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Chateau Lednice - magnificent summer palace in the Czech Republic

Lednice. Getting a summer house has been popular from time to time even in Sweden, but usually you think of something small and relatively simple. So I definitely thought not the Liechtenstein family when they acquired Chateau Lednice in the southern Czech Republic back in the day. The bigger the better seems to have been their motto.


A family without economic hardship

It was at the end of the 13th century that the Liechtenstein family became owners of a Gothic fortress in Lednice. The family held high positions in the military and acquired further wealth by marrying smart (read: rich).

Chateau Lednice

In the 17th century, one of the family members, Karel Liechtenstein, was also granted princely status and a duchy. Then, when the nobility managed to put down an attempted rebellion, the family took the opportunity to 'seize' property confiscated from the rebels, making them the richest in the area.


Chateau Lednice - today a museum

Chateau Lednice, which today serves as museum, dates from 1846-1858, when Prince Alois II of Lichtenstein decided that Vienna was not suitable for summer holidays. Instead, he had the castle in Lednice rebuilt with sumptuous rooms for banquets for the European aristocracy.

Chateau Lednice Tjeckien
One of all the rooms in the castle
Lednice Tjeckien
The magnificent building on the left is ... the stables.
Lednice slott

Leave his castle Chateau Lednice

During World War II, the Lichtenstein family was forced to leave Chateau Lednice, which was confiscated by the state, and they simply went to ... Lichtenstein. Leaving this castle can't have been fun, but the guides convinced us that we don't have to feel sorry for the family, which is apparently still one of the very richest.

The family took a lot of furniture and gadgets with them, but left the permanent furnishings behind.

The castle garden

Now we were content to stroll around the fantastic castle garden and take a turn in the splendid greenhouse. Peter has also made a little film from here, with a "fairy tale" theme!

Helena Tjeckien

The city of Mikulov and the wine regions

If you visit Lednice Castle, there is much more to see in the surrounding area. Firstly, you can visit the stunningly beautiful small town of Mikulov and Mikulov Castle (which was also owned by the Lichtenstein family!). There is also the wine region Velke Bilovice next door, where white wine is primarily produced.

Peter in Mikulov (in the background is the castle)
All our top tips for the Czech Republic. Click on the image!

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