We actually managed to attend two fairs on Saturday, both the Vildmarksmässan and the Allt för sjön fair. Both were housed in Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö, so it was supposed to be possible to run between the two exhibition halls. It was fun to visit both fairs, but it was also interesting to see how the atmosphere differed ...
Stand Up Paddle Boardng
The most playful part of the Everything for the Sea exhibition was a large pool where you could try Stand Up Paddle Boarding. "We live on a boat and often see people paddling by in this way. They usually look pretty unconcerned, but maybe it's because they've been practising for a long time? Is it difficult to keep your balance? Have you tried it?

Exclusive boats
Apart from the playful pool, the fair consisted largely of more or less exclusive boats. I won't write much about them, for the simple reason that I don't know much about boats. But here are some pictures of some of the boats that caught my eye. Anyone you like?

What was the atmosphere like then?
I wrote in the introduction that there was a slightly different atmosphere at the Vildmarksmässan and the Allt för sjön fair, and there was. Firstly, it was a bit different dress code. The green Fjällräven trousers that were so right at the Vildmarksmässan didn't fit in as well with the red chinos at the Allt för sjön fair, so to speak. The reindeer clip sold at the Wilderness Fair's café was probably not available at the Rosé Bar or the Biergarten either ...

Alexandra says:
I've tried the stand up paddle board and I didn't fall in once, so it's relatively easy! Oh fun
14 March 2016 - 8:32
Lennart says:
We have never had a watercraft.
Have travelled by boat with others. Now there are other things to do!
Many motorhome friends come from a boat but not us!
14 March 2016 - 9:40
Åsa says:
What a mess! Hooray!
14 March 2016 - 10:04
Ditte says:
Stand-up paddle boarding is fun and I have tried it abroad and you train your balance. But if bad luck should happen, I want to be warm in the water, otherwise you have to wear a dry suit.
We used to visit the boat show, but now we don't really think it's "boats" that are on display, but more floating vessels in the multi-million dollar range, unless you have a small dinghy of course. We are not at all amused by these large boats.
But it's fun to take the opportunity to look while you're there.
And our boating life is over...
It was nice to have a report anyway. Thank you very much!
14 March 2016 - 10:15
Goatfish says:
Wilderness life appeals to me more than boating. Would have been fun to go to the fairs, but too far away for me.
The pink buses have had a pink shimmer about them. Sometimes you can travel in travel blogs and books as well 😉.
Nice to have your report!
14 March 2016 - 11:05
Ama de casa says:
Those stand-up paddle boards have become very popular here too. However, I have not tested. Guess it requires a lot of sense of balance... 🙂 .
14 March 2016 - 11:18
nils-åke hansson says:
If we had remained in Söderköping, it would probably have been a boat. But the motorhome has probably enriched us more, I think. We have had many pleasant experiences.
But I can find it interesting to go to wilderness fairs and boat shows as well. Leisure time has always been important to me/us.
14 March 2016 - 13:17
Mr Steve says:
Thanks to wooden boats.
I have an absolutely priceless story from a boat show in the 80s. I wasn't there myself, but got involved afterwards. I might write about it sometime on my blog. Or maybe I won't write anything. Time will tell.
14 March 2016 - 12:19
admin says:
Alexandra, I must try it sometime! 🙂
Lennart, we don't come from a boat either, so to speak, but Peter grew up in the archipelago and had a boat then!
Åsa, haha 😉
Ditte, I'd love to try stand up paddle boarding, but like you, it should be warm in the water! Incidentally, I agree that it was mostly large and luxurious boats that were shown.
Geddfish, we were also more attracted to the adventures at the wilderness fair, but it was still fun to check out both fairs. And of course you can "travel" at home - I travel a lot in the world of books and blogs! 🙂
Ama de casa, if I'm going to try it, I'll follow your advice - the water should be warm! 😉
Steve, haha what a cliffhanger! Now you MUST write and tell! 🙂
Nils-Åke, we are also extremely pleased to have chosen a motorhome, it has taken us on fantastic adventures, but it is fun with other inspiration too! 🙂
14 March 2016 - 13:24
BP says:
I can say that the Wilderness Fair is not exactly my favourite, but we usually go to the Boat Fair. It's always fun to see what's available without us being direct boat people either. We prefer to stay on land and as asphalt farmers... well, you know what I mean;-)
Many thanks for the report, as we miss the fair this year. The marina in Alicante will have to do;-)
14 March 2016 - 14:06
Helena says:
Keeping your balance on a SUP is not difficult at all. You should definitely try it this spring/summer. It's absolutely wonderful to glide on mirror-like water... and adventurous if there are big waves.
14 March 2016 - 17:25
Matts Torebring says:
I am grateful to be able to travel all year round with our beloved motorhome and not just a couple of three months a year with a boat. We who have sat and laughed at everyone who does not climb backwards with a caravan. No one should ever laugh at me because I can't drive a boat. But it's nice that some people are still in the lake. How crowded would it otherwise be at all the caravan parks and campsites?
14 March 2016 - 19:48
Imelda says:
SUP is fairly easy and fun! I bought an inflatable last autumn so I can take it with me in the camper. It is also good training!
14 March 2016 - 22:44
admin says:
BP, the marina in Alicante sounds like a perfectly ok substitute if you say so! 🙂
Helena, it definitely sounds like we should try it! But I think I prefer without big waves 😉 .
Matts, we also tend to think that one of the big advantages of the motorhome is that the season is so much longer! But you have a point, it's not good if everyone becomes a motorhome fanatic! 😉
Imelda, how smart with an inflatable that can be taken in the motorhome! And good that there will be training too, can imagine that there will be some balance and muscle strength in the legs!
14 March 2016 - 23:27