You may recall that we city walk in Östermalm last weekend? Yesterday it was time to explore a new part of the city through a guided city walk, the Old Town. But we didn't learn about kings, sieges and cannonballs. No, the theme of this guided tour was "Puss & Filth".
Brothel mothers and executioners
The city walk started at Stortorget in the Old Town and we were then taken through narrow alleys, stopping here and there at a gate or a street corner to hear what happened here in the past.
The tour took us to some of the more unfamiliar corners of the Old Town and it was not only the stories of the wealthy people that we heard, but above all the stories of the poor and the prostitutes, the brothel mums and the executioners. We went to a time when the city was full of rubbish and prostitution was everywhere, even though it was actually forbidden by law.

A tough time to live
No, things were not better in the past. Many people struggled to make a living and the laws were harsh, at least when it came to things like adultery... If two separately married people were unfaithful to each other, this was considered 'double whoring' and the penalties were not merciful, we promise!
And if you did happen to contract an STD, well, the odd (and sometimes unpleasant) treatments were unlikely to have any effect. On the contrary, you risked dying from them!
We realised that it's quite nice to live in the 21st century, but it was exciting to briefly travel to Stockholm in the 16th to 19th century. If you are curious about the tour we went on yesterday, you can find it at Stockholm Our Way. Have you ever been on a city walk in Stockholm? Do you find history interesting?

Thanks to Stockholm Our Way for inviting us to take part in the Puss & Snusk city walk. As usual, the opinions and thoughts are our own.
Aila says:
Surely the Old Town is great to go hiking in. I have gone on a splkvandrung a few times and will soon go on a murder walk there. There are many stories there.
17 April 2016 - 10:55
Comsi Comsa says:
Oh what a picture that met me when I clicked in here 🙂 This city walk was something extra and the Old Town has so much to tell..... Hugs ♥
17 April 2016 - 11:13
Lena in Wales says:
How nice that you take us on a city walk in Stockholm. So much you think you know, but you don't really know much!
Gamla Stan is special, as is your walk in Östermalm.
Thank you for letting us join you and have a nice Sunday!
17 April 2016 - 11:22
Lennart says:
History is always interesting!
17 April 2016 - 11:25
Lanclin-Linnea says:
My God, how exciting and interesting! I am ridiculously curious and interested in the history and lives of ordinary people and would love to go on more city walks of this kind. I went on a rooftop walk on riddarholmen three years ago, it was also exciting in its own way but it was "only" about how Stockholm became Stockholm and how it has looked throughout history.
17 April 2016 - 11:41
Renate's travels says:
I love that you "play" tourist in your own city! It's so easy to forget the place you come from and just want to experience other places. Different places (especially those you come from) are so incredibly fascinating to hear about!
17 April 2016 - 12:17
Mr Steve says:
It was a good name for that city walk. Imagine how much the walls of the Old Town have to tell us.
17 April 2016 - 12:23
admin says:
Aila, ghost walk and murder walk also sounded very exciting! 🙂
Comsi Comsa, glad you liked the picture! Yes, the Old Town has a lot of interesting stories to tell 😉.
Lena in Wales, on both city walks it felt just like that, like there is a lot you don't know even though you think you know Stockholm...!
Linnea, roof walking sounds exciting! We can probably like all kinds of history, but I think it's extra interesting when it's about the lives of ordinary people!
Renate, yes we have really decided not to forget to look around in Stockholm! When we are still at home, we can take the opportunity to tour a bit here 😉.
Steve, yes it really feels like there are stories everywhere in the alleys! 🙂
17 April 2016 - 12:23
BP says:
Thanks for that tour of the Old Town. I can imagine that the houses have seen much of what you describe. Today it is condominiums that cost a fortune. Must feel strange to live in an apartment that was once a brothel.
I have been to Engelen a couple of times. The place has been around for years and days and is really nice with decent food.
Haven't been on a city walk, but thinking of doing one thanks to your posts:-)
17 April 2016 - 12:34
Solan says:
One of our best friends was the Stockholm expert Harald Norbelie. A well-known radio voice, he was even the Stockholmer of the Year once upon a time. So we have walked "Gata upp and gata ner" with him a number of times. Unfortunately Harald is no longer with us, he died last autumn. So my thoughts went directly to him when I read about your walk in Gamla Stan. Yes, Stockholm is a fantastic city in the world...
17 April 2016 - 12:47
Ama de casa says:
Interesting tour! I have never been on a city walk in Stockholm, a big miss, I feel. May take the opportunity next time we are there maybe. But it's usually pretty full on the schedule the times we are there ...
17 April 2016 - 15:14
Jeanette says:
Yes, I am super grateful to be living in the 21st century, especially after watching Historieätarna on TV! Gosh, tough call then...
sv: Hehe yes I wouldn't mind living permanently in a houseboat or lighthouse :)
17 April 2016 - 15:59
Ditte says:
These city walks are really nice to join and fun to get to know more of Stockholm and maybe experience and see things you didn't know before.
Over the years I have joined a lot of hikes in Stockholm and G.S and here is a knowledgeable guide a&o. I have a good friend who lives in G.S. and is a guide and have gone with him on various types of themed walks with small groups, 8-10, which is absolutely perfect.
Many years ago, I went on several walks in G.S. with the incredibly knowledgeable guide and Old Town resident Vera Sjöcrona, who has also written several books about the Old Town.
She lived in Sven Vintrappares gränd and Evert Taube's song about Vera in Vintrappargränd is about her.
Will definitely check out "Stockholm our Way" and their website because there is a lot to explore in Stockholm.
Glad you enjoyed the hike.
17 April 2016 - 16:22
admin says:
BP, yes there is probably a lot of history in the walls if you live in the Old Town! It must be interesting, but as you say, it might feel a bit strange too 😉.
Solan, it sounds like you have experienced very interesting city walks! Great to hear directly from knowledgeable people like that!
Ama de casa, I understand that there is a lot to do when you visit Sweden! 😉
Jeanette, I haven't seen that programme, but it sounds like an interesting way to approach history! I like history, but it's more exciting if you get to understand how ordinary people lived, just reciting kings can be a bit boring 😉.
Ditte, it sounds like you have experienced many different interesting city walks! History can be told from many different perspectives and the Old Town is of course one of the most interesting places because there is such a long history there!
17 April 2016 - 20:01
Maria's Memoirs says:
It was a fun alternative city walk 😉 That mailbox or whatever it is in the first picture looks familiar, I probably walked on that street last time I think 🙂 Too bad I didn't know the history behind that door.
11 June 2016 - 20:04