On our last day in Hungary, we travelled from Pécs to the Villány wine region in southern Hungary. And in between we actually made it to Harkány, for a visit to a hotel with a thermal bath.
Healthful thermal baths in Harkány
Hungary, as you may know, is famous for its healthy thermal baths, with water from springs rich in sulphur and minerals. Harkány has been known for its healthy water for 150 years and many people go here for SPA and medical treatments. We visited Thermal Hotel Hárkany which offers wellness and baths, which are said to be good for psoriasis, among other things.

One liiite The problem at the hotel was that no one spoke English. When we went to check out, the staff had packed nice breakfast packages for us and we wanted to ask for a plastic knife, but even though all the staff gathered, and even though one of us spoke German, we could not make ourselves understood ...
The campsite is located right next to the hotel Thermal Kemping that we checked out. Prices depend on the number of people and time of year, but seemed to be around €15/night (2016).

Wine regions Villány
The highlight of this part of the trip was the excursion to the Villány wine region. There are lots of small family-owned vineyards and wine cellars, some of which also have sales and restaurants.
We visited the Blum family's wine cellar and it was really very cosy. They set a table outside in the warm evening where we were served wine and lots of good snacks, all locally produced: salami and ham, cheeses, vegetables, potato salad and bread. And of course the (delicious!) local soft cheese körözött, flavoured with ... paprika of course!

The whole place was incredibly cosy, located in the green and quiet countryside. At the same time, the atmosphere was nice and a little relaxed - from time to time taxis stopped with small groups of locals who wanted to eat and drink.

Of course there was a wine tasting too! We got to go down to the cellar where we were served some white, but above all different red wines. Everything was good and nice, although we are actually most impressed by the white wines in Hungary. Have you tried Hungarian wines? What do you think?

More to see and do in Hungary
There is of course much more to experience around Hungary. Not far from Hárkany and Villány you can visit Pécs, which offers everything from historical remains to champagne, or pezsgö as it is called. You can also experience the capital city of Budapest and the locality Tata, with food and wine in a rural setting. You can find even more tips below.
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JoY says:
So many nice things you have experienced on the trip. No, I haven't drunk any Hungarian wine as far as I remember.
09 June 2016 - 8:44
Johnny Friskilä says:
Looks like a successful trip I must say! And yes, I have tried Hungarian wines. Their sparkling on the system is absolutely affordable. In addition, I have a bottle of Tokaji from 1990 lying at home. 🙂
09 June 2016 - 8:52
admin says:
JoY, yes there were indeed many nice experiences! Albeit a bit hectic 😉
Johnny, Tokaj wine is fantastic! It sounds like you have a gem at home! And then maybe you should try their sparkling on the system! 😉
09 June 2016 - 9:02
Ama de casa says:
What wonderful and inspiring excursions you got to do! Yes, and tasty too, of course 🙂 ...
Here, for some reason, it is mostly Spanish wines. But I have tried Tokaj wine at some point anyway. 🙂
09 June 2016 - 9:14
Jessica - The Shetland Wife says:
Oh! What a holiday; food, wine, spa..sounds great! Beautiful pictures. Have not yet tried Hungarian wines....
09 June 2016 - 10:10
OnTrip.com says:
It sounds absolutely fantastic and as if you have had a really good trip. Super exciting to read about your experience and wine tasting is always a wonderful experience;-)
09 June 2016 - 10:45
Goatfish says:
Great pictures and great excursions! What a holiday for you, even if stressful.
I haven't tried thermal baths, we actually didn't have time when we were in Hungary, but I would like to.
I then tried Hungarian wine.
Yes, wine, yes. It is so great to visit local winemakers and get to try both food and wine. You get knowledge in return. I will never forget my trip to Germany, no never.
Take care, hugs! 😀
09 June 2016 - 11:06
Ditte says:
You've seen and experienced so much in this short time and it's great to share it with you.
The visit here in southern Hungary in these wine regions seems very nice. And fun to try more of the Hungarian wines.
I have bought the sweeter dessert wine Tokaji at home on a few occasions, and occasionally Hungarian red and white wine. But the competition is so great in the wine area that it is not so often they are bought. The difference is if you are in a country, then I prefer cola wines.
I have tried thermal baths in Budapest at Keller and it was an experience. We were there for several hours and with different treatments.
09 June 2016 - 11:06
Matts Torebring says:
The thermal baths are probably cool. We got a little taste of this in Lake Balaton. The white shirt I was wearing at the time turned yellow on the inside of the collar, ten days after swimming and despite at least one shower a day. Have a good time!
09 June 2016 - 12:43
admin says:
Ama de casa, when you are in Spain it is mostly Spanish wines... 😉 And yes, a lot of nice excursions were made! 🙂
Jessica, a great trip! Unfortunately we were a bit short on time, but I would love to go back to Hungary!
Ontripdk, a very good trip, which makes you want to see more of Hungary!
Geddfish, I know you won't forget your trip to Germany! Visiting small local wineries like this is really super nice. It's always nice to try wine, but the environment does a lot too! 😉
Ditte, it was really a lot of experiences in a short time! 😉 We have also bought Tokaj at home once, very good! But it is true that there is great competition when it comes to wines. In Sweden there is at least a large selection, which I like.
Matts, oh sounds a bit hard to be so yellow haha, but hopefully you get some good health in return, who knows? If nothing else, a nice experience maybe 😉.
09 June 2016 - 13:14
Åsa says:
Thermal baths and wine! Two things I love. Staying here anyway. No thermal bath but I can always have an extra glass of wine.
09 June 2016 - 14:10
Mr Steve says:
You have certainly enjoyed your stay in Hungary both internally and externally.
My only trip to Hungary was to a spa with baths and treatments of the most diverse kind. Some a bit too violent, treatments, not least for me as this was only a year after my stroke and I was then wheelchair bound. I still don't really understand how D and I managed that trip.
Strange about the language problems. Now that Hungary wants to invest in tourism, it is a necessity that at least some of the staff master English.
Glad you also found a campsite for any future trips.
09 June 2016 - 16:26
admin says:
Åsa, haha, really enjoy your extra glass of wine! 🙂
Steve, yes I've read that the treatments can be a bit tough at times, so I can understand that it wasn't a game! Yes, in our opinion it doesn't really make sense to address a Scandinavian audience if none of the staff speak English. I don't expect ordinary people around the villages to do it (then you have to use sign language ;)) but in a big hotel it feels a bit important. Most of the guests at the hotel were Russians and Germans so I guess these languages work better (although the morning staff was not so well versed in German either ;)). In the other hotels we stayed, however, English was no problem!
09 June 2016 - 17:40
steel city anna says:
So many nice things you got to experience on your trip! I have caught up with all the Hungary posts 🙂 .
A little bit of rancour with hotel staff who don't speak English :). What languages do people in Hungary usually know besides their own?
09 June 2016 - 17:42
admin says:
Steel city Anna, haha, what a nice attitude you have to the language confusion 🙂 I think it is relatively common for people in Hungary to speak German, it can probably work better with German than English sometimes.
09 June 2016 - 18:09
BP says:
So the first picture in the post is soooo good!
I think it is great what you have been offered. What fantastically beautiful environments.
The English language in Hungary is about as bad as in Poland and Latvia, and not much better in Spain either, come to think of it.
I have been drinking Tokay wine. But since I don't like sweet wines, it fell by the wayside.
09 June 2016 - 20:35
Lennart says:
What a nice trip you had!
09 June 2016 - 20:41
admin says:
BP, glad you like the picture! It's Peters 😉 And that language confusion happens everywhere... not least in Spain and Italy! 😉
Lennart, indeed, many great experiences! 🙂
10 June 2016 - 8:59
Jeanette says:
I can't say I've tried Hungarian wines at all to be honest. Maybe I'll think about it next time I'm on the system 🙂.
13 June 2016 - 20:31
Elisabeth says:
Both tasty and nice!
15 June 2016 - 12:23