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Lunch party with picnic food


Yesterday we had guests on the houseboat for lunch, and what could be nicer and simpler than a lunch party with some takeaway food? It's still a bit too cold to sit out on the deck, but we sat inside the kitchen with the windows open and munched on pick-up food while being entertained by the boat traffic outside.


Because yes, yesterday sailboats, motorboats, rubber dinghies, canoes, a jet ski and people on stand up paddle boards passed by. A sure sign of spring!

Picnic food inspired by the Mediterranean

The result was a small sandwich table inspired by the Mediterranean countries: air-dried ham, breasola rolls, country pâté with cumberland sauce, salmon rolls, olives, cherry tomatoes, melon, cambozola and bread. Do you also like picnic food and sandwiches? Do you have any special favourites that you like to set out?

Oliver, lufttorkad skinka och körsbärstomater
Olives, air-dried ham and cherry tomatoes

Recipe for breasola rolls

We were inspired by Brea solar rolls once upon a time. Bergamo in Italy. Then we got similar rolls served in a salad. They are easy to make too! You simply buy thinly sliced breasola and roll some chèvre into each roll.

Breazola rolls with chevre

Recipe for salmon rolls

The salmon rolls are just as easy to make as the breazar rolls. Lay out a square flatbread, spread a generous layer of philadelphian cheese, cover with a thin layer of cold smoked salmon, roll up and cut into small stumps. If you wish, you can decorate with small sprigs of chives.

Laxrullar med phiadelphiaost
Salmon rolls with phiadelphia cheese

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