Said Belhaj is a professional mountaineer, travelling the world for various spectacular climbs. This year, he was awarded the "Male Adventurer of the Year" award on the grounds that he is "one of Sweden's most prolific climbers who seems to have no ambition whatsoever to slow down during what appears to be a sustained period of top form". The award was presented during the Vildmarksmässan in Stockholm and has previously been awarded to famous adventurers such as Ola Skinnarmo, Renata Chlumska and Fredrik Sträng.
In 2015, Said climbed over 130 routes, many of which are considered to be among the hardest in the world. But while Said is committed to mountaineering, he has other interests as well. He is also a photographer and a dedicated musician, performing solo and in various bands, preferably around the world. Right now, he is in Catalonia, Spain, embarking on his most difficult route yet. We have of course asked Said a bunch of curious questions!
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Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into climbing?
I was born in 1981 in Mölndal outside Gothenburg. My father is from Morocco and my mother from Finland and I speak 6 languages fluently. I have been climbing for 25 years, of which 15 professionally. I have also played music all my life, now focusing on music from North and West Africa, and play with various musicians and artists around the world. In addition, I am a photographer.
I started climbing mountains in the early 90s because I loved climbing. I didn't know what mountaineering was, didn't know any climbers, there was hardly any info at the time, etc. but an almost obsessive passion has led me to where I am today.
What gave you the courage to pursue climbing full-time? Did you never consider a regular job, such as a carpenter or a teacher?
I have always been a climber first. Achievements, sponsorship and everything else has come naturally. No, I've always just wanted to climb, so a "real profession" has never been an option. Then, of course, I have been very blessed to be able to do this full-time.
The motivation for the "Adventurer of the Year" says that you climbed trails in grades between 8a and 9a. What does that mean?
Yes, over 130 leaders at these grades in all disciplines of climbing, including solo, in 2015. That suggests a huge range, dedication and level. But it's not really that different from other years. In 2015, this was recognised for this nomination.

Can you tell us about your most exciting or dramatic climb?
Of course, that was in the beginning when climbing was an exploration and a great adventure. I had no credentials or experience back then. I just wanted to climb, but my equipment and knowledge was very poor so it paved the way for crazy and dangerous antics...
You have seen many countries during your climbing trips - are there any countries you particularly like and why?
I have travelled to over 40 countries to climb. In general, I like continents like Africa and Asia best. Not because the best climbing is there, because you never have to leave Europe, but because of the culture and the people.
How do you finance your travelling and how does a professional climber make money for rent?
I am a sponsor/ambassador for a number of brands, mainly in climbing. They pay my salary to do my thing and I have very free rein, meaning I do what I want. And what I do is in line with what they want to get out of the collaboration.
What trips are you planning and what are your plans for the year?
Right now I'm in Catalonia, Spain, trying to climb my most difficult route yet. The rest of the year I plan to climb in North Africa, North America and Asia.
Finally, a question we ask everyone we interview: What is your dream destination Said Belhaj?
Right now, Brazil is high on the list. But since it is very hot there, you should go there in our summer, that is, their winter. And since the Olympics are there this year during this period, I have to postpone this trip. I look forward to good climbing and a lot of music!

Thank you Said Belhaj for sharing your experiences and thoughts!
Top image: Said Belhaj at Railay beach, Thailand, photo: Terje Aamodt,
Åsa says:
Wow! What a man! And cool picture from Railey Beach where Sverker and I spent 3 months climbing, sometime in the 90s (96?) I have a pretty good idea of the level 8A, 9A as I climb myself. It's kind of supernatural. Against the law of gravity. I have been climbing for several years and in several countries, but more on the level that I rush up for fairly easy routes nowadays but like 6c max when I climbed the most. Anything above that feels physically impossible, but it's so cool that there are people who can do that!
23 April 2016 - 10:24
Ditte says:
What an adventurer! And I really like the idea of doing what you are passionate about.
I don't know anything about climbing except that I have read about it and seen people climbing in the Alps and in China and think it looks incredibly exciting.
Great photos !
Thank you for another good, well-done and informative interview.
But I don't think I should start climbing...
23 April 2016 - 10:29
Mr Steve says:
Wow, wow, wow! It's not hard to understand why he was chosen as "Male Adventurer of the Year". He's also six languages, a photographer and a musician. Phew!
Reading this, I don't feel much urgency to look in the rear-view mirror.
23 April 2016 - 10:32
Lanclin says:
6 languages fluently?! What planet does the man come from? 🙂
23 April 2016 - 10:47
BP says:
Talk about adventurers! Imagine being able to do your hobby in paid working hours. How marvellous!
23 April 2016 - 12:01
Anette says:
My goodness, what a man!!!
Railay Beach seems to be a paradise for climbers. It's fun to stand below and check them out. I like heights but don't have the physique to climb, unfortunately.
23 April 2016 - 13:26
admin says:
Åsa, how cool that you have been climbing there! It's also interesting to hear your reflections on the levels, since you have some knowledge!
Ditte, I probably won't go climbing either, but it looks fascinating! We saw some climbers in the Gorge du Verdon in France during our European trip, among other things, cool to see!
Steve, it's really not hard to understand why he was named Adventurer of the Year!
BP, it must be awesome to be able to do that! But of course you have to be dedicated!
Anette, I'm a bit afraid of heights myself, so of course that's a problem... but then I don't have the physics or the expertise either 😉 .
23 April 2016 - 14:17
Lena in Wales says:
Thanks for an interesting and exciting read!
In addition to climbing, he also knows many languages.
What a guy!
23 April 2016 - 18:33
Eva - People in the Street says:
I was very active as a climber in the 90s (then it was almost exclusively climbing trips and some diving trips) and remember when Said's name began to appear in climbing contexts. Right from the start a real talent whose name has continued to appear every time I read a climbing magazine many years later! The fact that he speaks six languages makes him even more amazing! Impressive guy!
I myself managed to lead 7a+ and go 8- top belayed (now we are talking climbing grades not only from Sweden but also from France) as the best merits. A wonderful time that became a real lifestyle, especially when I lived a few years in Östersund which was a perfect city for a climber.
Great that you have recognised Said! Thanks for, once again, very interesting reading! 🙂
23 April 2016 - 21:08
Ama de casa says:
Gosh... And I thought I was good when I climbed the Calpeklippan 😉.
What a person! I get vertigo just looking at the pictures... 🙂 ...
23 April 2016 - 22:26
Casa Annika says:
Oh, how exciting! Completely new to me. And what incredible pictures.
23 April 2016 - 23:52
admin says:
Lena in Wales, glad you enjoyed the read!
Eva, but so interesting to hear about your climbing and how you as a climber also heard about Said. And wow, you seem to have done some really tough climbs!
Ama de casa, I'm like you, I get vertigo easily. I think I prefer to watch and be fascinated by the climbers from the ground 😉.
Casa Annika, glad you enjoyed the post! I agree that the photos are fantastic.
24 April 2016 - 8:16
Inga Magnusson says:
Wow, what an amazing person with such a wide range in his life; climbing, travelling, music etc. And what a luxury to be able to organise his life so that everything can be done, not having to make a living from jobs that he wouldn't want to do.
24 April 2016 - 8:32
Role o Carina says:
Awesome worse,I settled for climbing trees as a youngster! 🙂
Take care.....
24 April 2016 - 9:30
Deciree says:
You could call that an adventurer 🙂 and a bit of a superman. So many languages and seems to know everything he does. Good for him 🙂
25 April 2016 - 7:07
admin says:
Inga M, to work with what you are passionate about must be the best thing in life, no matter what it is! 🙂
Rolle and Carina, haha, me too 😉 .
Deciree, yes indeed! 🙂
25 April 2016 - 7:24
Hallin on the Resia blog says:
I'm so impressed by adventurers of all kinds because I know I would never ever come close to a single adventure of this kind! What pictures, makes my hands sweat just looking at them : )
25 April 2016 - 14:32