Even if you live in Stockholm, there is a lot you don't know about this city. Yesterday we went on a walking tour of Stockholm and learned more about the neighbourhood of Östermalm. Today, this is the most exclusive neighbourhood in the city, but that wasn't always the case ...
City walk with knowledgeable guide
The city walk started at Berzelii Park and then continued along Strandvägen, winding up through the neighbourhoods of Östermalm and ending outside Dramaten.
One interesting thing we learnt was that the water used to go all the way up to Norrmalmstorg, where fish were packed, and that the fence between Berzelii Park and Raoul Wallenberg Square is actually an old bridge railing. We also heard the lesser-known stories about the lives of various famous people, such as the match king Ivar Kreuger and the painter Carl Larsson.
We got an insight into some of the scandals of modern times, but above all we got to "follow along" to the time when Östermalm was not at all a fashionable neighbourhood but when poverty, dirt and cholera were rampant here ... A very engaging and knowledgeable guide made it an interesting walk around the neighbourhood.

A walk in nice neighbourhoods
While we got a good guided tour, we had a nice walk in nice neighbourhoods. The houses along Strandvägen are very grand and it is charming with all the small ferries that lie along the quays, ready to take people to different places in the Stockholm archipelago.
We have been on several city walks abroad, but this was the first time we tried a city walk in our own city. Have you ever been on a city walk in Stockholm? If you're curious about the tour we took today, you can find it at Stockholm Our Way.

Thank you to Stockholm Our Way for inviting us to take part in the city tour Från Lort till Lyx. As usual, the opinions and thoughts are our own.
Mr Steve says:
Stockholm is a beautiful city with so much to offer. Such a walk on an April day; talk about enjoyment.
10 April 2016 - 9:24
Lennart says:
Maybe it can be if I get a new knee.
10 April 2016 - 9:36
Nilla says:
Stockholm is an incredibly beautiful city 🙂 summer and winter!
Guided tours are underestimated
Take care 🙂
10 April 2016 - 9:45
Goatfish says:
Stockholm is beautiful!
Picture no. 2 with the boats, is just so great!
Nice to go on a guided tour, you find out so much more. Interesting, thanks for the tips! 😀
Sun and +4 in Lidköping ♥
10 April 2016 - 9:47
Ladies Abroad says:
How nice that you have been on a city walk. I have a master's degree in architectural history and cultural heritage and worked as a guide when I was studying, mainly in the Old Town and at Drottningholm.
10 April 2016 - 9:54
Ditte says:
What a nice walk! Great pictures from our beautiful Stockholm!
It is always fun to go on hikes and a good and knowledgeable guide means a lot and is a great advantage even if the group is not large.
I haven't done this walk but have been on several in the Old Town, in the South and in the Archipelago (by boat).
And there are many areas left.
10 April 2016 - 10:33
admin says:
Steve, yes Stockholm is very beautiful and we were lucky with the weather!
Lennart, I hope your knee is fine!
Nilla, I agree, it's much more interesting to look at things when you have a guide to tell you!
Geddfish, glad you like the picture, that's the one Peter took 😉 It's great that you also have sunshine, just like us today!
Ladies Abroad, how nice that you have worked as a guide! It sounds fun, I guess you learn a lot 😉.
Ditte, glad you like the pictures! Surely it is easier if the group was not so big, here it was quite reasonable, I think, so it was easy to hear and keep up, even though we walked on the streets in the middle of the city 😉
10 April 2016 - 10:59
Mr Frank Olsen says:
We have been twice to Stockholm, both times by plane, never by camper van, great city 🙂.
We walked a lot in Gamla Stan and Söder, and visited the Vasa Museum.
Last time, in August 2013, we also visited Rosendals Trädgård and Kungliga Djurgården. Very beautiful!
We also went sightseeing by boat around Djurgården.
We are happy to come back!
10 April 2016 - 11:12
Eva says:
Stockholm, this wonderfully beautiful city and with a knowledgeable guide you get to know so much more. Interesting walk and great tips. Have a good time 🙂
10 April 2016 - 11:44
Shefik veliu says:
Hello my Friends and Sunday see you MIT no 0704910165 With kind regards, Shefik
10 April 2016 - 12:29
Days by Johanna says:
You should tour your own city more than you do.
10 April 2016 - 13:02
Anette says:
Fantastic pictures of Stockholm.
10 April 2016 - 13:21
Katarina Wohlfart says:
Nice to have a skilled and knowledgeable guide! 🙂
10 April 2016 - 13:57
BP says:
I also recommend playing tourist on your home turf. Stockholm is a beautiful city (when the sun is shining). I actually knew that Östermalm has a more "mediocre" past. I think I read about it in one of Leif G. W. Persson's books.
Strandvägen is incredibly grand and today only millionaires can afford to live there, but it's beautiful with the boats below and the floating bar at Djurgårdsbron:-).
10 April 2016 - 16:02
admin says:
Frank Olsen, glad to hear that you liked Stockholm! It is also nice places you have found to visit!
Eva, it's always a slightly different experience with a guide! By the way, I tried to comment on your blog, but I don't succeed. My comment is cleared away as rubbish whatever I do....
Shefik, great! We'll be in touch by phone/text! 🙂
Days by Johanna, yes it is easy to forget!
Anette, thank you, glad you like the pictures!
Katarina, yes you get a little more out of the city walk with a knowledgeable guide! 🙂
BP, the weather affects a lot, we can agree with that! We also knew that it was poorer once upon a time, but it was still very new to us during the tour! I have not read Leif G W Persson's books, but books are usually an excellent way to learn more about history, for example.
10 April 2016 - 16:14
Biggeros says:
I would very much like this tour of Stockholm city. Very interesting to find out about the history of cities. Thank you, my friend. Hugs
10 April 2016 - 18:01
Annie says:
Oh Stockholm in my heart 🙂 my city of birth 😉.
Such a wonderful picture 🙂 love Sthlm in the summer.
Answer: Totally agree!
10 April 2016 - 18:02
Matts Torebring says:
I have read in Herman Lindqvist's history books that the stench from the city could be felt at several miles away. Most things have become better over the years.
10 April 2016 - 18:44
Days by Johanna says:
Sometimes I wish I didn't like cola either, gets a bit much sometimes haha. But then I can be released I drink for you too.
Yes, Subway has good sandwiches, I get a couple of those a year too,
10 April 2016 - 19:17
admin says:
Biggeros, we definitely recommend this city tour!
Annie, Stockholm is incredibly beautiful in spring and summer! There will probably be a lot of Stockholm pictures here on the blog 🙂.
Matts, I can imagine that you can get a vivid picture through Herman Lindqvist's books! Perhaps it's lucky that you don't have to smell it anyway 😉 .
Days by Johanna, haha you can pretend that. Yes, we have a Subway restaurant right at work, so it fits sometimes... 😉.
10 April 2016 - 19:36
Deciree says:
We really like Stockholm 🙂 Soon we will be there again:). On 2/5 we will be in Stockholm o Caravanhallen for some warranty work on the motorhome. Then we get to enjoy the big city again. While the work is done, we live in a hotel during the fix of the motorhome for 3 days:) I like the transition to the old town next to the town hall. it is so beautiful there 🙂 especially in the evening.
10 April 2016 - 21:03
Maria says:
Such nice pictures
10 April 2016 - 21:09
Comsi Comsa says:
Now I got a little full of laughter, I stood in almost exactly the same place as you but today and took a picture of the same houses, water and boats. 🙂
I've never been on a city walk but it might not be such a bad idea.
Hugs ♥
10 April 2016 - 21:30
Cathinka says:
Beautiful city we live in!
10 April 2016 - 21:38
Mia's Mix says:
Fun with such hikes. A friend of mine went on one last weekend that was called puss and filth I think it was 🙂 .
Nice pictures from our beautiful capital city.
Glad you are going to Budapest. Apart from Gellert, it was a cosy city. If you want to see more, you can check http://miasmix.blogg.se/2016/march/budapest.html
10 April 2016 - 21:42
Frankie & Co says:
Like city walks, and dramatised tours, a lot? Sometimes we've found 'unmanned' city walks to download from the internet and cycled around a new city exploring, and there are probably those that have digital app tours too - but an enthusiastic guide is a highlight in itself!
10 April 2016 - 23:33
admin says:
Deciree, welcome to Stockholm again! Maybe you have the roads past and want to stop by? (However, we are in Croatia the last days of April and will come home 2/5 sometime).
Maria, thank you! I'm glad you like the pictures!
Comsi Comsa, haha is it true?! What a funny coincidence!
Cathinka, right?
Mias Mix, how nice that your friend did the Puss & Snusk walk. It's the same company but in the Old Town, we were thinking of taking that walk next weekend. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out!
Frankie & Co, how nice that you manage to find unmanned hikes and stuff! However, I think it is easier and more fun with a "real" guide. Sometimes in museums and sights you get headphones, I often find it a little difficult to concentrate and keep up with...
11 April 2016 - 6:05
steel city anna says:
I've done a few but it was quite a long time ago now. You always learn something new!
I had a keen interest in the Old Town when I was younger and it's still exciting to go there. Seems like a good idea to download tours and go alone. I can't handle going in a group nowadays 🙂 .
13 April 2016 - 20:28
Saltist girls says:
But such wonderful pictures of Stockholm! I can miss Stockholm a lot and unfortunately I rarely have time for as much as I would like of Stockholm when we are in Sweden. So few days always. and so much to do and so many to catch up with. But I enjoy what little I have time for.
16 April 2016 - 8:32