Now it's time to tell you more about what we did in Pécs in southern Hungary. This included a visit to a champagne cellar where we tried pezsgö, beer from microbreweries and really good food at the Zsolnay cultural centre.
Table of contents
Pécs in southern Hungary
Pécs is located in southern Hungary, not far from the Croatian border, and you can read even more about the city and its attractions in the following article.
Visit to a champagne cellar (pezsgö)
In Pécs we visited a Swedish-Hungarian champagne producer, and also had a tasting. "Champagne" is actually the wrong word, of course, because that word can only be used when the drink comes from the Champagne district in France. In Hungary, the drink is called "Pezsgö", and like champagne, it has natural bubbles.

Have you ever tried Pezsgö? We hadn't, and unfortunately we couldn't do it now either... because it was out of stock. Instead, we got to try regular sparkling wine and white Chardonnay, which tasted very good. In general, we think that the white wine has been very good in Hungary.

Balkan bistro and beer from microbreweries
After the wine tasting, we had dinner at Egylet, which consists of two businesses coming together: a bistro serving Balkan food and a beer pub selling beer from microbreweries. A very relaxed and nice place where we drank various interesting beers (including fruit beers) and had a very "meaty" dinner consisting of cevapcici, pljeskavica, sausages, bread and ajvar.

Cultural centre and really good food
Pécs is also home to the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter. This was once home to the Zsolnay family, who were famous for their porcelain production. Today the centre houses several museums (including a very nice porcelain museum) and a lot of other cultural activities. The neighbourhood is beautiful, with special buildings and statues everywhere.

Best of all, there was a really good restaurant, where we had a fantastic 4-course dinner. For example, one of the gang thought that the dessert was the best dessert she had ever had. ever ate, and that's a good grade!

More to see and do in Hungary
There is of course much more to see and experience in Hungary. For example, you can visit the capital city of Budapest and the smaller town Tata, with food and wine in a rural setting. You can also taste wines in wine regions Villány in southern Hungary. Below you will find even more tips for Hungary.
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Ama de casa says:
Looked as good as ever! Good thing it's breakfast here soon... 😉 That eatery looked really nice with low tables and happy colours. I myself have come to the age that tables and chairs are best when they have a "normal height" 🙂.
Who is the guide was pretty easy to figure out there in the first picture. It was of course her who was NOT holding a camera/phone... 😀.
08 June 2016 - 7:41
Lennart says:
Looks good!
08 June 2016 - 8:43
Henny says:
Wow, you get to experience a lot of fun and interesting things. Nice that you blog about so I can read and enjoy it too.
08 June 2016 - 8:49
Henny says:
Forgot to say that the photos are absolutely stunning. Which of you is the most diligent photographer?
08 June 2016 - 8:50
admin says:
Ama de casa, haha Sherlock! Now that you say that, I can understand that it is possible to figure out who are the travel bloggers.... 😉 (And most of the tables were in normal height actually. I can agree that it is more comfortable, at least when eating.)
Lennart, that was not stupid at all! 😉
Henny, glad you like our blog and our photos! We both take just as many photos (we each have our own camera). Usually my pictures end up here and Peter's pictures on Instagram, but from time to time I borrow his pictures here too. Among other things, he takes very nice food pictures with his macro lens. In this post, Peter has taken the top picture (of course ;)) as well as the picture with the red flowers and the picture of the soup.
08 June 2016 - 9:10
Jeanette says:
No what a shame that it ended! Looks like a wonderful excursion:)
08 June 2016 - 9:46
Biggeros says:
Wow, what a gourmet trip! Even wine tasting is interesting. I don't think I have tried Peszgö. That soup with fried shrimp looks very appetising. So much you get to experience. Hugs
08 June 2016 - 10:17
Mr Steve says:
Much enjoyment in this post.
Strange "children's furniture" in the Balkan bistro Egylet.
08 June 2016 - 10:31
Lisa & life on the bright side says:
What a wonderful trip - and with good food and drink too, importantly!
Sad that you did not get to test the bubble, but sounded like a good trip so you will probably come back. And then you inspire all of us so if (when) I come to Hungary, I promise to test and report! 🙂
08 June 2016 - 10:42
Emma, sun like sun? says:
It was almost a little bad there that the bubble was out! But that's what makes you have (another) reason to come back!
That soup looked really good!
08 June 2016 - 10:46
Anna, Travel on a Cloud says:
What fun to read about Pécs and your experiences there! It looks incredibly cosy and beautiful. I really like that you got to visit so many places you might not have found as a private tourist. Smile in recognition that everything may not be there or go according to plan ... 😉 It was wonderful, anyway!
08 June 2016 - 13:56
admin says:
Jeanette, great trip! And we were comforted quite well with other drinks 😉 .
Biggeros, that was a lot of experiences in a short time, so to speak!
Steve, haha, I didn't think about the "children's furniture" when we were there, it was probably just those benches at the guys' table that were low... 😉.
Lisa, yes now I would like to try pezsgö! If not exactly there, then at least somewhere else in Hungary...!
Emma, sun as sun, yes we will go back to Hungary when we have the opportunity and try pezsgö!
Anna, yes, that's what's a little fun with these trips, that you get guidance and come to places that you would otherwise never visit. And yes haha, it was a bit messy sometimes, mostly because they wanted to squeeze so much into the programme, I think 😉.
08 June 2016 - 19:30
Goatfish says:
What a wonderful trip you had and great pictures!
Food and drink are delicious in Hungary 😉 .
I have mostly looked at your Insta, as my wifi has not been the best.
Yes, I have tasted the German version of champagne on my trip, namely sekt.
And gained proper knowledge about wines, if it gets stuck in my Teflon brain 😀 Home now. Quite tired.
Sunny hug from Lidköping!
08 June 2016 - 19:33
travelmania says:
What wonderful inspiration you offer! It really makes me want to go to Budapest, and you have changed my mind about the food. It actually looks delicious!!! And nice picture of the soup!!!
08 June 2016 - 19:55
BP says:
Until a week ago I didn't even know Pécs existed. Now the name has stuck thanks to your posts. Yes, I know that the cooperation with Hungarian Tourism is meant to attract tourists to places other than Budapest as well. I think Pécs seems to be an extremely sympathetic place that has a lot to offer. Microbreweries - yes please! The food - no thanks, but the bistro is clearly my favourite:-)
08 June 2016 - 20:41
Ditte says:
Great to see, know and read more about Hungary . because there is much more than Budapest.
The fact that the bubbly wine was out and that some other things (I have understood by reading the others' blogs) did not turn out as planned gives an extra grumble to the experience.
The prawn soup would suit me, but otherwise the food feels "too heavy" for me.
And microbreweries are nice. Have visited a couple in Åland.
Lovely pictures and hope you are now resting.
08 June 2016 - 21:42
admin says:
Geddfish, we are actually very happy with the food and thought it was really good throughout the Hungary trip! Interesting with the German version of champagne! I also think it is not so easy to remember everything, but the blog is good for memory 😉.
Travelmania, we got very good food during this trip! (Albeit large portions, haha)
BP, we liked Pécs! I myself probably opened my eyes to Hungary a little in general, I could imagine travelling around in a motorhome here! When it comes to food, the taste is like the cake 😉 We were very happy with the food (even though it was cruelly large portions sometimes...)
Ditte, haha, what fun that you are around and read about the trip on different blogs 😉 The food is quite stubborn, I can agree with that. In that way, it reminds me a bit of Poland, where we learned to only order a starter to start with, to see how much you can handle 😉 Otherwise we think everything tasted good!
08 June 2016 - 21:43
Role o Carina says:
Looks like an absolutely wonderful Gourmé trip 🙂 .
Take care and enjoy.....
08 June 2016 - 22:16
Susjos says:
Yummy how good everything looks! Really want to see Hungary, have heard so many good things about Budapest!
09 June 2016 - 0:18
admin says:
Rolle o Carina, it was really a gourmet trip 🙂 .
Susjos, Budapest is a great city and there is also more to see in Hungary as we have learnt 😉.
09 June 2016 - 7:22
Kristin says:
Hi, I read that you visited a fantastic restaurant where you had a 4-course dinner. What is its name?
07 May 2019 - 14:37