Happy Easter! Today we take the opportunity to think about Easter bunnies, Bluebell and Spanish Easter processions... The film about Easter traditions with Johan's Glans is not new, but it's just as funny every time you watch it. Enjoy!
Why do we celebrate Easter?
Most people will know that the Christian Easter celebration commemorates the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. Jews also celebrate Easter, or "Pesach", and they do it to commemorate the exodus from Egypt 1500 years before Christ. Even further back in time, when we were still pagans, we celebrated the arrival of spring at about the same time, and some of the traditions around Easter may date back to that time.
Regardless, it is little hard to understand how all this stuff about Jesus (or the exit from Egypt) is related to eggs, rabbits and Easter bunnies flying to Blåkulla. If you've managed to miss Johan Glans' talk on Easter, then just must you watch this video:
Easter in Catholic countries
Last year we celebrated Easter in Spain, specifically in Tarragona, and there it is much easier to see the connection between Easter and Christianity. Large processions march through the towns, drums beating loudly and rhythmically until the sound becomes almost meditative, and icons illustrating the life and suffering of Jesus are carried by strong men for many hours to remind them of the suffering. Here are some pictures from last year's procession in Tarragona.

We wish you a Happy Easter!
What are you doing this weekend? Are you working, taking time off, travelling... or maybe it's time for a first trip in the campervan? We are going to enjoy a few days off on the houseboat and celebrate with the family. We'll get the motorhome out eventually, but for now it remains indoors in winter storage. With this last picture of two little boys in the Spanish Easter procession in Tarragona, we wish you a very Happy Easter!

Eva - People in the Street says:
Happy Easter to you too! Sounds like you have an enjoyable Easter weekend to look forward to.
We have started the Easter weekend by travelling to our little paradise by the sea outside Kalix already yesterday. We will stay here all weekend and will be visited by family and friends. Can be an occasional scooter ride on the ice and hopefully the sun peeks out from time to time ...
24 March 2016 - 8:53
Aila says:
Happy Easter to you. ???
We take the motorhome to Småland to celebrate Easter with our loved ones.
/Aila & Niklas
24 March 2016 - 9:35
Lennart says:
The campervan is ready but will be resting this weekend. We have some guests coming!
Wishing you a really
24 March 2016 - 9:36
Ama de casa says:
Just love Johan Glan's take on Easter 😀.
See you at Blåkulla a little later? I'm heading that way very soon 🙂
24 March 2016 - 9:38
Åsa says:
Happy Easter to you too! We'll be home for a few more days but soon we're off on two adventures, one to the south and one to the north! Small but exciting! Hope you have a nice and sunny Easter weekend!
24 March 2016 - 10:14
admin says:
Eva, oh it sounds wonderful! Wishing you a nice Easter holiday by the sea and with the family!
Aila, it sounds super nice! Wishing you a nice Easter weekend in Småland!
Lennart, we hope you have a great Easter weekend with your friends!
Ama de casa, well, isn't it? Isn't it wonderful? See you at Blåkulla then! 🙂
Åsa, it will be interesting to "follow" your little adventures! Wishing you a nice Easter weekend the whole family!
24 March 2016 - 10:30
Imelda says:
Really love the picture at the top, so beautiful! The others are also nice of course 🙂 We ourselves are at home, the husband works and I sit with back pain. So sad now when you are on long leave.... Happy Easter!
24 March 2016 - 10:30
Comsi Comsa says:
Happy Easter! :D))
24 March 2016 - 12:05
Ditte says:
Thank you for a beautiful Easter picture!
We have also been to Spain for a couple of years at Easter and seen these varied processions. It is powerful.
Easter is the biggest holiday in Spain and several Catholic countries and it is celebrated in various ways. In Torrevieja it is really full now.
This year we will be at home and that feels good too.
Hearing Johan Glans' thoughts on Easter is an experience. I listened again!
Happy Easter and we wish you great days.
24 March 2016 - 12:26
Ruth in Virginia says:
Easter is celebrated here by the Catholics. Otherwise, it's Easter basketball,
full of chocolate eggs and the like. The Easter egg hunt was fun, when the kids
were small. As well as colouring and decorating the eggs, which had to be hidden.
The usual Easter dish is ham ???
What a lovely photo at the top. Soap bubbles?
Happy Easter!
24 March 2016 - 15:12
whirligig says:
We will celebrate Easter at home with some friends and my one brother.
I'm not much for Easter decorations, but we have some daffodils and tulips, they are so beautiful.
There will be no trip to Blåkulla, as many people get on the broom and do, for me, there is not enough time for that this year.
Have been looking and enjoying the picture at the top of the post, so beautiful and with so many bottoms.
I wish you and yours a warm hug and a happy Easter holiday.
24 March 2016 - 16:24
admin says:
Imelda, how nice that you like the picture! It was taken in Croatia when Peter was playing with soap bubbles in front of the camera 🙂.
Comsi Comsa, thank you very much!
Ditte, yes it is actually an experience to be part of the Catholic Easter celebration! But it's not wrong to be at home either 🙂 Wishing you a nice Easter weekend!
Ruth in Virginia, do you mean that ham is a common Easter dish in the US? Or that it would be here? I don't think it's very common here, as far as I know. Lamb or salmon is common, or an Easter buffet with eggs, herring, gravlax and so on. And yes, those are soap bubbles!
Wiolettan, wish you a nice Easter holiday! We're not much for Easter decorations either, but you get to see some of them anyway. Glad to hear that you like the picture! 🙂
24 March 2016 - 16:25
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
Happy Easter to you too! We are celebrating in a caravan in the mountains, unexpectedly 😉.
24 March 2016 - 16:50
Ruth in Virginia says:
Yapp! Easter ham! And asparagus.
24 March 2016 - 17:23
Hanneles library says:
Happy Easter!
24 March 2016 - 17:57
WordOdlarene says:
I think I found you! OrdOdlaren writes - tied to the peat and the garden, BJR's singing.... Every other year the Via Crucis walk is organised here in Porvoo, my husband is singing, I just watch... And write. Hope we have contact in the future!
24 March 2016 - 17:57
admin says:
Altivadagar-Camilla, not entirely unexpected 😉 Wishing you a nice Easter weekend in the caravan!
Ruth in Virginia, interesting! And asparagus is of course always good 🙂
Hannele's library, thank you very much!
I've heard great things about Ordodlaren, Porvoo! There were a bunch of travel bloggers who went there before and reported. We hear! 🙂
24 March 2016 - 18:21
MALIN says:
Happy Easter! Hugs
24 March 2016 - 19:08
Mr Steve says:
Happy Easter!
24 March 2016 - 18:32
Mr Frank Olsen says:
Happy Easter, as we Norwegians say 🙂
We set off with the campervan tomorrow morning to Mandal, at the very southern tip of Norway, to Sjøsanden Camping.
24 March 2016 - 20:10
Marie in the confessional says:
Wishing you also a very HAPPY EASTER !
24 March 2016 - 20:43
Matts Torebring says:
Nice of you to highlight, Why do we celebrate Easter? Unfortunately, my belief is that very few people know about it. If we had similar nice processions as you show, in our secularised country, many would surely throw stones at them. Happy Easter!
24 March 2016 - 22:28
BP says:
Happy Easter to you too! Thanks for the pictures from the procession, then I don't have to get up at 07:00;-)
Oh you have also captured some Klu Klux Klan members in the first picture I see. But yours have much nicer colours on their clothes than the ones I took;-)
24 March 2016 - 22:30
admin says:
Steve, you too!
Malin, thank you!
Frank Olsen, we wish you a nice trip and "Happy Easter"! 🙂
Marie in Skrifvartugan, thank you very much!
Matts, I'm not religious, but I think it's important and interesting with things like history, culture and traditions. And I think that knowledge is important 🙂 Without being the least religious, I thought the processions in Spain were cool and powerful to see.
BP, haha what luck that I saved you from this early rise! 😉 But why such strange times...??
24 March 2016 - 22:42
Sara says:
Happy Easter! 🙂 Here it will be work interspersed with Gothenburg Horse Show! 🙂
24 March 2016 - 23:49
Decdia says:
This year there will be no celebration at all. In my family, we usually forget about Easter and a few days before call around to them and ask if we usually celebrate it. Haha! Then we throw together some herring and eggs. 🙂 But this year, both me and the husband work.
25 March 2016 - 0:39
The Tower Blog says:
What lovely pictures from Tarragona!
Happy Easter!
25 March 2016 - 0:01
Deciree says:
Happy Easter to you too. 🙂
25 March 2016 - 7:38
admin says:
Sara, Göreborg horse show sounds fun! Happy Easter!
Torreblog, glad you like the pictures! Happy Easter!
Decdia, haha interesting tradition, but then at least you don't have to stress out before 😉 Wishing you a nice Easter despite work!
Deciree, thank you and the same of course! 🙂
25 March 2016 - 7:50
Goatfish says:
Happy Easter and thank you for great procession pictures! 😀
Today, Good Friday, is a day of suffering. I will go to church and join the choir and read a little and there will be a cross and candle lighting.
Hugs <3
25 March 2016 - 10:01
Anonymous says:
Happy Easter to you too! From a sunny Spain, here we are working at Casan to get it ready, so we can head north!
25 March 2016 - 10:17
admin says:
Geddfish, yes you are right about that! We are not religious, but will meet the family today, and it will be nice! Wish UN nice Easter weekend!
Anonymous, a sunny Spain sounds wonderful. Wishing you a great Easter!
25 March 2016 - 11:41
Ninny says:
Happy Easter!!!
25 March 2016 - 13:44
steel city anna says:
Nice pictures! Easter is one of the most beautiful holidays, I think. Happy Easter!
26 March 2016 - 1:05
home2tiny says:
Wishing you a very Happy Easter filled with the good things in life. Hugs Tina
26 March 2016 - 12:30
Denandraresan.com says:
Happy Easter! The Catholic countries are quite fun at Easter time. 3 years ago we saw crazy Easter processions in Nicaragua. Last year we were in South India where they also had processions. This year we missed out - out of carelessness and because we didn't feel like it. We climbed vesuvius instead, it was really nice weather :), tomorrow we will look at the pope. Happy Easter!
27 March 2016 - 0:31
Frankie & Co says:
For our part, the season's premiere and Easter weekend was on the west coast, more specifically Hafsten's campsite, the journey was like a pure motorhome release with howling cars in all directions wonderful to see! There is something about me and the camping industry's classification that does not match, the more stars a campsite has received, the worse it is in my opinion (luckily I am a person and do not speak for everyone? ) and unfortunately this was also the case this time, notwithstanding the campsite's all children's activities and a nice tasty Easter buffet, though without the usual Jansson's Temptation, we want a much better standard of service houses and camping plots you can get to and from and get a place on, but now we at least avoided the high season price tag and nature was wonderful! But anyway - Been there, done that! So the starting shot has gone for the motorhome season 2016 - wonderful!
29 March 2016 - 9:41
admin says:
Steel city Anna, thank you! And yes, it's nice to have some spring colours during Easter!
Home2Tiny, thank you very much!
Denandraresan, oh what exciting places you experienced Easter! The pope also sounds exciting! 🙂
Frankie & Co, great that you got away on the premiere trip! We also do not always appreciate the campsites with the most stars, usually there are a lot of children's activities and things that we still do not appreciate or want to pay extra for.
29 March 2016 - 17:04
Maria says:
Johan Glans is just too lovely! :'D I'm quite pagan myself during Easter, I personally see it mostly as a spring festival and an excellent opportunity to gather family and relatives 🙂 The most religious Easter tradition I've been involved in is "La representación del Via Crucis" on a Good Friday in Tenerife - a theatre play that was actually a bit poignant at the end (for sure there were strongly believing people who actually cried when Jesus hung there on the cross). Here are some pictures from that event in case anyone is interested 🙂 ->. http://mariasmemoarer.com/2015/april/langfredag-la-representacion-del-via-crucis.html
02 April 2016 - 18:33