This morning we were live on radio P5 Sthlm, in the morning programme with Kim Kärnfalk and Farzad Nouri. They wanted to talk to us about our 1 year long journey around Europe with a motorhome. Super fun of course! But a bit nervous too ...
On site at Radiohuset this morning
At 07:00 this morning, we parked up Mini-Freedom at Radiohuset and found our way in through the entrance. Kim and Farzad found us quickly and made sure we got coffee and felt calm and comfortable... or well, as calm and comfortable as you can feel when you are about to be interviewed live. At 07:30 it was time to sit in front of the microphones ...
Interview on the campervan trip around Europe
Kim and Farzad wondered, among other things, how we came to travel by motorhome, how to plan for a whole year's trip and what it really costs to be on the move for a whole year. After a break for music, we talked a bit about prejudices about camping and the advantages of motorhomes, and it sounded like both Kim and Farzad were keen to go on a motorhome trip...!
Want to listen to the interview? I find it super hard to hear my voice so I'll probably skip it, but if you want you can click on the recording below and find your way to 1:28:30 ...
Update: The interview is no longer available

Ditte says:
Thanks for the tip! I will of course listen to this.
At home we usually listen to P4 Stockholm and P1 so P5 is not one of the programmes we usually listen to, but we are not up so early nowadays when there are no jobs waiting.
13 January 2016 - 17:35
Krisztina says:
Nice to hear your voices, we've only seen pictures of you? You didn't sound nervous at all.
13 January 2016 - 18:03
BP says:
What a nice and totally relaxed interview! You were absolutely kanoooooon! You sound incredibly professional, and so does Peter, especially considering his unexpected jokes to lighten the mood even more. I think the interview could have been at least 15 minutes longer actually. Good thing I read your blog so I didn't miss anything.
Congratulations! Professionally done!
13 January 2016 - 18:03
Henny says:
I agree with the others who commented, you sounded really relaxed and natural. Also nice to hear what you sound like.
Thank you for making it possible to listen to the programme. We hillbillies outside the capital are not reached by Radio P5 Stockholm as far as I know 🙂.
13 January 2016 - 19:11
nils-åke hansson says:
Nice to have heard the voices.
13 January 2016 - 19:29
Åsa says:
It sounded really good! But of course it is really hard to hear your own voice - even worse to see yourself in the picture at the same time! /Åsa
13 January 2016 - 19:49
Mr Steve says:
Have of course listened to the interview. Agree with BP, it was a complete success. I definitely did not detect any nervousness. Great fun to listen to you after having followed you via writing and photos for a long time. Have a good time!
13 January 2016 - 20:00
Mr Lars Permelin says:
It was very nice to listen to you, everyone seemed to be alert and happy so early in the morning.
14 January 2016 - 0:32
admin says:
Ditte, I understand you, I wouldn't get up super early unnecessarily either 😉.
BP, but oh, thank you for your super nice feedback! So nice to hear. You never really dare to believe that you are doing something good 😉 Thank you!!!
Krisztina, good to hear! Maybe we were most nervous before 😉
Henny, thanks for the great feedback and glad you listened!
Nils-Åke, 🙂
Åsa, yes, it's good that we haven't been asked about TV, haha. Rado is hard enough 😉
Steve, so glad you've been listening! And thanks for the positive feedback! 🙂
14 January 2016 - 0:39
Marina says:
What fun! Haven't listened yet, but will definitely do so!
14 January 2016 - 9:52
Ama de casa says:
Good to hear you 🙂 Great interview!
14 January 2016 - 10:25
Elisabeth says:
Nice radio session. Helena, your voice did not sound strange, we recognised both of your voices.
Keep up the good work!
14 January 2016 - 10:52
admin says:
Marina, it was fun to be involved! 🙂
Ama de casa, please, it's not easy when you're not used to it 😉.
Elisabeth, thank you, good to hear! 🙂 It's probably just that you're not used to hearing your voice in that way 😉.
14 January 2016 - 11:22
Solan says:
Good that you are dispelling the myths about camping. Great, the programme leaders don't have a clue about "taking a campervan to Europe" .... Didn't manage to hear the whole interview, poor connection at the moment. Lots of hello from the fan club 🙂 .
14 January 2016 - 11:24
admin says:
Solan, it's great to have the fan club cheering you on! 🙂 And of course we have to work on the camping myths... 😉.
14 January 2016 - 11:46
Annika says:
GOD how funny!!! I will listen to that as soon as I get home. Absolutely right to interview you after your big trip. You could have been in the TV programme that Mary af Rövarhamn was in as well, know that they have a new season now.
Will listen when I get home! FUN!
14 January 2016 - 15:25
Lots of other stuff and some concrete says:
Good to hear you!
Greetings Agneta
14 January 2016 - 16:12
Marianne - Glimpses of the world says:
What fun to hear! You did a great job!
14 January 2016 - 18:05
Annalena says:
But what fun to hear you too! 🙂 Great that you are being recognised in the radio world as well. But I agree with you that it is so strange to hear yourself... That's not how you sound "inside your head" 😀.
15 January 2016 - 10:05
admin says:
Annika, how nice that you want to listen! 🙂 I think that TV programme was in contact with us actually, but they only want families travelling with children, so it was not relevant.
A lot of other things and some concrete, 🙂
Marianne, thank you, glad to hear you think so! 🙂
Annalena, no, you obviously hear your own voice differently, so it's a strange feeling... 😉.
15 January 2016 - 11:03
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
Nice report! Listening and reading here and there today. Laughing at Peter's "Motorhome? Do I look like a camper or what?"
Yes, sometimes you don't know who you are or can be before you try... We have also experienced this... 🙂 .
23 January 2016 - 11:19