Yesterday it was time for a meeting with Travel Massive in Stockholm. Travel Massive is an organisation that brings together travel insiders, such as travel bloggers, journalists and travel industry professionals.
A few times a year it's time for a meeting, and since Travel Massive doesn't have its own premises, the meetings always take place at an interesting venue that offers to be a partner. Yesterday, the meeting took place in a slightly unexpected place - namely a combined café and bicycle workshop.
Bicycles for schoolgirls in Ghana
Good Mechanics is a bicycle workshop and bicycle shop located at Medborgarplatsen in Söder in Stockholm. But as you may have realised from the introduction, it is not just a bicycle workshop. There is also a café with organic coffee and a daily soup of the day. How often do you eat lunch at the bicycle workshop? In the South, anything is possible!
Vélosophy Bicycles presented its bicycles and its partnership with UNICEF: for every bicycle sold, the company provides a bicycle to a schoolgirl in Ghana. Awesome!

About cycling holidays and "TBEX"
There was of course a nice mingle with both known and unknown people in the travel industry. We also got to listen to a presentation about cycling holidays "light and luxurious", with only a few kilos of packing and accommodation in "castles and huts". Provence or Majorca were suggestions for the beginner who wants to go on a cycling holiday. Have you ever taken a cycling holiday or would you like to?
We also got information about the conference TBEX (Travel Bloggers Exchange) which is actually organised in Stockholm this year. The conference will gather about 900 people and it sounds undeniably attractive and interesting. Before and after the conference, tours are organised to showcase and promote various beautiful places in Sweden, so that the bloggers write about them.
It would be great to participate, but it's not entirely free ($157 per blogger) and it's still a bit unclear where the pre- and post-tours go and who gets to go on them.

FANTASYDINING-A blog about themed restaurants and travel says:
What a lovely place!
22 April 2016 - 7:54
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
It seems like a cool place! I love such unexpected, different concepts. When they also make such an effort for Ghana, it is perfect.
Unfortunately, I could not be there but I will be at Travellink's event next week. 🙂
I took a cycling holiday on Gotland when I was 19 (a while ago). Me and a friend rented a tandem bike and camped with Snäck as a starting point.
22 April 2016 - 7:57
Lennart says:
Cycling holidays are nice.
We probably cycled for ten summers before we became motorhome owners.
Sweden, Åland, Bornholm and Denmark.
22 April 2016 - 8:09
Travel Friday says:
Great to see you, albeit briefly. Good luck next week, fingers crossed!
22 April 2016 - 8:19
Mr Steve says:
What a lovely place that also makes commendable efforts.
The travel blog industry is growing by leaps and bounds, making room for more and more business.
Being able to ride a bike is one of the things I missed a lot after my stroke.
When I started "reading in Uppsala" in the early 1970s, my life tended to be a bit too happy and exuberant. I, who previously exercised and played sports a lot, neglected it and gained a lot of weight. The second "summer holiday" at home in Norrland, I took hold of the matter and cycled 3 miles every day all summer and lost over 20 kilos. Kilos that I then never put on again. So cycling has had a crucial importance for me.
22 April 2016 - 8:50
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
That looked nice! May aim for the next TM meeting. 🙂
22 April 2016 - 10:00
Annika Majak says:
That sounds like a very successful lunch!
And regarding the Catalonia meeting - such a shame that we didn't meet 🙁 .
22 April 2016 - 10:02
Lena & Jan says:
You had a good time, we see! We went to something similar at a car repair shop in Roquetas de Mar in February. They served German wurst and beer. A lot of travel memories and tips are made at such events, fun!
22 April 2016 - 10:14
admin says:
Fantasy Dining, I think you would like it! 🙂
Anna, unfortunately we can't come to Travellink's event as we are in Croatia then. Hope to see you soon in some other context!
Lennart, that's not bad, you really have experience of cycling holidays!
Travel Friday, thank you 🙂 And great to see you again!
Steve, yes the travel blog industry in Sweden is really growing. It has been big abroad for a while, but it feels like we have been a bit behind here. You have to think about what you want to do and not, but it's fun that things are happening! I understand that cycling has been of great importance to you! Cycling is good for health, but our bikes were unfortunately stolen here in the marina a year ago ...
Dryden, hope you have the opportunity to come next time! 🙂 (It was not so far though, so it did not really feel like you could talk to everyone you wanted...)
Annika, yes it was a shame we didn't meet! I don't think I would recognise you...? If you see us at any other event in the future, shout out! 🙂
Lena & Jan, but what fun that there was a similar arrangement at a car repair shop! Fun with some unexpected events in unexpected environments 🙂 .
22 April 2016 - 10:15
Lina says:
Good to see you !!!!! Have a nice trip to Croatia then!!!!! Nice post!!! Hugs
22 April 2016 - 11:02
biggeros says:
It was an unexpected meeting and mingle at a bicycle café. It looked very nice. I have not been on a cycling holiday. Sounds like something I could consider sometime in the future÷))
22 April 2016 - 18:37
Ditte says:
Great to see you! And a good initiative by Travel Massive! A special place to meet, but which I liked, and Bonne Mecanique is a nice concept in itself, I think.
I have had cycling holidays on Gotland, in Menorca and in southern China, the "Sugarloaf Mountains". Can definitely imagine it again
Wishing you all the best on your trip to Croatia and keeping all fingers crossed.
22 April 2016 - 18:58
Ruth in Virginia says:
Cycled around Gotland with my brand new fiancé in 1949.
Stayed in a hostel. It was a great holiday.
Hardly any cars on the roads.
What a tan I got, especially on the front of the thighs. 🙂
22 April 2016 - 20:28
Ika in the United States says:
What a lovely and different place, wish there were some like this in Texas;) Maybe I'll open one myself! I have never been on a cycling holiday but it is definitely something I could imagine. In Europe then, where the distances are affordable. Anyway, looks like you had a really nice evening!
22 April 2016 - 20:55
BP says:
Cool! Love it! The place then - completely my piece, even if cycling is not my thing. Then I see Ditte too!
Too bad my blog is not a travel blog. I'm starting to realise the benefits of all the hits:-)
22 April 2016 - 22:00
Ama de casa says:
What a wonderfully different combination with bikes and a café 🙂 .
Cycling holidays are not my thing. Not cycling at all actually, preferring to walk, and then the holiday would take forever 😉.
I thought I spotted Ditte there in the crowd 😀.
23 April 2016 - 3:15
admin says:
Lina, thank you and you too!
Biggeros, the place was definitely an unexpected combo! 😉
Ditte, great fun to meet again! We also liked the place, typical southern atmosphere 😉.
Ruth in Virginia, how nice to hear about your cycling holiday a long time ago! Amazing that there were so few cars on the roads!
Ika in the USA, yes you are of course right that there are other distances in the USA! But don't people do cycling holidays there in some places?
BP, the place is a bit fun and different! And of course it is Ditte we met! 🙂
Ama de casa, yes of course it is Ditte you glimpse! 🙂
23 April 2016 - 6:18