
I wouldn't mind living on a boat, but already have one accommodation too many!
Live well!
18 December 2015 - 21:11
Discovering The Planet says:
Looking forward to seeing it IRL at some point :).
18 December 2015 - 21:19
Matts Torebring says:
Really compact living. I would probably think it's a bit small, but it looks really cosy. We are used to having large spaces. In our motorhome we have "two rooms & kitchen" and at home "nine rooms & kitchen". Enjoy!
18 December 2015 - 21:27
admin says:
Lennart, we have 76 square metres in the boat, so it's a bit bigger than a camper van 😉 (Even if the square metres in the houseboat are sometimes a bit oddly distributed) And too many accommodations are hard to keep track of! 😉
Daniela, we hope you come and visit us when you come to Stockholm! 🙂
Matts, nine rooms and a kitchen is not bad! The houseboat is 76 sqm + patio, so it's not that small 😉 But the square metres are a bit oddly distributed perhaps: kitchen, hall and bathroom are small 😉.
19 December 2015 - 0:09
Ninny says:
So fun to see how you have it on the houseboat! Nice and cosy, and there is everything you need, and it seems so wonderful to have the sea / water around you.
19 December 2015 - 0:38
Mrs Anne-Marie says:
Really nice you have it on your houseboat.
Small like a tiny house but a boat.
What a view with all the windows and water around you.
Thanks for watching!
19 December 2015 - 8:15
admin says:
Ninnie, having the water around us is what we love! And at the same time we have everything we need 🙂
Anne-Marie, thank you! Yes, it is like living in a small house. According to the Swedish Tax Agency, it is actually a "small house on unoccupied land" 😉.
19 December 2015 - 9:47
Ama de casa says:
Wow, how nice you have made it! And a dishwasher and everything... 🙂
19 December 2015 - 10:21
Ditte says:
Top-end accommodation! It's great to see what the Freedom boat now looks like indoors. What a job you have done! Fabtastic!
Remember the pictures from when you first moved in and your home was not remodelled and have since seen her both on land and in the sea, the outside that is.
And living on the water is perfect. We are content to live on the quay and have houseboats along it, but I want to live near the water. It really is a special feeling. (And when we had a boat, we of course lived on the water... But it was a small sailboat, but the feeling was there and I miss it sometimes).
Thanks for watching!
19 December 2015 - 10:55
admin says:
Ama de casa, dishwasher is a luxury now (after a year without one) 😉 .
Ditte, nice that you have followed along! And yes, isn't it wonderful to live by water? 🙂
19 December 2015 - 12:13
Lena & Jan says:
Tusn va fint, it is, so to speak, much tighter turns you can take in your motorhome, but we still remember the conservatory / exercise room!
19 December 2015 - 13:09
Role o Carina says:
God how beautiful you have done in the boat, well done!
Must be amazing with that view 🙂
Take care and enjoy.....
19 December 2015 - 15:20
admin says:
Lena & Jan, thank you! Even though we live compact, we always try to make room for an exercise room 😉.
Rolle and Carina, thank you! And we enjoy the view every day! 🙂
19 December 2015 - 15:59
Elisabeth says:
You have a very nice place with many clever solutions. Our apartment is not much bigger than yours, but we have it on one level. Of course, you have a much better view and more light than us. The location is so nice!
20 December 2015 - 10:51
admin says:
Elisabeth, we think we have a good amount of space, but perhaps a bit oddly distributed between the different rooms 😉 We love the location and the view, so we can easily overlook the fact that we have a cramped bathroom 😉.
20 December 2015 - 17:35
Maria says:
Oh so lovely, I would not have said no to living there! 🙂 How is it otherwise in a storm, does it get a little rocky?
20 December 2015 - 19:05
admin says:
Maria, yes, there is some rocking during a storm, but the boat weighs 32 tonnes and we are moored. It does not swing so badly that things tip over or so 😉 .
20 December 2015 - 21:57
Deciree says:
You have really made it nice in your houseboat. 🙂
21 December 2015 - 15:41
solan says:
Thanks for the round-up. Nice houseboat and right, you don't need a lot of space...76 square metres seems to go a long way. We have gone from 96 to 57...just liberating. The more gadgets the more to take care of... Ship ahoy and have fun 😉.
23 December 2015 - 0:40
admin says:
Deciree, thank you! Glad you think so! 🙂
Solan, when you have to vacuum, you're just glad you don't have too many square metres 😉.
23 December 2015 - 8:56
Lina - The world according to AdrenaLina says:
How marvellous you have it! I understand that you have a houseboat but not so far as to make it your main residence. Fantastic! Must be very cosy and relaxing 🙂.
18 August 2016 - 21:14
hagfish says:
What a nice houseboat. Funny that you got to look in.
04 September 2018 - 7:28