Everything seems to have its own day these days and tomorrow (18 June) is Motorhome Day. It's also International Juggling Day, International Picnic Day, Peony Day and Naturism Day. So lots of choices for tomorrow!
Motorhome Day - what is it?
Motorhome Day is celebrated every year on the Saturday before Midsummer, and this year it falls on 18 June. This day, which focuses on motorhome life, was apparently created by Motorhome Friends.
How to celebrate this day is a bit unclear to us, but maybe you have some tips? Have you celebrated Motorhome Day before, or will you do so this year?

Other days to celebrate
So 18 June this year is Motorhome Day, but it's also reportedly International Juggling Day, International Picnic Day, Peony Day and Naturism Day. Everyone wants their own day!
What are you doing tomorrow?
We will not be out with the motorhome tomorrow. Our motorhome FREEDOM has actually stood still all spring, but we will travel more during August - October. Then we will take the motorhome to Stora Nolia in Piteå and to the Elmia fair in Stockholm. Jönköping.
We won't be juggling, picking peonies or walking around naked in the Pampas marina tomorrow either. Does it count as a picnic if we have lunch or dinner (with clothes) on deck?
How will you celebrate Motorhome Day tomorrow? Or will you be celebrating Juggling Day, Peony Day or Naturism Day?

Lanclin says:
I don't have a camper van (yet), I can't juggle and it's way too cold in Bavaria for both picnics and going naked. It looks dark on the celebration front for me 😉 However, I am a big fan of peonies which I had huge, beautiful and fragrant in the garden in Sweden. The beautiful flowers are worth a little celebration I think! 🙂
17 June 2016 - 9:29
Johnny Friskilä says:
Juggling, picking peonies and walking around naked in the Pampas marina sounds great, doesn't it?
17 June 2016 - 9:30
linah says:
great pictures!
17 June 2016 - 9:40
Solan says:
We are in Skåne with the rolling cabin...thinking of celebrating it with a wash. That's how funny we are 🙂
17 June 2016 - 10:00
Mr Steve says:
International Picnic Day tomorrow. I didn't realise that. Thank you for that reminder. I will immediately book a picnic with D tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
17 June 2016 - 10:20
Ama de casa says:
Tomorrow we are going to have a kind of picnic on the neighbours' terrace before going out to eat, but I think everyone will have their clothes on. You can never be too sure though... 😉.
Have a great Friday!
17 June 2016 - 10:47
admin says:
Lanclin, you can celebrate with some peonies! 😉 Wishing you a nice weekend!
Johnny, haha, yes that sounds like a good weekend plan!? 😉
Linah, glad you like the pictures!
Solan, haha, the car probably feels celebrated then! 😉 Wish you a nice weekend and hope you have better weather than us!?
Steve, hope you have nice picnic weather then! 😉 (No fun weather here right now...)
Ama de casa, you should never be sure of anything in life 😉 Wishing you a nice weekend!
17 June 2016 - 11:42
Snows says:
I celebrate the day by going south. However, not with a motorhome but with a regular car, but it may pass 😉.
Have a nice weekend!
17 June 2016 - 11:55
Fantasy Dining says:
I'm celebrating International Picnic Day tomorrow with a lovely Jane Austin inspired picnic day at Tjolöholm Castle.
17 June 2016 - 12:15
AuntieGlad says:
Didn't know there was a day for the bo-car...the campervan. But now I know.
But I don't have a motorhome ..I guess I celebrate something else instead. By the way.....You always have something that you can celebrate every day, if you now think about it hehe.
Have a nice Friday and hugs.
17 June 2016 - 12:24
Sussi says:
So convenient to have a motorhome... My parents have and are travelling a lot. Fortunately, you can borrow sometimes 🙂
17 June 2016 - 12:30
Anita MAlta says:
Finally downloaded your page !!!! Sitting in Sarawak a few miles outside Kuching and the connection here is lousy. Tomorrow I hope it is better otherwise it will be to "just be". Checking in here again when we are home in Malta again, just in time for Midsummer and a working internet 🙂.
17 June 2016 - 12:59
admin says:
Znogge, where are you going? Wishing you a pleasant journey!!!
FantasyDining, but what a perfect and cosy celebration! 🙂
Auntie Happy, isn't that right? You can always find something to celebrate! 😉
Sussi, a motorhome is fantastically convenient, soooo good to have the house with you! Great that you can borrow your parents' motorhome sometimes!
Anita Malta, oh, it is soooo hard when you have to wait for the pages to load... Take care and welcome back when you have better internet!
17 June 2016 - 13:21
Netti Starby says:
I had no idea that the house picture had its own day 😀 Hugs!
17 June 2016 - 13:52
Ditte says:
I appreciate everything that can be celebrated and if I don't find anything suitable, I invent it myself. As for tomorrow, a picnic would have fit well, but it feels a bit hard to drag tables and chairs on a bicycle to sit comfortably, so we probably go to the restaurant version with a sea view instead.
I don't have any peonies but they can be included for that, no motorhome and I can't juggle. And I keep my clothes on because the sun is strong ...
17 June 2016 - 14:02
me says:
Thank you for visiting me! Your beautiful pictures are not completely unfamiliar to me.
Today, a little later, I will celebrate with a picnic in front of the TV and hope that Sweden lives up to all the high expectations!
17 June 2016 - 14:12
Annika says:
We have the in-laws' motorhome on our farm right now. They are about to sell it, because we have been the only ones using it for the last few years. Sad for us. Have a nice Friday. Hugs Annika
17 June 2016 - 14:34
admin says:
Netti Starby, there seem to be days for everything, including campervans 😉.
Ditte, haha that's the right attitude, of course there is always a reason to celebrate! And the restaurant variant does not sound stupid either! 😉
Moi, it sounds like a perfect celebration! Peter will also bench in front of the match and I will cheer from a distance (not sufficiently interested in football to watch a match ;)).
Annika, too bad for you, it's perfect to be able to borrow! But if they do not use it, I understand that they want to sell.
17 June 2016 - 14:41
Goatfish says:
For a while I had a theme of putting a headline after every day of the theme page. But sometimes they were too many 😉
Otherwise, I like to celebrate everything that is possible.
Now I have celebrated the youngest daughter since Tuesday and she just went home. So I'll probably celebrate tomorrow by just being and soaking up the memories and the happy laughter 😀.
Wishing you a nice Friday in your lovely houseboat!
PS. We have a nude pool just outside of town, but I'm NOT going there 😉.
17 June 2016 - 15:33
Erase says:
Am I boring if I say that there are so many days nowadays to pay attention that I rarely have time for anyone? 🙂 I actually also missed the chocolate ball day and that, to be me is completely crazy. But no, possibly I can stretch to have some juggling training for the kids tomorrow!
17 June 2016 - 16:07
Emma, sun like sun? says:
I don't have a motorhome, I can barely juggle, I'm only a nudist at home, I haven't seen any peonies here on the Sunshine Coast, picnic ...
Picnic? Maybe so...it's been a long time since we had one.
17 June 2016 - 16:16
admin says:
Geddfish, I can understand that there were too many! There seems to be as many theme days as possible!!! Nice with celebrations! Wishing you a nice weekend!
Ämma, haha I understand you! It was hardly that I was aware of the Day of the Motorhome, even though I am a motorhome lover. There are so many theme days... But juggling training with the kids sounds like a great idea 🙂 .
Emma sun like sun, well why not a little picnic tomorrow? 🙂
17 June 2016 - 17:51
My says:
Had no idea there were so many days tomorrow. May well try to squeeze in a picnic at My Summer Retreat and look at the Peonies there. I don't have a motorhome, so I'll probably have to skip it.
17 June 2016 - 18:47
BP says:
All these theme days. I wonder who invented them and why.
As you can see, I don't celebrate either day.
17 June 2016 - 19:02
Jessica Meijer says:
What a fantastic picture... it's wonderfully beautiful, summer, sun and an absolutely beautiful motorhome 🙂 .
I hope you are doing well.
17 June 2016 - 19:19
Matts Torebring says:
Let's celebrate Motorhome Day at one of the best campsites in France, http://www.domainelabergerie.com
17 June 2016 - 20:50
admin says:
Ma, it gets kind of hard if you have to dot ALL the stuff haha. But picnics are indeed cosy, if the weather is nice 😉.
BP, yes... I suspect it's everything from entrepreneurs to non-profit organisations that want to pursue a cause... but there have been a few too many of them lately... although I do like "Motorhome Day" 😉 .
Jessica, thank you and glad you like our motorhome!
Matts, wonderful! Just the right celebration 🙂 .
17 June 2016 - 20:50
Freya says:
With my skin, which burns if I even think about going out in the sun, it will just have to be a naked day if it rains tomorrow. Maybe a nature shower!
17 June 2016 - 21:34
Role o Carina says:
Great, Motorhome Day, we really like that!
Since it's a working weekend, we'll have to sneak in.
in this one at home and have a coffee in it, good enough 🙂 .
Enjoy and celebrate at .......
17 June 2016 - 21:58
admin says:
Freja, haha "natural shower" was a good word! Just to bring some shampoo 😉
Rolle and Carina, it is always cosy in the motorhome, even when it is at home 😉.
17 June 2016 - 22:45
Shamrock says:
Alas, all these days...
17 June 2016 - 22:50
Mr Lars Permelin says:
As far as I know, people celebrate Motorhome Day in whatever way they want or think of. It's a free-for-all. You don't have to be in or with the motorhome either. Ours is loaded and ready for a trip next week.
17 June 2016 - 23:43
Anki says:
Oh yes ... so many theme days there are - what if you were to celebrate all of them ðŸ™'
18 June 2016 - 3:22
Kate says:
Hello there, is the Day of the Caravan or do we run on the same??!!! 🙂 No camping this weekend, instead there will be a baptism for the granddaughter <3 But next weekend we go to Dalarna and celebrate Midsummer with a large part of the family!!!
18 June 2016 - 8:04
admin says:
Shamrock, a lot to keep track of if you want to keep track of everyone, haha 😉.
Lars Permelin, that sounds like a free and good way to celebrate. We'll settle for simply honouring the motorhome (and having an exciting Guest of the Week travelling in a motorhome ;)).
Anki, there will be much celebration then! 😉
Kate, haha, no idea!? But take the opportunity to celebrate just in case, at best there are two days to celebrate! 😉
18 June 2016 - 9:12
Across the board says:
It has passed us by. It can be fun to have different days for different things.
18 June 2016 - 9:57
Marina says:
Well, I don't have a camper van, I don't think I'm going to spend the day wandering around naked, I don't have any peonies, so that leaves a picnic, but it sounds pretty nice, so why not...?
18 June 2016 - 10:10
Sweet Juliet says:
Love the big nolia, can't wait until it's in Umeå again 😀.
en: Thank you, enjoy your holiday if you have one 😀.
18 June 2016 - 11:54
Rantamor on the retina says:
Rantafar and I are celebrating Motorhome Day and Naturist Day,
and because on our last trip to Gotland and home over the Dala mountains we ended up at a naturist campsite....
However, I can say a little different, but completely harmless really, if only the Norwegian neighbour had not been so damn grumpy, we did not dare to eat breakfast out in the morning before we left because then he would surely have come and grumbled and maybe dipped the dong in my felt plate.....hahahaha
Tjingtjong from Rantamor.
18 June 2016 - 15:42
admin says:
Criss-cross, yes, you can choose what you want to celebrate, and we are happy to choose the Motorhome Day 😉.
Marina, why not? Wishing you a nice weekend!
Lovely Julia, glad you like Stora Nolia, we haven't been there before!
Rantamor on Retina, haha, it was quite funny to read about your visit to the naturist campsite! 😉
18 June 2016 - 17:50
Ulrika says:
How cosy with all these different days so you can choose to celebrate almost every day! WE celebrated the day of naturism as it is so hot here in Honduras ;)! Hope you had a lovely day wherever you are 🙂 🙂!
19 June 2016 - 3:40