As a blogger, you have to have a good camera. My Nikon was more than ten years old and I started to realise that the pictures were too few pixels. We did a lot of research to find a new camera that wasn't too expensive. The first thing that happened after we ordered it was that it was almost stolen ...
New camera: Nikon D5200
I already had a Nikon with a lens that I like (18-200). To avoid paying too much, we decided to just buy a new camera body, without a lens. Peter did a lot of research and we realised that we didn't need to buy the latest model either.
We found a camera online that was two years old, but still had the same number of pixels as the latest model (24 megapixels). It lacked some other features, like WiFi, but I didn't think that was important. We ordered a Nikon D52oo for 3500 SEK.

Almost stolen on delivery
A few days ago, a guy from DHL called to tell me that he had arrived in France. Pampas marina with a parcel. "We'll be there in a few minutes," we said, as we had to enter from our long dock. What happened when we arrived? There was a man holding the parcel and signing it!
'Hey, I'm here to receive a parcel,' I shouted. "What, you too?" asked the delivery man. Meanwhile, the man who was going to receive my parcel slipped away. What's wrong with people? And why doesn't DHL require ID for delivery...? Luckily I have a new camera now, but it feels like it was on my hair.

Catherine says:
Haha what the???? That was the sickest thing. Glad you got the camera at least.
15 April 2016 - 8:01
Lanclin-Linnea says:
Sneaky bastards are around every corner! Almost every day I receive packages that are for all sorts of people in our house, never that I have shown an ID. Now they know who to ask if they miss something but I could sign their name and then deny that I received it, scary....
15 April 2016 - 8:10
admin says:
Katarina, yes, but isn't it? I saw what was happening before we got there, but I couldn't believe my eyes ...
Linnea, I think it's very strange that they don't take ID ... In addition, the package said "Helena" and there was a man who tried to receive it ... It should happen that people don't get their packages from time to time????
15 April 2016 - 8:16
Petra says:
What a cheeky lot some people are! Good thing you showed up before the mystery man got the parcel. I really agree with you that the courier should have asked for ID!
Wishing you and Peter a great weekend!
15 April 2016 - 8:20
Helene Holmberg says:
Glad you were on time. Glad you chose the d5200 super happy with mine.
15 April 2016 - 8:54
Johanna in Skåne says:
It happens quite often that there are some desperate emails at work from people waiting for deliveries and being told that they have been signed (rather difficult to interpret signatures) by someone else. I don't really understand how this happens as in most places there are notices about who the courier company should contact. Rarely anything that can be resold or used at home (lab equipment or samples...).
15 April 2016 - 8:57
Åsa says:
Cheeky!!! And bad of DHL! Hope you are happy with the camera!
15 April 2016 - 9:06
Dryden - Traveller's Edition says:
It's like the post office. If the parcel doesn't fit in the letterbox, it is left outside the door. I don't know HOW many times I have pointed this out to them. 1TP5Resign
15 April 2016 - 9:23
Renate's travels says:
There are some really naughty people out there! Quite tragic. I'm glad you got there in time.
I've also bought a new camera a couple of weeks ago, and I'm really looking forward to testing it out on my next trip 🙂.
15 April 2016 - 9:46
Ditte says:
What a move! And strange of DHL not to require a licence. Just wondering what routines they have.
Congratulations on your new camera! And it's true that you may need to renew your camera.
I hope you are happy and it's great to be able to use parts from your old camera.
15 April 2016 - 9:49
biggeros says:
How cheeky!!!
What's wrong with showing ID....
Hope you will be happy with your camera IAF. Have a really nice Friday ÷))))
15 April 2016 - 10:02
Deciree says:
There really are morons everywhere. If they could learn this and that. How lucky you were on time. I agree that they should take identification before handing out things ... But they have still become liable for compensation if they have given it to the wrong person?
15 April 2016 - 10:27
JoY says:
Congratulations on your new camera, which you almost lost before you received it. When you go to the post office with an avi, it is so careful with leg. should be the same with packages.
15 April 2016 - 11:19
nils-åke hansson says:
Yes, this was hair-raising that only people can do that. Identification should always be required for extradition.
Good that everything went well.
15 April 2016 - 11:42
Mr Steve says:
Naughty people, but also bad to not require a licence.
Too bad you didn't take a picture (with your mobile phone) when the bad guy was signing for your package.
Out here in the countryside, the risk is minimal when they deliver to the door.
15 April 2016 - 12:07
admin says:
Petra, thank you! Isn't it strange that they just hand out packages to anyone who happens to walk by???
Helene Holmberg, glad to hear that you are happy with that particular camera! 🙂
Johanna in Skåne, isn't that strange??? Shouldn't the courier companies be held responsible for this? And in your case, one wonders... why?
Åsa, I hope I will be satisfied! The camera is similar to my old one, just more modern, more pixels, etc.
Dryden, that's pretty strange! What happens if someone steals the parcels? Who is held responsible?
Renate, great that you also got a new camera! It will be a little extra fun to go out and photograph 🙂 .
Ditte, yes, I hope I will be satisfied! The camera is largely familiar, so it's quite nice 😉.
Biggeros, thank you! I also think that showing ID should be a matter of course! It shouldn't be good for them either if the parcels end up in the wrong place ...
Deciree, one would hope that they would have been!? If they have this kind of "routine" it can happen from time to time...
JoY, right? When picking up something that has been paid for, it should be a matter of course to show ID!!!
Nils-Åke, yes, it was lucky that it went well. If we had arrived two minutes later, the camera would have been gone...
Steve, yes you should have had the presence of mind to take out the camera...! With us, "delivery at the door" usually means that we have to show up at the marina. But when we ordered our towel dryer, they actually came all the way out on the dock and to the door! 😉
15 April 2016 - 12:22
Henny says:
An incredibly brazen attempt to steal a parcel with unknown contents. Here in the village it wouldn't work as even the postman knows everyone. Parcels are picked up at the ICA store, where a code via mobile phone is required.
I also have a Nikon that should now be retired. It might be wise to check out a younger but not quite new one of the same brand. Good tips there.
15 April 2016 - 12:24
ActiveDays-Camilla says:
But shit! And congratulations on the camera! I have had the Nikon d5100 and am very happy with those pictures! 5200 is surely a successor to it? I think you will be very happy! I now have one that is a little more weatherproof because I'm in some snowdrifts and so on, but it's still Nikon... 🙂 🙂
15 April 2016 - 12:34
Lennart says:
So they have to stay!
15 April 2016 - 13:20
Role o Carina says:
Yes, what a society it has become more and more, Ugh!
But they should require a licence, bad!
Then we look forward to great pictures in the future!
Have a good time and take pictures 🙂
15 April 2016 - 13:33
Annika says:
But god, I can hardly believe it's TRUE!!! It's so bloody cheeky that it makes my stomach hurt. He might as well have run off with your camera. Just pure luck that you came just then. Shit.
So I'm really uncomfortable.
Yes, a good camera is really essential for us bloggers. Because beautiful pictures with high resolution are a must. My camera is five years old, and it needs to be updated.
Glad you have a new one, and thank you and LOVE that you came just when you got there at the Pampas.
Have a great weekend in the marina!!!
15 April 2016 - 15:19
admin says:
Henny, it's an advantage that everyone knows everyone! When we pick up parcels at ICA, it works like with you, but just like this when they leave with a courier....
Camilla, thank you! And yes, I guess it is a slightly later model.
Lennart, what can you say?
Rolle and Carina, yes, now it's time to take photos 🙂 .
Annika, I was a bit shocked for a while there actually. It's kind of hard to believe what you see... But luckily it went well...
15 April 2016 - 15:31
Across the board says:
But what a move - how cheeky can you get? So lucky you weren't 10 seconds late!
15 April 2016 - 16:04
BP says:
How incredibly cheeky!!!!!
I'm really glad you made it in time!
Hope your new mate, who you of course name Nicke, will be a good friend who produces lots of nice pictures!
15 April 2016 - 17:48
admin says:
Criss-cross, it really felt like we came just at the last second...!
BP, haha, of course he should be called Nicke 🙂 .
15 April 2016 - 18:53
Maria says:
But my God, that you can behave like that...! :S And of course strange behaviour from the person who delivered the package as well. Did you have to run after the thief, or did he leave it voluntarily and then quickly run away?
15 April 2016 - 19:23
Matts Torebring says:
The cheekiness is getting worse, I'm going crazy. The same thing has happened to us this week at work, someone has signed for and received a parcel signed "Rune". There is no Rune in the recipient's company or circle of acquaintances. We are forced to send a new parcel. Then the battle with DB Schenker begins. Value of goods for us 2 300:-.
15 April 2016 - 19:48
Maggan and Ingemar says:
Congratulations on the new camera. Now I understand! I ordered maps a couple of years ago and they never arrived.Had to file a loss report with the post office but never heard anything more from them. Probably my parcel was stolen too. There should always be a requirement for ID I think, especially when it comes by courier.
15 April 2016 - 21:19
Fantasy travel says:
Wiii how fun with a new camera! Is also soooo eager to buy one.
15 April 2016 - 23:16
Ama de casa says:
My goodness... people have a lot of nerve! Good thing you came at the right time!
I only have a small compact camera that is easy to carry in all situations. But at least it's pretty new - I have a tendency to break my cameras all the time... 😉.
16 April 2016 - 2:38
admin says:
Maria, he handed the parcel back to the courier and took off, quick as a flash...
Matts, but it's absolutely incredible! One is surprised that people have no limits. On the other hand, you wonder why the courier companies are not more careful, this should affect them too?
Maggan and Ingemar, thank you! When I read all the comments on this post, it seems that it is not uncommon for packages to be stolen unfortunately...
Imaginary journeys, yes it will be fun to take pictures with the new camera 🙂 What kind of camera do you want to get?
Ama de. casa, a small camera is handy because it's easy to always have it with you. I actually bring my camera very often even though it's a bit bigger. In the worst case, I can take photos with my mobile phone, but I don't do that very often, it's more fun with the camera 😉.
16 April 2016 - 7:18
Solan says:
Helena, now you have to take DHL by the ear, of course they should have leg compulsion. Hrmppfff, should not the camera be called Nicke Freedom 😉 🙂 🙂.
16 April 2016 - 10:47
Elisabeth says:
Won't DHL be liable for compensation if they deliver the goods to the wrong person? Should be in their interest to require identification and note the ID number. There are flexible solutions for that! I don't care much for those silly signatures written in the window of the devices!
16 April 2016 - 13:21
Markus- says:
Fun with a new camera! I ended up with a Samsung NX500 that will accompany me on my next trip to Greece in May.
17 April 2016 - 20:34