Yesterday we had guests on the houseboat for lunch, and what could be nicer and simpler than a lunch party with some takeaway food? It's still a bit too cold to sit out on the deck, but we sat inside the kitchen with the windows open and munched on pick-up food while being entertained by the boat traffic outside.
Because yes, yesterday sailboats, motorboats, rubber dinghies, canoes, a jet ski and people on stand up paddle boards passed by. A sure sign of spring!
Picnic food inspired by the Mediterranean
The result was a small sandwich table inspired by the Mediterranean countries: air-dried ham, breasola rolls, country pâté with cumberland sauce, salmon rolls, olives, cherry tomatoes, melon, cambozola and bread. Do you also like picnic food and sandwiches? Do you have any special favourites that you like to set out?

Recipe for breasola rolls
We were inspired by Brea solar rolls once upon a time. Bergamo in Italy. Then we got similar rolls served in a salad. They are easy to make too! You simply buy thinly sliced breasola and roll some chèvre into each roll.

Recipe for salmon rolls
The salmon rolls are just as easy to make as the breazar rolls. Lay out a square flatbread, spread a generous layer of philadelphian cheese, cover with a thin layer of cold smoked salmon, roll up and cut into small stumps. If you wish, you can decorate with small sprigs of chives.

Marina says:
If you like it, you can add a little wasabi to the Philadelphia cheese on the salmon rolls.
04 April 2016 - 8:45
Imelda says:
Mmmm, good! It should be easy to socialise, I totally agree! Have a nice week!
04 April 2016 - 8:56
Åsa says:
The rolls look really good, but I probably prefer hot food most of the time, but right now I'm doing that (j-a) raw food, since a couple of weeks back to see if it helps with my eczema. A little hungry for even.....
04 April 2016 - 9:30
anita wag agrimanaki says:
Good and nice with such snacks. Easy to fix too. At home in Greece, however, it is difficult to offer such things because the Greeks want FOOD (for starters, this would probably be ok :)).
04 April 2016 - 9:39
Lennart says:
Picking food is good!
Can also be prepared before guests arrive so everyone can socialise.
04 April 2016 - 10:53
admin says:
Marina, it sounded interesting with wasabi in the salmon rolls! Thanks for the tips! 🙂
Imelda, yes, but isn't it? Thank you very much!
Åsa, is that raw food hot? It doesn't sound like much fun... If it helps, I understand you, but does it really?
Anita, yes, it can certainly be like that here and there! Here in Sweden, we are used to smorgasbords 😉.
Lennart, yes, it's nice not to have to cook while having guests 😉 .
04 April 2016 - 12:23
Ama de casa says:
Oh, how delicious! I love picking food. I love most food when I think about it... 😉.
But you didn't see anyone with a dog on a stand up paddle board? You've promised to take a photo of one... 😉.
04 April 2016 - 13:28
Mr Steve says:
What a lovely dining environment you have, with a steady stream of "conversationalists" gliding by on the water.
Even if you're a vegetarian, picking food is great. Picnic food can be perfect when you have guests, so you can spend time with the guests instead of keeping track of the food to be served.
04 April 2016 - 13:29
Ditte says:
How nice and very tasty! Definitely my favourites that were included here. Thank you for the tip about the bredaola rolls, will try it. Cozy to see everything that passes outside and good entertainment is also.
04 April 2016 - 14:16
Comsi Comsa says:
Oh my god how good it looks.... yummy 🙂 🙂
Hugging ♥
04 April 2016 - 15:14
Annika says:
Mmmm... Cosy!!!
AND good!
Love small picks!
It's amazing that so many boats are already visible on Lake Mälaren. Soon you can sit out on the deck and enjoy.
AND, SUP already!!! That they dare! Yes, when I live with my sister, who lives next door to you, I quite often see those who have a dog on their board. Sometimes I have also seen a small child sitting with a life jacket.
04 April 2016 - 15:33
biggeros says:
What a view for some snacks and good company. Hugs
04 April 2016 - 16:44
admin says:
Ama de casa, oh have I promised to photograph a dog on a paddle board? I have forgotten that... haha. But then of course I have to fix it! 😉
Steve, I imagine there is a lot of good vegetarian pickings too!
Ditte, yes it is a bit of entertainment with all the boats passing by! Another time I will take photos 😉
Comsi Comsa, it was good 🙂 Take care!
Annika, we are really looking forward to sitting on the deck!!! Soon we hope 😉 Yes, the SUP was early, but I think they had a dry suit....
Biggeros, yes it is a bit entertaining to look at all the crafts actually! 😉
04 April 2016 - 17:43
BP says:
A real food blog here with you today! Oh what pictures! Peter's "work of art" I guess:-)
I like the Breasola rolls very much, the salmon rolls I am less fond of, as thin bread reminds me of wraps and the bread always gets stuck in my mouth;-).
We have been living on ham, salami, cheese and olives etc. in Spain for a while. In other words - yes, picking food is great!
04 April 2016 - 20:48
Cat's Considerations says:
Lovely and how good it looks!
04 April 2016 - 21:24
Elisabeth says:
Always so good with picking food! Now I got really hungry, but will have to take it easy until tomorrow. Today is 5:2.
04 April 2016 - 21:26
admin says:
BP, yes today is a food blog 🙂 And yes, of course you know us and are right... it's Peter's pictures! 😉
Katta, delicious and nice 🙂
Elisabeth, wishing good meals tomorrow then! 🙂
05 April 2016 - 0:05
Anette says:
I also love picnic food (and almost all other food too) preferably with some Italian dishes. I would love to take part in your picnic table.
05 April 2016 - 3:21
admin says:
Anette, hams and cheeses and such are fantastic in Italy! When we were there in August and it was incredibly hot, we almost only ate such things in the evenings.
05 April 2016 - 20:57
Ninny says:
Yummy, it looks so good! The simple things are usually the best.
I love good cheese, I can eat as much as I want! Also simple and easy to eat, both as a snack, starter or dessert, depending on what you serve. But it must be really GOOD cheese, which you buy in a cheese shop or market hall.
05 April 2016 - 23:00
admin says:
Ninnie, we also love cheese! It's great to browse in a cheese shop or market hall, but we usually find some good cheeses in our big grocery store as well 🙂.
06 April 2016 - 6:36
Discovering The Planet says:
Oh my goodness how good it looked :)....
And what a wonderful environment to sit in...
06 April 2016 - 21:29