The Croatian Tourist Board has nominated us for the annual "Zlatna penkala" or Golden Pen Award for our blogging about Croatia. We've received a fantastic justification, and we've also been invited to the award ceremony in Split at the end of April. Wow! This is soooo much fun. And of course you can "follow" the journey on the blog!
Golden Pen Award
The "Golden Pen Award" is given every year to the best travel report, TV programme or blog about Croatia. The Croatian Tourist Board has recognised our blogging during our two months in Croatia from September to November 2015 and nominated our blog in the best online magazine/blog category! We really fell in love with Croatia during our time there, and it feels great that they have recognised this. In the nomination they write among other things:
The travels through Croatia, filled with experiences of beautiful nature and exquisite food, have all been documented in a series of 50 posts on their blog. The abundant photos of crystal clear turquoise sea, hidden bays and spectacular nature intrigued their readers and brought further attention to the blog.
Award ceremony in Split
We are thrilled to have been nominated for this award, but that's not enough, we are also invited to the award ceremony in Brussels. Split at the end of April. Soooo exciting!
We don't know much more than that we'll be spending 2-3 days in Split for the ceremony, and of course we'll be blogging about the event. Hope you'll join us! For now, you can read about our top travel tips in Croatia.

Ann-Sofie says:
Great! Congratulations!
25 February 2016 - 8:56
Ama de casa says:
But so much fun! And you are soooo worthy of that nomination!
Big, big congratulations!!!
25 February 2016 - 9:22
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
Great! Congratulations!!! By the way, I read the report about you in the caravan magazine yesterday. Great report! And laughing to myself every time I read about Peter's first comment about this with motorhome life... ?
25 February 2016 - 9:36
Aila says:
Congratulations... What fun!!!! You have made us want to go to both Croatia and Albania...
25 February 2016 - 9:43
Åsa says:
Congratulations! So much fun and good!
25 February 2016 - 9:57
Snows says:
Congratulations on the nomination which you really deserve! The youngest daughter just got a scholarship and is going to Dubrovnik this spring 😀.
25 February 2016 - 10:26
Anonymous says:
Congratulations! You really deserve it!
25 February 2016 - 10:33
Mr Steve says:
Congratulations! What a recognition. It's great to be encouraged so often to continue travel blogging.
25 February 2016 - 10:19
nils-åke hansson says:
Congratulations on your nomination.
25 February 2016 - 11:33
admin says:
Ann-Sofie, thank you! 🙂
Ama de casa, thank you so much for your kind words!
Active Days-Camilla, thank you and what fun that you read the report! Yes, we probably had some prejudices about camping at that time, haha 😉.
Aila, thank you and I'm glad we could inspire you!
Åsa, thank you so much!!!!
Steve, yes this is a real incentive! 🙂
Znogge, thank you and good luck with the scholarship! What is the scholarship?
Anonymous, thank you very much! 🙂
Nils-Åke, thank you!!!
25 February 2016 - 12:04
Helena says:
Congratulations again! So much fun!!!
25 February 2016 - 12:27
Like says:
Fun. Found your blog and followed you with interest when you wrote about Croatia. It was not the travelling that caught us but all the reports about different places in Croatia since we moved here (Kastela outside Split) and have not yet had time to see large parts of Croatia.
25 February 2016 - 13:16
Anja says:
Čestitam!!! 🙂
25 February 2016 - 13:27
BP says:
Absolutely fantastic! Congratulations! What a recognition! I can't wait to follow your reporting on the visit to Split!
25 February 2016 - 14:03
Lennart says:
25 February 2016 - 16:18
Vackralillavardag says:
That's great! Congratulations!
25 February 2016 - 17:37
admin says:
Helena, thank you very much!
Like, what fun! You wrote on the blog when we were in Croatia, right? How are you enjoying Croatia?
Anja, should you say thank you now or? I'm not very good at Croatian, haha 😉 .
BP, thank you! It feels great! And of course we will report! 🙂
Lennart, thank you very much!
Beautiful little day, thank you! 🙂
25 February 2016 - 18:23
Like says:
I haven't commented on the blog before.... we love Croatia, we are writing a "diary blog" about our "journey" from our life in Sweden to life here....
25 February 2016 - 18:57
Ditte says:
Congratulations on this! So much fun! And this is big! You are so worthy of being recognised and of course I will join you on that journey too.
25 February 2016 - 19:38
Motorhome internship says:
Well deserved I say? - so funny!
25 February 2016 - 20:06
Comsi Comsa says:
*** Congratulations***
So calm.... 🙂
Hugs ❤
25 February 2016 - 20:11
admin says:
Gilla, glad you stopped by again and replied! It was another Swede who moved to Croatia who wrote when we were there, so I thought it might be you. But then I realise that it wasn't! Wonderful that you enjoy yourself and thanks for the link, I will check out the blog!
Ditte, thank you so much! Yes, it feels very fun! 🙂
Motorhome practice, thank you very much! By the way, I'm doing further research on the blurring of the images. I haven't got that far yet, but maybe I'll try to get hold of the developer of the theme.
Comsi Comsa, thank you! 🙂
25 February 2016 - 20:38
Deciree says:
But so much fun !!! You are absolutely worthy of this. I like your blog :)))) Congratulations!!! 🙂
25 February 2016 - 20:41
Matts Torebring says:
Good job, good luck!
25 February 2016 - 21:16
admin says:
Deciree, thank you! And so glad to hear that you like our blog! 🙂
Matts, thank you very much!
25 February 2016 - 22:06
Henny says:
GREAT CONGRATULATIONS. I say like so many others: You were really worth it. I hope the nomination leads to victory and in any case wonderful days in Split 🙂.
25 February 2016 - 22:43
Elisabeth says:
So much fun! Then we keep our fingers crossed again! Congratulations !!!!
25 February 2016 - 23:40
Casa Annika says:
Oh, what fun! Big congratulations! And what fun with a new trip to look forward to 🙂 ðŸ™'
26 February 2016 - 3:00
admin says:
Henny, thank you so much! Yes, we already feel like we've won, and just being in the Split will be great!
Elisabeth, thank you so much! 🙂
Casa Annika, thank you! It will be great fun to travel to Split again, and experience that city in a slightly different way!
26 February 2016 - 8:47
Anonymous says:
Congratulations to you!
26 February 2016 - 17:56
Maria says:
big congratulations on that!!! 🙂
26 February 2016 - 20:43
Across the board says:
That's great! Congratulations!
27 February 2016 - 8:28
JoY says:
Congratulations to you and the blog, great fun.
27 February 2016 - 14:04
admin says:
Anonymous, thank you very much!
Maria, thank you!!! 🙂
Thank you so much! It feels great!
JoY, thank you very much!
28 February 2016 - 7:04
Inga M says:
Congratulations on the nomination! It's great that you get credit from more than just us blog readers. And we look forward to following you on your trip to Split. Have a great weekend!
28 February 2016 - 13:20