I found a fun travel list on the blog Exploristawhich we have copied. So here is "our list to the world". Do you also have a blog? Feel free to copy the questions and make your own travel list!
What is your favourite destination in your locality?
Then we stop very close to where you live: Pampas marina in Solna and the walk to Hornsberg beach on Kungsholmen in Stockholm.
Where would you most like to meet spring?
Somewhere in southern Europe or in our houseboat
Three weekend cities you like - or think you would like?
We are fond of Gdansk, Riga and Lisbon
Your favourite summer spot in Sweden?
Stockholm archipelago

If you could choose one place in your neighbouring country, where would you like to go?
Northern Norway seems like a great place to discover with a motorhome!
Is there a destination you have become curious about from reading a book, newspaper report, blog post - or watching a film?
Nature films and beautiful pictures on Instagram have made us dream of Alaska and northern Canada.
If you were given £20,000 and a week of free time, where would you go?
You don't get very far on £20,000, but we are curious about Ireland.
Where is Paradise Beach?
It is between Zanzibar and Corsica …

Where would you prefer to go with your best friend?
Peter is my best friend and we are curious to explore Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
and where do you want to go with your partner?
And then, of course, the answer to this question is the same ...
Where would you most like to adventure?
Svalbard sounds really exciting!
Of the places you have been to, in Sweden or abroad, where would you most like to go back?
We can't wait to go back to New Zealand - what amazing scenery!
What trips, near or far, do you have planned?
This spring and summer we will be travelling to Split (Croatia), Istria (Croatia), Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Budapest (Hungary).
Your top three dream holidays in Sweden that you have not yet experienced?
This one is difficult as we have travelled a lot in Sweden, but we would love to experience the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi.
Your top three dream destinations in the world that you have not yet experienced?
Central Asia, Alaska/Canada, Japan

Ladies Abroad says:
Definitely agree with the answer to the last question; Alaska, Central Asia and Japan in the world. Soooo hungry for all three.
15 March 2016 - 9:16
Goatfish says:
Just think, the world is open to us!
Great list 😀
When I was 14 I travelled to Germany, it was GREAT 😉.
I am pleased to be able to tick off some places that you have been to or want, and it is Blidö, Istria, Budapest, Ireland, Jukkasjärvi. SO grateful.
Have fun! <3
15 March 2016 - 9:21
Lina says:
Lovely list! Yes Hornsberg is beautiful! Maybe you can see your boat from there? Hugs
15 March 2016 - 9:34
admin says:
Ladies Abroad, what fun that we dream of the same places! 🙂
Geddfish, travelling used to be a big deal, and when you were younger. Germany was the first country I also visited outside the Nordic countries and it was exciting (maybe in my 20s). Glad that you visited Ireland and Jukkasjärvi, which we are curious about 🙂 .
Lina, yes you can see our boat from Hornsberg beach, at least if you are close to the pier (if you go closer to Essingeleden it is obscured by other boats).
15 March 2016 - 9:42
Ida says:
Lovely list! Extra exciting with New Zealand, we land there sometime in December according to the plans and I am SOOOO looking forward to it!
The idea is motorhome around for a few weeks, let's see how it ends! 🙂
15 March 2016 - 9:50
Åsa says:
What great pictures, and how nice that Lisbon came along!
15 March 2016 - 9:55
Lennart says:
Agree with most of it!
I have visited Japan, a really exciting country!
15 March 2016 - 10:12
Ama de casa says:
What a fun list - but difficult! There are so many nice things that we have experienced and that we want to experience, difficult to grade them in "best of" 🙂 .
What wonderful travel destinations you have in the pipeline! 🙂
15 March 2016 - 10:25
Hallin on the Resia blog says:
What a fun list! Many destinations here that I also long for!
15 March 2016 - 10:41
Ditte says:
Great list! And fun to think further - I have also visited several destinations you have visited and some are still there. Would also like to think about Alaska and Japan. And maybe even Central Asia but I think I have some wishes before. I realise that I will not have time for everything I want and will have to prioritise. But Borneo is high on my list and also South Africa.
15 March 2016 - 11:01
Mr Steve says:
Even you have many places left to visit. You are completely sold out at .....stan, I see.
I have been driving around Ireland, a very pleasant experience. Stayed in B&Bs. Driving in the countryside was particularly fascinating as I encountered as many horse-drawn carts as cars. But, that was then; in the 80's.
My weekend favourites are Copenhagen, Barcelona and Lisbon.
My favourite destination where I live? Well, it's probably a trip with the electric mop down to the mailbox. By Easter, I hope that time has come again.
If I could travel now, I would go to New Zealand, which has always fascinated me.
15 March 2016 - 10:32
Lena & Jan says:
Ouch, that must have been a difficult list to put together, we would have had trouble with it, but yours gives a good, exciting hint of what travellers might choose, thanks for your tips!
15 March 2016 - 12:31
whirligig says:
Interesting list and there is much that I agree with.
I have been to Lisbon, a city worth seeing. As a neighbouring country, I have visited the Nordic countries except Iceland, where I would like to go. I'm not so fond of sunbathing but want to go and discover new things.
Preferably off the beaten track.
Wonderful pictures that you show.
I wish you a nice day.
15 March 2016 - 15:08
admin says:
Ida, oh how fun that you are going to NZ! We also travelled around by motorhome when we were there, a very good way to get around!
Åsa, yes, right? We liked Lisbon 🙂 .
Lennart, oh how nice that you have been to Japan! That country seems so different from everything else in some way 😉.
Ama de casa, yes it is always difficult to grade... And we look forward to the destinations that lie ahead! 🙂
Steve, well there are so many places in the world to visit... 😉 Glad to hear that you liked Ireland! Suspect there might be a few less horse-drawn carriages now? 😉
Hallin, glad you like the list! 🙂
Ditte, yes, there are many destinations to choose from in the world! I am also curious about Borneo! Also South Africa, although other destinations in Africa, such as Namibia, are even higher on my Africa list.
Lena & Jan, it wasn't easy actually, but it was fun 😉.
Wiolettan, glad you liked Lisbon too, we highly recommend Iceland! Exciting and different!
15 March 2016 - 15:42
Alexandra says:
I also made the list 😀 .
15 March 2016 - 19:15
Emmi in Austria - explorista.se says:
Fun and thanks for the link! 🙂 I would love to go to both Riga and Lisbon, it will be in the future!
15 March 2016 - 20:27
Åsa says:
Did you miss my customer toilet in Caparica? You who are so curious?
15 March 2016 - 20:40
Sara says:
Alaska - so cool place. I want to go there too!
15 March 2016 - 21:03
Katta - Bucketlife says:
I follow you to Alaska! And Svalbard (have to go there again) and New Zealand (have to go there again too) and well, everything else you've listed.
15 March 2016 - 21:07
Anna in Dubai says:
I spent two weeks in Kazakhstan. Very different (super corrupt and Russian) but also greener and nicer than I thought.
15 March 2016 - 20:17
admin says:
Alexandra, what fun! Then I will go in and read with you 🙂 ðŸ™'
Anna in Dubai, that definitely sounds exciting! We may ask you for travel tips if we get away on occasion 😉.
Emmi in Austria, there's always a destination to look forward to, and maybe that's a good thing! 😉
Åsa, yes obviously!? But now you definitely made me curious! 😉
Sara, it's fun to dream of those slightly exotic destinations! On occasion, you may be able to make it a reality, who knows! 😉
Katta, haha yes it's a bit like that when you like travelling! So you have been to Svalbard? How was it?
15 March 2016 - 21:22
BP says:
Here I was a bit surprised, I must say. Thought you are sun worshippers, so you choose so many "cold" places to visit. There you go;-)
15 March 2016 - 22:41
Travel Friday says:
I love lists, fun to read! 🙂
16 March 2016 - 6:06
Ruth in Virginia says:
Very interesting to read. Am surprised that so few, if any,
is interested in Asia (except China and Japan). This led me to
photo albums, which my son put together. He worked in Jakarta, Indonesia, as an English teacher for three years. He and a friend spent their Christmas holidays exploring the Maluccas - the Spice Islands:
Ambon, Saparua, Ternate, Banda and Halmahera.
They travelled by boat and small planes between the islands.
Not many tourists, that´s for sure.
For those who want to see Alaska. Alaska is the largest state in the USA (I lived in Alaska for a little over a year).
There are not many motorways. If you want to see Alaska's Indian and Eskimo villages, you need to hire a plane. Bush pilots can fly everywhere.
Swedes in general have no concept of the size of America.
California, for example, is as long as the whole of Sweden. Driving a car from San
Francisco to Los Angeles is a full-day journey. Doesn't look that far
on the map. 🙂
Our most interesting trip was with SAGA, an English travel agency.
London to Yalta and on to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This was before the Berlin Wall fell. Seeing Samarkand and Bukhara.
'In the footsteps of Marco Polo' - part of the Silk Road. Incredible
for a ranger's daughter from Bergslagen. 🙂
To dare to travel to places you are unsure of is to learn how to
about the world.
16 March 2016 - 6:43
admin says:
BP, we probably like both sun and adventure... But when it comes to dream destinations, adventure is probably the most important 😉.
Travel Friday, lists are fun 🙂
Ruth in Virginia, we are very interested in Asia, but it is very difficult with these lists where you always have to choose ONE or THREE destinations, there are so many places to see in the world 😉 Alaska sounds expensive, if you have to get around by plane! But it is often the case with dream destinations ... they are not the easiest to arrange 😉 How exciting that you have been to Tashkent and Uzbekistan. Understand that it was an experience! The most amazing thing about travelling is that everything you learn about the world and about people, I think!
16 March 2016 - 8:05
Renate's travels says:
Exciting list! At the moment I'm mostly looking for destinations with spectacular nature. So Alaska, Canada, New Zealand, Chile and especially Central Asia are high on my list! The mountains of Albania are also very tempting. And Iran! I'm also very happy to have finally crossed Cuba off the list - what a country! 😀
16 March 2016 - 11:44
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
Alaska and northern Canada - there seems to be a lot of us who want to go there. 🙂 I joined the list. http://www.dryden.se/2016/03/min-lista-till-varlden/
19 March 2016 - 20:01
admin says:
Renate, it sounds like we have some of the same countries on our lists! 🙂
Dryden, glad you came along! Yes, maybe we should organise a blogging trip to northern Canada and Alaska 😉.
20 March 2016 - 13:35
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
What a fun thing to do! I'm obviously joining in (albeit a bit late). The list is up now.
I really enjoy reading these question and answer lists. You get so many new ideas and get to know the bloggers a bit more. Choosing "three" etc is by the way SO hard! You want to do EVERYTHING! 🙂
It's great that you also list travel destinations at home. It is so easy to be blinded by home.
20 March 2016 - 22:58
admin says:
Anna, how nice that you are joining us! I will of course look in on you! Agree that it is very difficult to choose sometimes !!!!
21 March 2016 - 8:53
AdrenaLina says:
What an inspiring list! You have been, and are going to, many exciting destinations 🙂 Glad that you want to go back to New Zealand, I would have loved to go there so it bodes well!
I couldn't help but make a list as well 🙂 . http://www.adrenalinas.se/min-lista-till-varlden/
21 March 2016 - 10:30
Joanna says:
Oh more of the same! Northern Norway, alaska, the ice hotel, svalbard.... 🙂
23 March 2016 - 14:34