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Our travel plans for 2016


In 2015 we travelled Around Europe for a whole year with the motorhome. What a trip! Every day a new free day dedicated to adventure... Now we are back in the houseboat and go to work every day. So what will this travel blog be about? Well, of course we will continue travelling...! Here are our travel plans for 2016.


Many shorter trips

No, we can't go travelling for a whole year again, at least not right now. We have to work a bit and pay rent and stuff like that, you know. Instead, the plan is that there will be many shorter trips. We started with the trip to Turku archipelago and the travel fair Matka in Helsinki in January. Ahead of us, we have a planned trip to Budapest in June.

We are also planning several other short flights to exciting destinations in Europe. And, of course, we'll be doing a lot of travelling with the motorhome, both inside and outside the country. We will tell you as soon as the plans are in place!

Vi har besökt Budapest mitt i vintern en gång - det ska bli intressant att uppleva staden på sommaren!
We have visited Budapest in the middle of winter once - it will be interesting to experience the city in the summer!

Fairs and other fun

In the near future there will be visits to various travel fairs, which we will report on. We will go both at Greece Panorama in Globen on Saturday and at Caravan Stockholm in Kistamässan next weekend. Do not forget to shout if you see us! During the year there will certainly be more fairs, and we have some exciting plans for Elmia Husvagn Husbil in September.

In July we are thinking of participating in the TBEX Europe, the big European meeting for travel bloggers, which happens to take place in Stockholm this year. In August we are invited to a big wedding, where we have also been hired as wedding photographers. So yes, a lot of exciting things will happen during the year. Hope you follow along!

Do you have any trips or other exciting things planned for 2016?

Peters foto från Kroatien i oktober i år - i augusti blir det bröllopsfotografering på riktigt!
Peter's photo from Croatia in October this year - in August we'll be shooting weddings for real!

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